Vibration Model Of The Universe - Alternative View

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Vibration Model Of The Universe - Alternative View
Vibration Model Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Vibration Model Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: Vibration Model Of The Universe - Alternative View
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1. A little about light

Light is information. He (a) is a way of knowing the world and his reflection in it. Pure unpolarized light comes from the Sun, then it is filtered by the human consciousness and the consciousness of the Earth, distorted through the prism of the collective mind matrices and gives the hologram of reality a form.

The projection of the physical plane of a puff pie is the densest, therefore all forms have a different quality of vibration of light and coarseness of information. The most coarse and imperfect information is in the external world, the highest quality information is already contained in the human body and is activated by the sun's rays.

Sensory, visual, auditory, gustatory and olfactory senses are interconnected and designed to live in a given density environment. That is, the objects on Earth that are most “distinct” for the body are the roughest. For example, the elements of the Earth become denser in proportion to their visibility: ether, air, water, earth, fire (fire allows the transfer of surrounding information to coarser infraphysical worlds).

Sound is also a reflection of the quality of the environment: noisy pandemonium, thunder, auditory chaos - variants of coarser worlds / situations in the hologram of reality. A quiet place conducive to meditation and immersion in oneself is a higher quality reality.

All that dramatically attracts the attention of the five senses are gross forms of light manifestation. Heavy food (taste) and being in an environment without clean air (sense of smell) intoxicate and immerse the mind in the grosser physical world, forcing to concentrate on the body. Concentrating on the body accelerates its aging, as time flows faster in a rougher environment. The rate of aging depends on the quality of life and the density of the environment. When the planet increases its density, a person will be forced to use his thinner bodies for self-identification, so his life span will last, and the sense of time will change. Or it will burn out.

With regard to sensory perception, a reflection of the vibrational subtlety of interaction in the sense of the density of the physical world becomes visible here. A man is one step lower than a woman in terms of vibrational characteristics, so he has a low timbre of voice and is "equipped" with dense muscles to change and order the surrounding space, while the woman's task is to direct it. Balanced hemispheres form divine consciousness.

The interaction between humans and nature takes place not only at the level of the five senses. The qualities of the soul are inaccessible to the eye, and for some reason that is why they are not taken into account by the mass of people, as part of the real world. At least by scientists, these qualities are ignored, and their model of the universe is promoted most assiduously and generously sponsored by the “masters” of the system. A person has subtle bodies, and the qualities of the soul reflect their organs of perception. Many emotions are organs of the astral body, thought forms are used by the mental body, images are used by the causal body.

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DNA light spirals contain information about the human soul, that is, they are a library of the states of subtle bodies and are located outside of earthly time. Subtle bodies affect all parallel physical incarnations, therefore all human incarnations are constantly interconnected, they influence each other and complement each other. This also explains the reason for the karmic connection between souls (a la "in a past life she was his mother, and now he is her father") and the illusion of predetermination of some events.

After the death of the physical body, information remains in the light body and spirals, and it plunges into the most favorable embodiment and planetary matrix to fill in the missing light / information “clusters”. Wave genetics is close to this discovery.

Light emanating from subtle bodies passes through the human chakras and acquires different frequencies: the lower the chakra, the denser the vibration and the lower the frequency. The vibration frequency attracts the corresponding density. Since the collective consciousness of the Earth is concentrated mainly on the three lower chakras, people constantly deal with the dense physical world.

2. The law of form

Naturally, light also exists outside of its visual perception, since the eyes capture only its certain spectrum. So, for example, those who have subtle bodies exist in etheric, astral and other realities, but due to the fact that their attention is focused on physics, they see only the physical world and, accordingly, operate with images from the outside world, falling into the rings of karmic experience.

Also, the spectrum of light is a multi-level database of frequencies, and all consciousness radiates its frequency and attracts its harmonious reflections from the environment. The ability for self-awareness depends on the vibrational contrast of consciousness with the outside world: ants and victims of low-vibration egregors are similar in this regard, since they constitute a roid vague consciousness that does not have a personality quality; while strong and wise people shine brightly, constantly transmitting the actual vibration in the right place.

Depending on the ability to cognize, a person uses certain chakras and generates a certain frequency, a slice of information, into the environment. The environment, as a limited spectrum of an infinite light range, is an information field and always reacts to the consciousness that is in it, unconsciously striving for a higher frequency, striving for concentration, life. That is why everything alive and constantly moves.

The information field has myriads of light layers, which are harmoniously superimposed on each other. The layers diffusely flow from one to the other and at the border of the transition are figuratively divided into planes of matter in accordance with their vibrational quality.

