Prerequisites For Understanding - Alternative View

Prerequisites For Understanding - Alternative View
Prerequisites For Understanding - Alternative View

Video: Prerequisites For Understanding - Alternative View

Video: Prerequisites For Understanding - Alternative View
Video: Understanding Alternative Medicine and Therapies 2024, September

Will we understand each other? - What is good and what is evil for extraterrestrial intelligence? - Cybers or living things? - We are studying - we are being watched.

There are many other pieces of evidence that deserve attention, and what else we will do. But the main thing is not that there is not enough evidence of the reality of "visits". On the contrary, there are enough of them.

The question is different - how to interpret the presence of strangers on our territory, what motivates them, what should earthlings expect? Is there a threat to our security, our lives, or, as the US Air Force assured us, their presence should not bother or even interest anyone?

To answer these questions, let us first ask ourselves, is it possible for a person to understand the motives of the actions of foreign beings, apparently, on these ships, is their logic adequate to ours?

This is not an easy question. Indeed, unlike those who call themselves contactees and assure that they are in telepathic communication with aliens (let us assume that this is also possible), the author does not possess such properties. And yet he believes that the way of thinking of aliens in basic parameters does not differ from ours.

Usually they ask: since these beings are endowed with intelligence, why do they avoid open contact with us? Why don't they start talking about themselves and the worlds from where they came from? Why won't they help us solve the problems of earthly civilization? Indeed, judging by their technical equipment, they belong to more developed species of thinking creatures than we are.

Indeed, what prevents them from doing what seems natural to us? Let's try to swap places with them. Imagine, and for this there are already prerequisites that we flew to another planet where there is intelligent life. Suppose we have appeared there before and have seen something instructive for ourselves. We saw, for example, how these intelligent creatures fought with each other, using even atomic weapons. Suppose that we are able to understand the languages in which radio and television broadcasts operate there, if any. And so we discover that the conflicts have not ended there, they continue to blow up houses, capture their own kind, cut off their heads. In short, we observe something similar to what is happening or has recently happened in our country.

Imagine how you are spinning around this planet in your "plate", watching films and cartoons of earth brothers in mind on local TV, where without the slightest reasoning and hesitation the characters use weapons of mass destruction, destroy dozens of foreign ships, even entire galaxies. In a word, you are imbued with the way of thinking of the world you are studying. You can see that he has come close to the era of interplanetary communications, he has impressive achievements in technology and the military field. Finally, imagine that you have penetrated deeply into the understanding of their defensive and offensive structures, into the nature of their propaganda, with its distrust of what comes from outside, whether it be “hostile” groups of countries or aliens from distant worlds, into the psychology of ordinary people, in which, in a strange way, children's and atavistic-bestial beginnings. Will you throw yourself recklessly into the arms of such a world? Would you want to immediately get acquainted with the natives, remembering the sad fate of Captain Cook, who, as you know, was eaten at the first meeting?

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And another consideration: if we need to borrow on another planet, apart from purely scientific knowledge, something important and necessary for our own existence in the material sphere, we will probably think about whether our brothers in reason will like it. Will they not demand some payment from us, or, in turn, will they want to take possession of what we have? Reason is reason, and property, as they say, is apart.

In short, taking into account all these considerations, you will most likely begin to carefully and systematically study this world, proceeding from your own security and the interests of the civilization that you represent. And every step you take should be commensurate with the changing environment.

This is approximately how our elusive neighbors in space behave. They snap only when we strive to bring them down, and even then not always. We can hypothetically outline, by analogy with our own thinking, the possible areas of their concerns on Earth.

This is, first of all, tracking the general situation in terms of the degree of military danger. Hence, their regular appearance in the war zone and at the main military facilities, laboratories and factories producing weapons, especially of mass destruction.

Then they closely study the achievements of earthlings in space, as well as our preparations for interplanetary flights. The fact that earthlings have visited the moon and are striving for Mars is well known to them.

Next comes, probably, the comprehension of the features of terrestrial technology, especially the one that does not exist in the places of their habitual habitation. They must secure themselves while on Earth from any troubles or surprises arising from ignorance of these features.

