About The Law Of Attraction - Alternative View

About The Law Of Attraction - Alternative View
About The Law Of Attraction - Alternative View

Video: About The Law Of Attraction - Alternative View

Video: About The Law Of Attraction - Alternative View
Video: How The Law Of Attraction REALLY WORKS (Achieve Anything By DOING THIS)| Rhonda Byrne & Lewis Howes 2024, September

We live in a happy time. What used to be classified information, available only to initiates, is now widely available. In recent years, more and more books have appeared on this topic, both esoteric and psychological, and even films have been filmed. Everything is as simple as two and two, but, nevertheless, a lot of people still do not attach due importance to this.

We are used to thinking that everything around us was created without our participation. That matter is primary. That being determines consciousness. This is not true! And it's time for us to understand this. Everything in this world is energy. This statement is no longer considered occult nonsense, but is a proven scientific fact. If you want to know more about it, see the materials on quantum physics.

The new model of science asserts that what is inside us determines what is outside. Our thoughts are energy, emotions are also energy. All this affects the energy of our body and determines the energy of attracted circumstances. The Law of Attraction is this: You attract what you think or worry about the most. Your reality is completely and completely consistent with your thinking. You always get what you believe in and what you expect, whether you want it or not.

It doesn't matter whether you think good or bad. If you constantly think about what you do not want, what you are afraid of, you will attract it to yourself. The danger for overly worried mothers is that they so often twist in their heads the possible troubles that lie in wait for their beloved child that they themselves attract troubles to him.

Thought is material, it is a universal energy-field substance capable of transforming into any kind of matter. Each of our thoughts has its own frequency. If you constantly scroll the same thought in your head, then it creates a certain frequency that attracts situations, objects and people of the same frequency. Bad attracts bad, and good - you understand. An irritable person will always meet people who annoy him. If you think people are evil, then you will meet bad people. If you think that everyone around you only wants to take someone else's, then you will constantly be subjected to robberies and theft. If you are jealous of the rich and feel left out, you will stay that way until you change the way you think. If you think the world around you is unfriendly to you, then do not be surprisedif every day you find more and more confirmation of this.

Often, painful past experiences determine our relationship to the opposite sex. We are afraid that we will be hurt again. And we ourselves attract people to ourselves, we ourselves build our relations in such a way that later, with relief, we can say to ourselves: I turned out to be right again, they are all the same. The attitude "I'm bad, nobody will love me" will not let you experience happiness in a relationship. If you do not love yourself, it will be difficult for another person to love you.

The same laws apply to health. All diseases are caused by imbalances in the body and thinking. The disease signals that not everything is in order in our worldview. Any disease, before manifesting itself on the physical level, first manifests itself on the energetic level. And this level is formed by thoughts and emotions.

We age from the fact that we accumulate more and more negativity throughout our lives. Energy is something that never dies. So we got to our immortal component. All our thoughts, images and emotions are imprinted on our subtle bodies and stored there. That is why the experience of all previous incarnations affects real life.

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And here, too, everything is simple: everything that you have gained, you have received. Like attracts like. How to develop a habit of a certain type of thought. If we think about something negative for a long time, then we ourselves lay a network between certain nerve cells in the brain. And nerve cells that are not activated for a long time cease to be bound and do not cause a chemical response in the body. Each emotion has a corresponding chemical, a peptide, that enters the bloodstream and then into every cell of the body. Each cell is alive, and each has consciousness. This is the smallest unit of consciousness in our body. So think about how your body feels when you bombard it with hate and anger.

A common misconception: if no one sees my negative feelings, then I do the right thing and remain good for everyone. There are people who are too educated to pour out their negativity on the world around them. But if there is a negative, it does not disappear anywhere, it remains locked inside a person, undermining his health. And even worse, if a person directs this negative and anger at himself. Such people often develop cancer. Anger eats them up from the inside, but no one around you will see it. You must understand that negative emotions directed at yourself are the same wrong act as if you poured it out on another person. This is a subconscious death wish for oneself. It is not for nothing that despondency in Christianity is considered one of the deadly sins. When we experience negative emotions, we kill ourselves.

It seems to us that our thoughts come into our head by themselves, and we are not able to influence them. But this is not the case. Thoughts can and should be learned to manage.

Negative emotions cause you to radiate negative vibrations outward. If you catch yourself doing this, try fighting it. Urgently switch your thoughts to the other side, remember the pleasant moments from your life, turn on your favorite music, remember the one you love, about your child, partner or pet. You can imagine yourself on the shore of a warm sea, in the forest, in the mountains - anywhere you feel good. Do not think about what you do not want, what you are afraid of. Do not worry over and over again your past failures and troubles. Don't go over your real problems in your head just like that: everything is bad.

Can't you see the gap? If you continue like this, you will never see him. You will be bogged down in your problems like a quagmire.

We adjust any information from the outside to our experience. And our emotional response is an automatic response to what once happened. Imagine yourself as often as happy, loved, rich, strong and healthy. This is not true? Can you imagine! Enter this image of a successful and self-satisfied person like new clothes. And don't take it off. Change your beliefs! Develop a positive attitude towards people around you and, most importantly, often note in your loved ones their positive qualities, ignoring the negative ones. If you constantly think about how rude your husband is to you, he will increasingly be rude to you. The more you scold your child, the worse they behave. Watch the news less and read the press, learn to filter the muddy stream of information poured out on you by the media. The media is artificially whipping up negativity. You should also not experience someone else's tragedy as your own. Know how to separate what doesn't concern you from what is important to you.

If you worry a lot about the unfortunate starving children in Africa, who will be better off? Starving children? Hardly. You? This is what makes you feel much worse, because you yourself attract negative energy into your life. In addition, you drag someone else's karma onto yourself like a blanket. If you're really worried, do something real to help. If you don’t want or cannot do something, get the negative thoughts out of your head. Better think that everything will end well for them.

We are created in the image and likeness of God. Everything in our life depends on us.

Author: Irina Fedorova