Aliens From Nowhere - Alternative View

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Aliens From Nowhere - Alternative View
Aliens From Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Aliens From Nowhere - Alternative View

Video: Aliens From Nowhere - Alternative View
Video: Based On A True Story Mysterious Radio Frequency Leads A Small Town To Chase Down Extraterrestrial 2024, July

Over the years of observing the anomalous situation in the Samara Territory, our databank has accumulated several dozen strange cases that so far defy any explanation. One gets the impression that in our places there are subjects that are outwardly very similar to you and me, but behave in a completely different way and possess capabilities, the nature of which we can only guess. These subjects sometimes need something from our fellow citizens. These subjects sometimes harm people, either by chance who find themselves in their path, or chosen according to criteria known to them alone.

Such cases combine several characteristics. Firstly, they are isolated - they occur with an eyewitness once in a lifetime, which still suggests that such meetings were accidental. Secondly, they are purely material - they are not hallucinatory in nature (which would suggest the presence of some kind of suggestion), but they leave quite material traces. Third, many such cases have several witnesses. Since neither the origin, nor the mechanism, nor the meaning of such cases are still completely incomprehensible, one can only tell what happened to the Togliatti people - accidental witnesses or victims of such phenomena.

Summer morning, the outskirts of the dacha area in the village of Berezovka

From one of the extreme sections, a mound with a tree growing on it with a height of three meters is clearly visible (the observer then specially measured the height) and a path, nicknamed a "ravine" because it goes to the shore with a strong decline - a person walking along it, almost immediately becomes invisible. The owner of the plot, taking a break from the summer rural troubles, went to the fence - the one on the side of the tree on the hill. As they say, nothing boded …

And suddenly it seemed to him - no, it didn't, but in fact, in the meadow near the tree, something seemed to stir, and out of nothing, out of emptiness, a figure of a man emerged. The man immediately walked quickly towards the "ravine" path. A man is a man, only his height was higher than a tree, i.e. above three meters, and dressed somehow not in our way: a black cloak, thick black hair, and in general looked like an Indian.

After a few steps, the man stopped, turned sharply in the direction of our observer and looked into his eyes for about fifteen seconds (probably felt that he was seen). Then he turned again and walked on. It was visible on the path for a long time, despite its ravine nature, which is not surprising with such and such growth.

After that, the owner of the site, together with his wife and grandson, went to the place where the stranger appeared to inspect it. They found that the grass in the meadow near the tree was crumpled only in the place where the stranger initially appeared, there were no crushed paths-approaches to this place, but further this bump went out in a strip towards the road - exactly the same route that the strange visitor was walking. Even footprints were found on soft earth and sand. The heel of a man's shoe was clearly imprinted, the toe was printed much weaker, it was practically invisible. The size of the boot matched the height of an unexpected pedestrian.

Promotional video:

Togliatti, a public garden between Moskovsky prospect and Voskresenskaya street

One of our colleagues that day was at a reception at the clinic, next to him happened to be a man of about 50, simple, rude. They talked, and the man, trusting for some reason, said that he was "abducted by aliens" - he could not think of any other explanation for the story that happened to him. The doctors' distrust of the story they told is understandable, but, having decided to prove his case, the victim came for an x-ray to find out what kind of foreign object appeared behind his ear after that night meeting. Pets, examining the affected area, found something sticking out of the bone - like the tip of a needle. We tried to pull it out on our own, but only got it up and down - now the ear, the eye, and the temple hurt. It is also strange that the next day behind the ear the foreign object stopped being felt, but the pain and the feeling of its presence remained.

And it was like this. The day before, this man was returning from the factory after the second shift. But, which had never happened to him before, he got on the wrong bus (he was surprised to himself, he says he does not understand how it happened). To rectify the situation, I got off at one of the following stops and went to another stop along the path through the green zone towards Voskresenskaya Street.

It was winter, and everything was clearly visible around. However, suddenly two people were on his way and stopped him. Again, the entire neighborhood was clearly visible, and no oncoming travelers a minute ago had not yet been observed anywhere. They look like people, like us, but in very long black coats, as if leather. One had a short and, as it seemed to an eyewitness, a glass tube in his hand (he did not know that such a device was a typical belonging of creatures who are colloquially called "enlonauts").

The man, about to fight for himself, grabbed the pipe. The tube turned out to be cold to the touch, but somehow it burned my hand - it still hurts, and there are dents on my fingers. Then there is a blackout. When he woke up, he found that he was sitting alone in a trolleybus route No. 9, dressed as before, but there was blood on his neck and a shirt in blood.

Examining himself at home together with his wife, in addition to the aforementioned incomprehensible object behind the ear, they found a three-color "stamp" on his neck, glowing in the dark. Its shape is like a massive point in the center, and from it concentric circles of different colors.

After these events, the man discovered that he could read other people's thoughts, provided that the person had to drink at least one glass of water before that. By the way, when I was traveling in a trolley bus, I felt that everything in my mouth was filled with some kind of “cotton wool”. The foreign substance interfered, although there was no material object in the form of cotton wool in the mouth. And then this feeling disappeared by itself. Unfortunately, we do not know whether this story had a continuation, therefore, if suddenly someone from Togliatti in this story recognizes himself and his story - call us, this is very important.

Togliatti, Tsentralny district, winter

Because of some ailment, an elderly woman, a retired engineer, went to see a doctor. On the path near the clinic, two young men of a generally ordinary appearance blocked her way. What was unusual about them was that they were both surrounded by a cocoon-shaped iridescent shell that revolved around each of them. The woman was so surprised that she almost rubbed her eyes - isn't she imagining …

These two told her with a strange intonation: “Going for treatment? Well, get treatment, get treatment … "After a couple of tens of minutes, while waiting for a doctor's appointment, this woman heard a cry - a girl of about twenty ran into the emergency room in tears and shouting:" Help, the aliens wanted to take me away! " Inquiries made it possible to find out that this girl also saw the same two "people" in the same rainbow "cocoons".

