5 Mystical Places In Astana, From Which The Hair Stands On End - Alternative View

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5 Mystical Places In Astana, From Which The Hair Stands On End - Alternative View
5 Mystical Places In Astana, From Which The Hair Stands On End - Alternative View

Video: 5 Mystical Places In Astana, From Which The Hair Stands On End - Alternative View

Video: 5 Mystical Places In Astana, From Which The Hair Stands On End - Alternative View
Video: ASTANA - 8 MUST VISIT PLACES - Drone Video - 4K 2024, June

New buildings on the site of old graves and mysterious signs in old hospitals - such mystical places are found in every city. El.kz compiled 5 of the most mysterious places in Astana.

Cemetery in the Molodezhny microdistrict

The Muslim cemetery "Karaotkel" is one of the oldest and most famous burial places of the dead in Astana. Located on the street. Kravtsov between Molodezhny and Tselinny microdistricts. As a result of a detailed study of the micro-relief, scientists found out that this cemetery hides about 10 thousand burials.

But nobody has been buried here for a long time. Rumors are spread among the people that many people infected with plague and cholera in the past were buried in this cemetery. Therefore, until now, no one dares to stir up this land. Although in the history of the city more than once the question of its liquidation arose.

Some residents of the neighboring 5-storey buildings, with whom we were able to talk, say that they have long been accustomed to feeling someone's gaze on themselves, regardless of the time of day. This feeling arises, as a rule, say neighbors when they walk alone. But turning around, none of them has yet found a living person looking at them.


An employee of one institution, located in a neighboring five-story building, shared an interesting story:

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“Once, about 7-8 years ago, when I was working here as a security guard, I went out on night duty alone,” says Marat Amanov (first and last names have been changed). By 11 pm, having tuned in for a long night, I decided to take a nap for a couple of minutes in one of the offices of the long corridor.

Having previously closed all the doors with a key, I fell asleep for just a couple of minutes, when I suddenly woke up from the sounds of someone's footsteps outside the door.

At first I thought I heard it. But the footsteps grew louder and closer, as if someone was already running along the corridor. I jumped up and opened the door, hoping to find there one of my colleagues who decided to play a trick on me, but unfortunately, no one was there.

From surprise and fear, my legs just rooted to the ground. After some time, I still came to my senses and ran out of the building. So I stayed on the street until the morning."


According to some information from media materials, residents of Akmolinsk who died during epidemics of plague, cholera, typhus, anthrax and smallpox in the late 19th - early 20th centuries were actually buried at the site of Karaotkel. Therefore, it was decided not to relocate this cemetery.


Residential complex "Candles"

The name of two 25-storey buildings at the intersection of Saryarka and Bogenbai batyr streets, popularly referred to as "Candles", seems like just someone's failed joke, which was taken seriously. And all because these houses were built literally on the site of human bones. An Orthodox cemetery was located here in the 19th century.


According to media reports, in 2009, while laying new asphalt in front of these houses, an excavator even dug four wooden coffins out of the ground. These were the remains of buried people.

But the tenants of the house are not at all surprised by such finds, as well as stories about the paranormal. Some say that suicides are not uncommon in these houses, others about strange phenomena: suddenly opening windows and slamming doors, unnatural sounds in apartments and even ghosts in the porches.

“In 2001, I heard that there was a suicide here: a student of the medical academy jumped from the 10th floor, as a result of which she died. They say that she had a fight with a guy and decided to take her own life. And there was another case of suicide of a 16-year-old boy.

Our customers constantly tell me about strange things happening in their apartments: now the window suddenly opens, then the bag in the house falls out of the blue, or sounds incomprehensible at night. In the store, you also hear about such things often.

Employees working at night often complained that unexplained things were happening to items from different departments, for example, stuffed animals could be in a completely different place,”says Alima, who works in a local department store.


There used to be a woman believer working here. Her name was Natalya. She constantly assured us that our store was guarded by the spirit of a deceased soldier who was buried under our store in an Orthodox cemetery.

It is known that in Soviet times, in 1973, this cemetery was relocated to another place - to Tlendieva Street. But not all human remains were then reburied. Confirmation of what we said above is four wooden coffins discovered in 2009, which were practically rolled up under the road asphalt.

Cafe "Stranger" on Pobeda

On Pobeda Avenue, almost in the center of the city, there is a cafe with the promising name "Stranger". But the chances of meeting an ordinary girl here are much less than an otherworldly creature.


According to media reports, it is here that the lost in time Pionerskaya Street, which existed in Soviet times, lives. Contrary to such a good name, history has not been without pitfalls. Therefore, this corner is full of mysticism and mysteries.

