"The Wife Calls To The Other World." Ambulance Paramedic - About Mysticism - Alternative View

"The Wife Calls To The Other World." Ambulance Paramedic - About Mysticism - Alternative View
"The Wife Calls To The Other World." Ambulance Paramedic - About Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: "The Wife Calls To The Other World." Ambulance Paramedic - About Mysticism - Alternative View

Video: Using Data to Measure Value and Improve Patient Care - How EMS Data is Making a Difference 2024, June

Flat. Reason for calling: a 55-year-old man with a bad heart, he drank. The paramedic sighed out of habit and took the map from the dispatcher. Call date 01.01.2 …


- Do not believe it, doctor, - I dream for six months Almost every night. We'll talk, then, like, we'll have some tea. Sometimes she called to her. I kept denying it. Affairs, they say.

The man did not look like a drinker, but he did not deny that the last couple of days he had been strongly applied to the bottle.

- Well, why drink? And so it begins. First out of grief, then out of habit. And there it went completely, unstoppable. Keep yourself in control, otherwise you will become our next "client". We will be your address as we know our own.

The paramedic has already measured his blood pressure, took a cardiogram, and checked his blood sugar. In the meantime, the patient sucked the glycine tablet issued from the medicine box, settled comfortably in the chair and filled out the call card. And at the same time I listened to the patient, whose story did not interfere with writing at all. It's a habit, however.

- We did not live very amicably. And many who now live in perfect harmony? They swore and put up. But at least 25 years together. And a year ago she died, my wife. Cancer. So he buried it. One remained, a bean. He moved to his mother's old woman. I can't be in the apartment where I used to live. Longing takes. First I started drinking, then I completely quit. And you need to take care of your mother, and your mother-in-law is completely old. And there is no time to drink. Children are adults, and they are one thing or another.

And the last six months have started! I have already said: my wife dreams, almost every night. And we never had a fight with her. Even when I refused to go to her. She smiled and disappeared. And I woke up all in a cold sweat. He lit candles in church, as my mother advised. But it still comes. And tonight she said bluntly: "I'm waiting, he says, on the fourth day."

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The paramedic mechanically glanced at his watch. The first number was in the date window. Shivering, he folded the finished map and, looking at the unfortunate man, said thoughtfully:

- What? Probably calling to the grave. Haven't you been to the grave for a long time?

- Yes, since about three months. Everything is all right there.

- Be sure to go to the fourth. Maybe we need to clean up. Or the fence is sideways. It's not in vain that he calls. Go down! And it will become easier for you, and you will visit.

- I'll go. Certainly. Maybe it's true what happened, - the man calmed down, making a decision. - Thank you Doctor. I will definitely go.


Public place - forest park. Picnic area. Reason for calling: a 55-year-old man, choked on a barbecue, does not breathe. The paramedic shuddered for some reason and took the map from the dispatcher. Date of the call 04.01.2 …


The death of a man occurred before the arrival of an ambulance, due to mechanical asphyxia of the upper respiratory tract (from the conclusion of the pathologist)

Dmitry Belyakov. Ambulance paramedic