Shape is a consequence of the pressure of a higher frequency on a lower one. So consciousness and environment are connected through the forms formed between them. Consciousness constantly generates a frequency that resonates with the information field and attracts / radiates a thought, image or feeling. The frequency brings the body into action on all available planes of matter and finally forms a projection of the form in the external physical world, descending according to the degree of light compaction and the ability to use the capabilities of the entire chakra range. If the external light pressure is stronger than the luminosity of consciousness, then it burns out or becomes denser, becoming coarser and more primitive in order to gain consciousness in denser, low-vibration worlds.

Each form and consciousness (which is also a form) is limited by the limits of its existence in a certain frequency environment. Above the level of self-awareness, there is still no form, there it is “melted” under the influence of light, but below it cannot manifest itself, because it is forced to collapse and separate in order to acquire another form. The universe is designed in such a way that it pushes consciousness into the environment where it can glow and cognize itself in its own reflection of images.

The set of frequencies of many translators create a hologram of reality

For example, in the process of life, a person every day deals with a certain data bank of thought forms, which were inherited or formed in the process of interaction with the environment. Layers of neutrally polarized information are constantly deformed by consciousness, creating forms of light manifestation in a limited frequency range. The complex of frequencies of translators of thought forms keeps the information layer of the Earth in an unchanged form, creating the same scenarios.

At the moment, the environment seems to be programming itself through the passive consciousness of biorobots, and the planet is in informational isolation from the subtle planes of matter. Most of the population cannot glow in the environment, since the environment itself programs it using the attributes of the outside world: the media and limited images that dominate society. Due to such manipulation, the effect of isolation occurs, which leads to the collapse and destruction of the universe. But the Universe has its own plans in this regard.

3. Synchronization of the Universe

The laws of the Universe do not allow a scenario of self-destruction, therefore, all distorted worlds that are isolated and closed on themselves are transformed under the influence of a higher frequency emanating from God. This frequency envelops all realities, forcibly changing the worlds and producing a natural selection of consciousnesses capable of living in harmony with the divine vibration, with natural nature. The pressure of this vibration at the moment of its peak will be expressed in an instant (5-10 seconds) reflection of all feelings, images and thought forms with which humanity and man himself resonate. If he can withstand himself and gain consciousness in a new environment, then the process of reflection and formation of the surrounding world will take place outside the perception of physical time - the person will move upward, towards the spirit, because there is his only life goal.

Ideally, a person activates all DNA spirals, activates all subtle bodies for life in the Universe and will be able to move the focus of attention to any of its points, that is, he will become a traveler of consciousness, as it was in ancient times.

At the moment, people striving for changes on the physical plane do not understand that they are hostages of the matrix and its egregors, they do not understand that this world is not the only one, and the entire Universe is in the process of transformation. The layer cake of the Universe is in the process of synchronization, the planet Earth is tuned to a new frequency through light codes passing through the center of the galaxy and further through the Sun. Those who are able to feel the Earth and accept the new energies of the Sun also go through the stage of transformation.

The fractal principle of simplification of realities works in the universe. First, matter is twisted into a spiral and galaxies are formed in space, where the realities of the buddhic plane are simplified to causal. For example, the Central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy is a black hole, it contains all possible worlds in the Universe, built in solar systems. Twisting does not occur in solar systems, because each subsequent layer of an absorbing fractal must push out matter, and not absorb it. So they alternate. The black hole, as it were, sucks in the reality of solar systems and makes up the library of all worlds. In our system, the center is the Sun, personifying the alternating fractal degree of light and darkness. The Earth, as a planet, is an absorber of light for the formation of new realities in the limited spectrum of light. Man is the next step and must be a source of light, like the Sun, in order to fit into the fractal picture of the world.

Human chakras also reflect the fractal principle of shaping: in the center is anahata, the divine vibration of life, from which paired chakras 5-3, 6-2 and 7-1 radiate in a spiral. The central and paired chakras of the body repeat the points of fractals in the Universe that preceded the appearance of man: consciousness of the Universe (4), black hole (5-3), sun (6-2), earth (7-1).

Also, a person can develop 5 cosmic out-of-body chakras, and activate the 13th chakra, which is outside this universe, but most likely no one will succeed. Each cosmic chakra has its own subtle plane of matter and a body for life in it (see figure). These 6 chakras fractally reflect paired chakras in the human body and are intended for self-awareness in the Universe at all levels of transition between fractal points of “inhalation” and “exhalation”.

Our Universe is also apparently connected with another network of Universes, where different principles and laws work.