Once in this area there was the very first cemetery in the city. It existed since the founding of Akmolinsk in 1830 and up to 1915, when the city authorities closed it, and later completely demolished it, dismantling the fences, breaking the monuments. Later, a prison was built on the site of the first burial ground in the city. So, in this cafe, visitors have repeatedly encountered the souls of the deceased jailers.

“I came here for the first time to have lunch with my friends. It all started as usual with the menu and questions for the waitress. Nothing unusual. I was sitting by the window, right on the edge of the table. We dined for a long hour and a half. I won't say that often, I don't remember, the silhouette of one man, who was sitting 2 tables away from us, or rather his back, caught my eye.

For all the time no one approached him. I could not watch him all the time, because my friends obscured him. In the end, he completely disappeared, as if no one was sitting in his place. To say that I was, to put it mildly, in shock, to say nothing. But, as you can see, I have not stopped going to this cafe. Let's just say I'm one of the people who like to be involved in such stories. Next time I'll try to get to know him,”said one visitor.

RC "Moscow"

In the residential complex "Moscow", located at the intersection of Ualikhanov and Imanov streets, something is constantly happening. At first, this long-suffering house could not be put into operation for a long time (allegedly a crack was found in the foundation), then there was a strong fire, in which people almost died.


Locals attribute these failures to the bad past of this facility. For some reason, many are sure that on the site of "Moscow" there was the oldest bathhouse of Tselinograd, a laundry serving city hospitals, and a stoker that provided heat to these buildings.

“This place is dirty, it was impossible to build housing here - this is contrary to the canons of any religion. You know, after the opening of our complex, a 35-year-old actress of one of the local theaters tragically died here.

They say that she came to visit a friend, but when the women left the apartment, the guest accidentally fell into the elevator shaft from the 15th floor.

It turns out that the elevator still came to her, but she, not noticing the absence of the elevator floor, fell into a trap. So the spirit of this woman wanders and worries us,”says the owner of one of the apartments.


On our way to another destination, we met a girl who insisted on telling her story. The girl warns to run away from the entrance of Moscow as soon as possible, if suddenly you feel a sudden chill.

It was last summer. I stood at the intercom in the evening and called for a long time. For some reason the family did not answer. At that moment, I felt that someone ran a hand over my neck, as if giving a sign to step aside and not block the entrance to the entrance.

I thought it was our neighbor with a small child and hastened to move away from the door. But turning around, she found no one behind her. But, of course, she did not sound the alarm, considering that it seemed to me.


However, already at home, in the middle of the night, I was suddenly overcome by some incomprehensible fear, I could not sleep and I was terribly shivering, I tried to call for help my mother, who at that time was sleeping in her room, but, as luck would have it, I didn’t. she could utter words as if her whole body was numb. She began to languish in pain in order to somehow attract attention to herself.

I don't remember how long I lay in this state, but it was very painful until my mother entered the room. Later she said that she just got up to drink water and accidentally heard strange sounds in my room."

City infectious diseases hospital

The city infectious diseases hospital has existed since 1967. True, earlier there was a children's infectious diseases clinic, which was later reorganized into an adult. Although history is silent about the terrible past of this hospital, there are still a lot of rumors in Astana, which are most often told by former patients.

Our editorial board considered that in the top of mystical places the hospital still occupies a leading position. And all because small children play the role of ghosts here.


It was around December. I was admitted to the hospital with a fever. The first two days I just could not sleep here. There were 5 of us in the ward. And only on the third day my temperature dropped. I remember that late evening, I was terribly sleepy. In the ward there was deathly silence, the neighbors did not show any signs of life, apparently everyone was already asleep. Making myself comfortable on my bunk, I, too, fell into a deep sleep. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I woke up with a strange noise. Someone opened the door and entered our room.

Faint rays of light from the corridor entered the room. Against their background, I was able to make out a little boy in the night visitor, though I wondered what he was doing here at all. After all, children are not allowed here.

The strangest thing is, I couldn't make out his face. I just saw his silhouette and felt his presence. At one point, he stood next to one patient who was lying on the edge of the room and looked at her for a long time. I don't remember how long it went on. Then he went to another, also stood and watched.

Suddenly, he turned in my direction, out of fear, I just closed my eyes. After a moment, feeling his gaze on me, I tried not to breathe. At that moment, my neighbor began to languish strangely, I almost died from fear. I heard him walk slowly towards her.

Then I don't know what happened, he seemed to be looking for someone among us. And at the end he just left, slamming the door. Having survived this terrible night, the next morning I calmed myself, referring to the temperature.

However, in the morning it turned out that the boy was seen not only by me, but also by the roommates. After all, it cannot be such that four of us have the same dream. The rest, like me, lay with their eyes closed. I could no longer stay in this hospital and on the same day I insisted on being discharged.

It seems that there are many secrets at the origins of the hospital, since what the former patient told us cannot be explained within reason.