Hyperborea Did Not Sink Completely. Part Two - Alternative View

Hyperborea Did Not Sink Completely. Part Two - Alternative View
Hyperborea Did Not Sink Completely. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea Did Not Sink Completely. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Hyperborea Did Not Sink Completely. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Aristogenesis Episode 2 pt.I - the Hyperborean Myth 2024, September

- Part one -

The symbolism of the linear zodiac is somewhat different from the symbolism of the round one, because the round zodiac reflects the situation in astrological time, and the linear zodiac - in the physical, which is always moving forward.

In the left and right halves of the linear zodiac, the Decans (time) float in boats along the body of the sky goddess Nut, symbolizing outer space. Each boat must have one decan if they reflect the normal course of events. Let's start with the left half. The direction of the Decans' movement from top to bottom along the left half, then - the transition to the right, reflects the counterclockwise movement, as in the round Zodiac.

Deans 1 and 2 are depicted under the constellation Leo, each in his own boat. Everything is going fine, as usual. Then Nut gives birth to the Scarab (Cancer). Time moves to the right half. Two halves are a symbolic division of the time scale (historical epochs) into two parts: the left one - before the flood, the right one - after it (the birth of a new time).

In the second half of the Zodiac, in the sector of the born Scarab (Cancer), at the very beginning, along the body of Nut, a small boat floats with the Dean-Cobra standing on lotus 3, and behind it, in one boat, three Decans 4 are depicted at once. Here it is - the superposition. This area is circled in the figure.

Three Decans in one boat is an indication of an unusual event, when three Decans fit in a period of time for one Decan. Three Decans ended up in one boat because the Sun, after the catastrophe, made a zodiacal rollback two Decans, and then resumed its normal movement along the line of the ecliptic according to Deccan 1 - three in total. In other words, during the time allotted to one Deccan, the Sun has passed through the sky three Decans, which corresponds to the record on the round Dendera Zodiac.

By combining the records of both Zodiacs, we can confidently assert that the entire zodiac sequence of the event was as follows: the Earth passed through the Age of Leo, entered the Age of Cancer, having stayed there for the first minute of the first degree, that is, one shortened Deccan (therefore, the boat in which Cobra sits is small). And then a disaster occurs. In the zodiac, the Earth makes a "leap in time", rolling back in the Age of Leo. And then, having passed the same zone "according to the epoch of Leo" from his heart to Cancer twice, the Earth returns to the same place where it was already at the time of the catastrophe. In other words, part of the Age of Leo and the initial Deccan of the Age of Cancer was passed by the Earth twice.

Little Deccan 3 and the next rook 4 with three Decans, they say that the period from the moment of the catastrophe and "breakdown of the precessional mechanism", The Deccan is 720 years equal to the 2160 Epoch. In terms of physical time, everything happened within one Dean.

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Let's go back to the Round Dendera Zodiac. From the moment B, when, after the restoration of the precession mechanism, the Sun began its normal movement along the line of the ecliptic, counting "new time" on the Dendera Zodiac, it has passed a little more than 18 full Decans. If the number of years since the catastrophe (13659 years) is divided by the duration of one Deccan (720 years), the result will be 18.9 Decans. The difference between the timeline of the Dendera Zodiac and simple arithmetic is 0.9 Decan. If we translate this value into years, then it will be equal to 648 years. This means that the "fold in time" (reverse movement of the zodiacal time) was a little more than 600 years.

All these oddities with the Decans (when comparing the Zodiacs, taking into account the error associated with a gradual, barely noticeable change in the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis) give the "discrepancy" in 608 years that exists between modern astronomy and astrology.

Not believing in the depth of knowledge of the ancients, neither astronomers nor astrologers even guessed to look for an answer from the Egyptians to this obvious discrepancy. Well, Egyptologists, archaeologists, historians are not sufficiently savvy in the fundamental sciences to at least formulate the question correctly.

In practice, as a result of the events described above, the world zodiac clock shows the time incorrectly today - everything has changed long ago. And not in a single publication, or in conversations with professional astrologers, will you be able to find out the reason why astrologically it is believed that the Earth has already entered the Age of Aquarius. The day of the vernal equinox, at the location of which in a particular sign of the zodiac is given the name of the Epoch, in 2006 fell on March 18. On this day, the sky showed that about 3/5 of the way had been passed through the territory of the constellation Pisces, and the transition of the vernal equinox to the constellation Aquarius will come in some 608 years. The date of the transition to the Age of Aquarius was designated by the International Astronomical Union: it is 2614. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look closely at the sky. Therefore, following the ocean of life, peoplethose who trusted astrologers and astrological charts found themselves and will find themselves in the same position as Christopher Columbus, who tried to find America using a copy of the antediluvian map. As you remember, he missed his destination by almost 1000 miles. The same awaits people trying to navigate the tangled currents of life according to the old astrological chart. In practice, this means that the astrological rhythms of horoscopes are in no way consistent with the real rhythms of cosmoenergetic and cosmic-social cycles, from which it follows that astrology lives in abstract time, therefore, to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.he missed his destination by nearly 1,000 miles. The same awaits people trying to navigate the tangled currents of life according to the old astrological chart. In practice, this means that the astrological rhythms of horoscopes are in no way consistent with the real rhythms of cosmoenergetic and cosmic-social cycles, from which it follows that astrology lives in abstract time, therefore, to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.he missed his destination by nearly 1,000 miles. The same awaits people trying to navigate the confusing currents of life according to the old astrological chart. In practice, this means that the astrological rhythms of horoscopes are in no way consistent with the real rhythms of cosmoenergetic and cosmic-social cycles, from which it follows that astrology lives in abstract time, therefore, to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.to this day it is not considered a science, existing in isolation from reality.

Concluding this part, it is worth emphasizing that the main motive for the above conclusion is, of course, not the issue of ethics in astrology. There are incomparably more important things. Astronomers and astrophysicists studying the problems of asteroid safety argue that every hundred years the Earth collides with space bodies less than a hundred meters in size. More than one hundred meters - every 5000 years. Asteroid impacts a kilometer across are possible once every 300 thousand years. Once in a million years, collisions with bodies more than five kilometers in diameter are possible.

The preserved ancient historical chronicles and the research carried out show that the reality is not so optimistic. Over the past 16,000 years, large asteroids, tens of kilometers across, hit the Earth twice: 13,659 years ago and 2,500 years earlier.

Valery Uvarov

- Part one -