Murderous Places Of The Planet - Alternative View

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Murderous Places Of The Planet - Alternative View
Murderous Places Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Murderous Places Of The Planet - Alternative View

Video: Murderous Places Of The Planet - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

Why in some places a person feels a surge of strength, his state of health and mood improves, while in others he experiences inexplicable fear and wants to run away as soon as possible. Why do ships, planes and entire groups of people sometimes disappear without a trace? As always, more questions.

Sinister triangle

Everyone knows the so-called Bermuda Triangle. It is located in the western Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of the United States. Although the dark fame of this place is believed to be exaggerated and ships are more likely to sink for very real reasons, some cases have not been explained. It is estimated that since 1945 more than 100 aircraft, surface ships, submarines and more than 1000 people have disappeared here.

It is somehow possible to explain the wreck of the ship, but why the crews from undamaged ships disappear is already more difficult. And there are 50 such cases from 1940 to 1955!

The first evidence that this place is not quite ordinary was recorded in the logbook by Christopher Columbus at the end of the XY century. While sailing, he and his crew saw a strange white glow on the surface of the sea, as well as a fiery arrow sweeping across the sky.

Why do people disappear, ships and planes crash? The versions were different, but they did not come to a common opinion: tsunamis, sea monsters, funnels of electromagnetic waves, abduction of people by UFOs - everyone has his own opinion.

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Valley of black bamboo

The Bermuda Triangle is not the only place where people die or disappear for no apparent reason. A mysterious anomalous territory exists in China. It is located in Heizhu (Sichuan Province), which means Black Bamboo Hollow. In the mountain valley, there is the Shimen pass, or the Stone Gate. Black Bamboo Hollow can be reached by going through this gate.

It is known that a plane crashed here in 1950. Shortly before the disappearance, the pilots contacted the dispatcher and did not mention any problems on board. It is not known what happened - no traces of the crash were found. In the same year, almost 100 people disappeared! Neither their bodies nor their belongings were found.

Another incident happened twelve years later - an entire expedition of geologists disappeared. The surviving guide told about the incident. He lagged slightly behind the main group, and suddenly a thick fog descended on the path along which people were walking. Visibility has dropped to one meter. The guide froze in place, because he was seized by such fear that he could not move. During these minutes, he heard terrible sounds, the origin of which the man could not explain. The fog cleared very quickly … but there was no one on the path - the whole group disappeared. The rescue expedition, which was subsequently sent to search, did not find either the equipment of the geologists or their backpacks.

A few years later, military cartographers disappeared, they were sent to compile a relief map. In the early seventies, the foresters disappeared. The two survivors also spoke of thick fog, accompanied by terrible sounds.

People began to fear this place, the most unexpected explanations for the disappearance of people appeared - supposedly man-eating animals live there, others say that the fog is used by alien creatures to abduct earthlings. Still others believe that there is a portal to a parallel world. In recent years, the Black Bamboo Hollow has been quiet, no incidents have been observed, but for how long?

Long pass

In the USA, in the state of Vermont, there is a place called the Long Pass. The locals are afraid of him, considering him cursed. What allowed people to think so?

It all started in the forties of the last century. One woman went to the forest, located near the Long Pass, to hunt. She was an experienced hunter, lived all her life in these places and was well versed in the terrain. But she disappeared without a trace, and the search that began did not yield any results.

Over the next five years, seven cases of disappearance without a trace of people are known. This happened in the fall or early winter, so there were suggestions that a maniac was acting. Others believed that a satanic sect kidnapped people and used bodies for their rituals. Most adhere to the version that the Long Pass is an anomalous zone. After all, it is not even known whether they are alive or died. Those who deal with anomalous phenomena believe that there is a portal to other worlds here.

Cave riddle

The African continent is rich in mysteries, including Kitum Cave on the Kenya-Uganda border. This is the crater of an extinct volcano. Kitum translated from the Masai language means "a place for ceremonies." But the ceremonies themselves have not been held here for a long time, and even local old-timers do not remember what they were dedicated to. But eerie legends have survived about this mystical place, where people and animals died in torment.

How true the legends are and what caused the death of living beings is still not known for sure, but a strange phenomenon occurs here - sometimes at sunset animals of different species, without showing aggression, go together into the cave.

What pushes animals to descend hundreds of meters down is the call of nature, mystical signals, or just a desire to replenish the body with minerals (the walls of the cave are covered with a layer of salt).

In the eighties, several people who visited the cave died within a few days. The cause of death could not be established. Scientists have suggested that unknown viruses live in the crater, and an attempt was made to study them.

For research, cages with monkeys were placed in the cave. When the tissues of experimental animals were examined, no viruses dangerous to humans were found. Is this place dangerous for humans, has remained a mystery?

Killer island

Bulavan, a tropical island in Indonesia, is no less mysterious. It has been known since ancient times. Aboriginal people say that all the people who lived on the island later died a violent death. There are many legends about this mysterious place. One of them claims that the island takes revenge on people who want to know its secrets.

One such case involves pilot Van der Haage. His plane was shot down, but the pilot survived. He spent several years here alone, then was taken aboard a ship underway. After a while, the pilot was found brutally murdered in his home. It was not possible to find out why and who did this, there were no obvious motives for the crime.

This mysterious death is not the only one - everyone who lived for some time on Bulavan died under strange circumstances. Locals believe that this is due to the pirates' treasures, which are hidden somewhere in the mines. Attempts were made to get chests with gold and precious stones, but all in vain, the excavations were quickly flooded with sea water. The island reliably protects its treasures.

Mysterious places keep their secrets from humans, but the more attractive they are for people who are interested in everything unusual and mysterious.