They will, of course, need to carefully monitor the situation in those places that are of particular interest to them from the point of view of the extraction of minerals necessary to keep their fleets mobile.

Let us further suppose that they need replenishment of batteries and engines, and perhaps their own organism, with the energy of the Earth, including those of its types that are still unknown to us.

They will certainly be interested in the conflicting thinking of different groups of the earthly population, outbursts of unbridled nationalism, terrorism, the desire for domination, globalism, greed, cruelty, as well as the reflection of these aspirations in the media, cinema and TV, maybe literature, and above all - in propaganda.

Of course, this will not exhaust the range of interests, since we do not know what features of our planet they still need to study.

Apparently, they will set the secrecy of their space routes and bases, including near-earth and solar space, not to mention their more distant terminals, as one of their goals.

And, of course, it will be very important for them to probe the weaknesses of earthlings and our civilization in case we consider their presence dangerous for our survival and try to find means of counteraction. Knowledge about the peculiarities of our biological device will also be important for them, as evidenced by reports of abductions for research purposes of people who were then released, hypnotized so that they could not remember anything.

This, perhaps, exhausts the assumptions about the possible behavior of the “guests”, based on the belief that there is parallelism in our, terrestrial, and their, alien, thinking.

The rest is terra incognita, concealing, it is possible, surprises that are not always pleasant. What is meant? First of all, we do not know the ideas of extraterrestrials about good and evil, the general philosophy of their existence, the relationship to the thinking matter of other worlds. How do they perceive us - friendly or hostile? Is their ethics higher than ours, or is it tough and pragmatic, or maybe even merciless? What is the structure of their society? What do they believe and do they believe?

Some readers may ask if we are setting ourselves too difficult tasks, trying to answer these and other questions, having extremely scanty material? But these tasks will not seem unworthy of the efforts spent on them, if, for example, imagine that the aliens set as their goal a systematic invasion of the Earth, the conquest or destruction of humanity as such.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous, in our opinion, on the contrary, to expand the scope of hypotheses and add some questions. Are the “visitors” a homogeneous mass - in terms of types of thinking, ethnicity, language, to what extent correspond to the type of “homo sapiens”? After all, it is possible that part of the work in orbit is performed by their robots or cybernetic devices, perhaps corrected from their central units. What are their programs? The question arises about the location of the main centers of control of foreigners. Are they here, on Earth, on the Moon, or, say, on Mars? Or even further? It is also important to understand whether the “guests” arrived to us as a result of the expansion of their civilization, on the wave of its growth, or, conversely, as a result of its crisis, extinction.

Somehow self-deprecating in relation to earthlings, some of our "thinkers" a priori give preference to newcomers in terms of their ideas about morality or ability to cognize the world. We have to hear from "contactees" claiming that they have access to the thinking abilities of aliens, as if they were sent to help establish peace and justice on Earth, to destroy the very possibility of war. You might think they are the Space Boy Scouts. But what if they themselves are victims of their own wars, persecuted and seeking salvation on one of the more fortunate planets?

It is not indifferent and interesting to know what individual differences exist between them, whether there are choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic among them, what are their likes and dislikes. What is their history, how did their society develop? What are their views on the Universe and the prospects for its development, finally, how do they relate to art and science, what are their priorities, in a word, what is their worldview?

What do, for example, the patterns in the form of circles and ornaments that they leave on the fields of different countries mean? Is it meaningful texts, symbolic videograms, or simply "kalyaks-malyaks", cosmic fun, testifying to the need for distressing alien souls for entertainment? Something like our inscriptions "Kolya and Olya were here." Well, along the way, one more, far from a secondary question: do they have Kolya and Oli, or, as Vysotsky joked, they reproduce by budding?

Questions, questions … It is possible to get answers if a dialogue begins between us. As for the contact, it already exists. We are already being studied. And we are already watching. At times we touch very closely.

Where, within the framework of this book, we cannot answer the pressing questions, we will try to build hypotheses. Without them, there is no road to knowledge of the world. To Knowledge with a capital letter, which ultimately should strive for all rational beings who have overcome the plant-animal phase. It doesn't matter if some hypotheses turn out to be non-viable. A negative answer also comes at a price.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski