Chords Of Heavenly Music - Alternative View

Chords Of Heavenly Music - Alternative View
Chords Of Heavenly Music - Alternative View

Video: Chords Of Heavenly Music - Alternative View

Video: Chords Of Heavenly Music - Alternative View
Video: When Music Plays The Chords of Life &Death (In This WOKE Generation) Pastor Andre Anderson 2024, September

On March 22, 1832, 83-year-old Johann Wolfgang Goethe died at his home in Weimar. Relatives and friends gathered at the head of the dying man.

And suddenly, with the first rays of the sun in the room where the great Goethe, who was departing into the world, was staying, a strange phenomenon occurred: mysterious music sounded, while so beautiful that none of those present doubted its heavenly origin. And this phenomenon lasted not an hour, not two, but all day.

Delicate enchanting harmonies, sweet and restrained chords, clearly pouring from other worlds, gradually weakened until they finally fell silent by midnight. And as soon as the mysterious music died down, at the same moment the heart of the great poet stopped beating.

Careful searches for the source of the amazing melody were in vain. Not a single musical instrument was played near the house in Weimar that day. And yet, from dawn to midnight, music sounded …

This incredible case is one example of a node, or transcendental music. This Sanskrit word is used to refer to music of heavenly origin, to which earthly phenomena have absolutely nothing to do.

In Weimar, many people heard the mysterious music, that is, it was a collective perception of the node. But researchers of anomalous phenomena know many cases when mysterious music was perceived by only one person.

Such a case happened with the famous American parapsychologist Raymond Bayliss, whom he described in his book "The Poltergeist Riddle".

“One evening, after going to bed, when I was already in bed, but had not yet fallen asleep and was fully conscious, I suddenly heard a sound that seemed to be coming from somewhere in the distance, which is why I took it at first for radio, Bayliss described what had happened. - At first, the music was barely audible, but its volume increased and increased until, finally, the music became audible quite clearly, and then after a while, little by little it began to fade away, until it completely stopped … I am quite sure that the music was not earthly: her beauty and greatness were incredible."

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In June 1932, the famous parapsychologist Nandor Fodor also encountered the node phenomenon. Here is how he described his impressions of meeting this phenomenon:

“On June 6, 1932, on board a transatlantic liner, I crossed the Bay of Biscay. I went to bed late. But, barely resting my head on the pillow, I immediately heard the music playing.

My first thought was: "And who can play a gramophone only in the middle of the night?" When I raised my head to hear better, it all stopped immediately. It was a perfectly quiet night. But, resting my head on the pillow, I heard the music again. Then I thought it might be caused by the pressure of the pillow on my ear … But when I looked up again, this time the music did not disappear.

I also made out the hum of a working engine, but in addition to it, an unusually beautiful music really sounded, which, as it seemed, came in some waves from afar. I undoubtedly heard it, although this did not happen through physiological hearing, which I perceived only the absolute calmness of the night, as well as the hum of the machine. I perceived this music as some hidden area of my mind, and I had the impression that it sounds from some mysterious depths of the universe. Suddenly my perception improved, and I felt that a choir of hundreds or even thousands of voices was sounding, singing hymns of glory, spreading in the space of the cabin with tremendous force of sound waves.

In addition to the chords and rhythms of this supernatural chorus, I could hear Latin words or, if you like, their musical meaning, since in my perception the words disappeared before I could catch their sound. At the same time, I kept complete clarity of mind …

Since all my other abilities were in perfect order, I tried to change the position of my body in order to check if this somehow affected the audibility, but the music sounded all the time with equal strength, acquiring a choral volume similar to which I had never I have never heard before or after.

To explain the strange phenomenon, Fodor subsequently put forward two hypotheses.

In the first hypothesis, he suggested that “telepathic listening” occurs in the node phenomenon, that is, the perception of music that sounds at a considerable distance from the place where it is heard.

According to the second hypothesis, a person really hears real “unearthly” music.

Time will tell which of these hypotheses is closer to the truth. But nevertheless, the sound of the music and the quality of its performance give every reason to assume its "heavenly" origin.

And here is what a resident of Novocheboksarsk Y. Grigoriev writes about his meeting with unearthly music:

“In 1978 I was drafted for military service in the Far Eastern Border District. The outpost was located in the village of Vidnoye, Vyazemsky District. We guarded the state border with China on the Ussuri River. In the summer, boats from the naval units of the border troops arrived at our outpost to guard the border, and we served together.

Once, it was in the second half of September, we were ordered to go by boat along the Ussuri River to the junction with a neighboring outpost. It was 6.20 am. The boat ride to the junction takes about 45-50 minutes. The morning was clear, the sun had risen and warmed a little, it was chilly on the river. I lay down at the rear of the boat on the hatch under which the engine was running; the sunroof was warm from the engine. The rest of the outfit sat down in the cockpit. After 10-15 minutes, I probably took a nap, but did not sleep, as I clearly heard voices from the cockpit.

And then I heard music. It came from somewhere above. At first it sounded quiet, but its volume gradually increased, and it filled the space. It was wonderful music, no abrupt changes in key. It was impossible to establish what instruments this wonderful orchestra consisted of. Solo, it seems, was an instrument like an organ, in high tones, and some other instruments of unearthly sound. This music simultaneously had the power of greatness, harmony and some kind of unearthly joy. Music filled the space, and it seemed that everything around was dissolved in this wondrous harmony and joy. I was amazed at the talent of the "heavenly composer" and the skill of the "performer" of music. She lulled, and my soul was in some unearthly state.

I could hear the music for about 15 minutes. But after that someone left the cockpit, a service dog squealed on the deck - and the music disappeared. I got up, sat down on the bench and for a long time, under the strong impression of the melody I had heard, was in a state of spiritual euphoria.

Then I told one colleague about this, but he did not believe it, noticing that I might have been asleep and I dreamed everything. I could not convince him. In the earthly music that I have heard, there are some melodic fragments of that “heavenly” music, but still earthly music is rough, imperfect. Neither before nor after that I heard such music again. I consider it a gift of fate."

The American poet Bayard Taylor was also given the opportunity to hear the music of the celestial spheres. It happened at night, in an open field, in the deepest silence. It was at this moment that the poet "suddenly heard choral singing, a grandiose hymn performed by thousands of voices, among which one superhuman voice stood out, glorifying Heaven and Earth in Latin."

There are also many occasions when the dying have heard heavenly music. Sometimes it was accompanied by the appearance of ghosts, and many times during spiritualistic seances, the souls of the dead confirmed the existence of a nod at the moment of death.