The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View

The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View
The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View

Video: The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic "stuffing" Of The Machine - Alternative View

Video: The Stranger With One Movement Of His Hand Disfigured All The Electronic
Video: Orecchio: Extending Body-Language through Actuated Static and Dynamic Auricular Postures 2024, June

The stranger scared to death a girl who had come to stay with her grandmother, breaking her car with one gesture.

Heidi Clinton told what happened to her four years ago.

“I came to visit my grandmother in Washington. She has been living in the suburbs for many years, having moved here while still young. I arrived only late at night, as the journey was not a short one, and I also stopped several times in small eateries to have coffee and take a break from the long trip. The road was empty, and I was pleased that the movement was not hampered by anything.

As I approached the house, I began to pull into the driveway. But there was a man standing there. In the headlights he looked pale and tall, about 35 years old. He was wearing a long coat and a hat. I thought it might be a neighbor, so I wasn't scared at all. The light in my grandmother's window did not burn, apparently, she had already gone to bed without waiting for me.

I was just thinking to turn off the engine, when this man suddenly put his hand on the hood, and the car instantly stalled. For some reason I felt very scared, I quickly locked all the doors in the car and started calling my brother. During this time, the man left, but I was still afraid to go out. My brother just laughed at me and said that it was most likely really a neighbor. Gathering my courage, I jumped out of the car and ran into the house.

In the morning, the first thing I did was call the foreman to see what happened to my car. Looking under the hood, after a minute he said that absolutely all the wires had been torn out and there was “no living space” at all. I still cannot understand how exactly that mysterious man could do it."