Dacha massif opposite Togliatti on the right bank of the Volga, July

The owner of the site could not sleep, he lit a fire in the middle of the site at night, and he himself began to do small work. At some point in time, he moved to the border of the site into a dark zone. Just about to return to the fire, he saw that seven strange-looking figures appeared around him - tall, in clothes that resembled overalls with round helmets. They surrounded him, a voice said: "Let's fly with us." To this call he answered categorically: "No", the call was repeated three times in total. After that, the figures of the visitors, in his feeling, seemed to be "pulled up somewhere." After that, the owner of the site became more careful, stopped burning fires at night, and decided to do all the work only during daylight hours.

Togliatti, Tsentralny district, ordinary apartment on the third floor, summer

The owner of the apartment, a middle-aged man, returned home. A door was opened in the hall, and suddenly he saw that a humanoid appeared from behind this door (in the original story, an eyewitness used the word "Marseian" - in this very pronunciation). The humanoid is about 190 cm tall, a green leotard with a hood that fits the shape of the body, the facial features are not very distinguishable - the face looked like a rainbow spot of light. Through this "rainbow" only the eyes of the creature were visible - very elongated, brown. An eyewitness noted that at the time of the visit he himself had some unpleasant, strongly depressed state to the point that he could not move. Suddenly the humanoid disappeared - just disappeared from sight. The man almost immediately regained the ability to move, he ran to the window and saw a receding UFO in the form of a whirligig.

Togliatti, Central District, another residential building, autumn

The owner of the apartment went to bed in the hall. The door to the balcony, located here in the hall, was open. 4th floor. Before I could close my eyes, I saw that a "plate" with blinking lights at the edges was hanging outside in front of her balcony. She has not yet been able to describe her appearance more accurately. In the "plate" she saw several people in shiny spacesuits. There was a feeling that they were either shining themselves, or were illuminated from some source of light. Having uttered the typical “flew with us”, the aliens heard a categorical answer: “No! I can't, I have a family, children. " The same visit was repeated a few days later with the same result. The strange visitors did not make the third attempt, apparently, two refusals were enough.

Togliatti, precast concrete plant, May, midnight

The woman worked as a watchman at the factory for many years, but this did not happen to her either before or after.

On this day, she took up her post at midnight, an hour later she walked around the territory and returned to the booth, sat down on the couch, and after a couple of minutes she felt that some kind of whirlwind was spinning over her head (even her hair stretched behind him). This unknown force began to rise up and lift it behind itself. She obeyed, got up - everything stopped. She sat down, and again a whirlwind swirled over her head - she got up again, pinched herself - the pinch was painful, which made her calmed down a little, they say, in her mind … It was light in the booth (it was forbidden to turn off the light for safety reasons).

And then she saw that the door to the booth was open, and 5 or 6 aliens were standing near the entrance (how many of them were there, I did not count because of surprise). The appearance of the aliens was as follows. The bodies are thin, thin, as if weak. Growth from about 1.2 to 1.65 (yes, they were of different heights …). The jumpsuit is white with a blue tint, shining as if sprinkled with pieces of a broken mirror. The cutout of the jumpsuit is made with a “toe”, without a collar. There were no identification marks on the clothes. Eyes without corners, pupil large, black, without iris, eyebrows as usual, high forehead. One of the aliens noticed wrinkles. The nose was, but I did not remember its shape. The skin on the faces is bumpy, like after smallpox, and its color is like that of ripe raspberries. I didn't see ears. Hair, eyebrows and lips are red. They called her in a sort of mechanical voice: “Come with us. Go with us. Go with us.

The voice is tenor, but not squeaky. When talking to her, the tallest of these subjects moved his lips, and the rest, like extras, neither speech nor facial expressions. The woman refused categorically and without hesitation where and why her name was. These "crimson" ones turned around and one after another, like dolls, left her sight. She, with a sigh of relief, sat down on the couch, but immediately, as if she had come to her senses, jumped up, grabbed a gun and ran all over her territory. Not finding anyone, she returned to the booth, and only then noticed that there was no pain or shortness of breath (and she had a disability group due to heart disease, and she usually could not move quickly). Pain did not appear in the future.

Togliatti, "Sintezkauchuk", territory of factory railway tracks

Mid eighties. An employee of this plant, having completed the shift, returned home. It was summer, daylight. This territory is not very crowded, but he got used to it and calmly headed towards the stop. When two men in silver overalls, each two and a half meters tall, blocked his way, he was not frightened, but alerted - what kind of brutes are they? In a surprisingly thin voice that did not correspond to such growth, one of the brutes told him: "Let's fly with us!" - and began to block his way. The second also kept close. But what is it - to distract a tired working person from thoughts of imminent rest ?! The reaction from this man was quite predictable: “What a joke! - he was indignant. "Come on, let's get out of here, both of you!" These two jumped aside and disappeared, as they were not.

Togliatti, path from the bus stop to the railway station, autumn

The woman was hurrying to the train. Dragging her impressive bags with effort, she nevertheless was a little uneasy. The road there and in general is not very crowded, but here it was completely empty. To her surprise, in the middle of the road she came across a middle-aged man in an old-fashioned simple cloak. He asked a question, the meaning of which did not reach her immediately: "Tell me, what is the era now?" She looked surprised and said nothing. The man continued the question: "Who rules now?" The woman would have turned her finger at her temple, but her hands were full of bags. Missed each other. After a couple of steps she turned around - and there was no one within sight. As it appeared out of nowhere, it disappeared into nowhere …

Tatiana Makarova