An Incredible Incident With A Drunken Man - Alternative View

An Incredible Incident With A Drunken Man - Alternative View
An Incredible Incident With A Drunken Man - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Incident With A Drunken Man - Alternative View

Video: An Incredible Incident With A Drunken Man - Alternative View
Video: Five teens charged for murder after throwing rocks 2024, September

In a strong drunkenness, truly fantastic stories often happen to people, but they are usually not believed: you never know what will be seen from drunken eyes … And these people themselves are not inclined to talk about their mystical adventures, because they do not understand what happened to them and how this is possible … Moreover, there is always a risk of being ridiculed …

So the master watchmaker from the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow kept this story in himself for many years, because at first it was dangerous, but after the collapse of the USSR he understood: no one would believe it anyway. However, time flies inexorably, he is getting old, and therefore one day he decided to tell about what happened, although he asked the journalists not to give his real name. So, let him be Ivan for us …

In those years, Ivan lived in Kazakhstan, there was a prison camp nearby - with barbed wire, watchtowers, and creepy dogs. In a word, everything is as it should be.

In his youth, Ivan drank hard. And then one day he went on a spree in one warm company and took it great on his chest. He returned home late, in the dark. The village where the guy lived was large, and Ivan got lost. He walked, walked and stumbled upon a barbed wire. Realizing that he had gone to the camp, the guy turned back, but soon again found himself in front of the wire. This was repeated several times, and finally Ivan decided to lie down somewhere and sleep until morning. He lay down near some wall and really fell asleep.


Early in the morning, before dawn, the guy woke up and looked around in amazement, not knowing where he was. It turns out that Ivan slept under the wall of the barracks, and there were several such barracks. The territory was surrounded by three rows of barbed wire, watchtowers rose into the sky. Ivan realized that somehow he found himself in the camp, in the zone.

Seeing where the checkpoint was, the guy headed there. There were an officer on duty and two soldiers at the checkpoint. At the sight of Ivan, they almost lost their speech.

- Who are you? How did you get here?

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Ivan replied that he had been drunk the day before and did not remember how he wandered into the zone. The officer turned gray in his face and took the guy to another room, ordered to explain everything in writing. Then he read what he had written, was silent, tore the sheet, and crumpled up the pieces and put them in his pocket.

- You, - he says, - saw a barbed wire in three rows? The current was launched through it, you could not pass there. It turns out that he could only go through the checkpoint. But our doors are locked from the inside, the keys are in the safe. Nobody entered the camp that night. If we let in or let out someone without a special pass - that's it, we will be tribunal. But since you're here, it turns out, we let you into the zone. With all, as they say, the ensuing consequences for us. Therefore, if you don’t tell me how you came here and why, you’ll get the term to its fullest.

And although Ivan's head was like a cast iron from a hangover, he realized how serious everything was. I have already decided that this is the end. They both sit in silence, do not know what to do next. It turns out that everyone has a deadline - Ivan, the officer, and the soldiers … They lit a cigarette. Suddenly the officer says:

- Okay, I think I came up with it. Wait here.

He went to his soldiers, and Ivan has one thought in his head: "Will they kill me or not?" The officer returned soon.

- Live, - says Ivan.

He led the guy through some dark vestibule to an iron door, opened several locks in it with keys. Then there was another door with locks. And when Ivan went out through it, the officer told him:

- So that not a word to anyone! If you mess up, we're all finished. Blow!

Ivan does not even remember how he got to the village. Of course, he did not tell anyone what had happened, he understood: the officer was not joking with him. A few days later, Ivan met this man on the street. He was alone. The guy wanted to come up, but the officer stopped him with a glance that clearly read: "Do not come!"

Then several more times they met as strangers. And then this officer, apparently, was transferred somewhere. Soon Ivan also left the village.

Here is a story that you may or may not believe in. But it is not for nothing that it is said: wonderful are your works, O Lord, and your miracles are innumerable …