Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Secrets Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Scientists argue that in ancient times a large-scale tragedy took place in space, which served as the beginning for the creation of a new world. However, neither historical evidence nor material finds are sufficient to conclude that the disaster was nuclear. At the same time, some scientists are still leaning towards the "nuclear" version, claiming that there are many places on Earth that serve as confirmation of this hypothesis. So, in the event of a nuclear war, traces of radiation would inevitably remain on the planet. And there are a lot of such places on the planet.

The consequences of the Chernobyl accident show that mutations occur in humans and animals, in particular, cyclopism. But many ancient legends say that once there were cyclops, with whom people constantly had to fight.

Another mutation associated with radiation is polyploidy, that is, a doubling of the chromosome set, leading to the doubling of some organs and gigantism. And on the planet, the remains of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth are periodically found.

The third type of radioactive mutagenesis is Mongoloid. At the moment, the Mongoloid race is the most numerous on Earth. It includes the Mongols, Chinese, South Siberian, Ural peoples, Eskimos and peoples of both Americas. At the same time, scientists argue that earlier the Mongoloids were much more represented on the planet, because they were found in Sumeria, Europe, and Egypt, but were later driven out by the Semitic and Aryan peoples. There are representatives of this race even in Central Africa. Hottentots and Bushmen live there, who, despite their dark skin color, have characteristic Mongoloid features.

Interestingly, the spread of the Mongoloid race coincides with the spread of semi-deserts and deserts on the planet, where the main centers of ancient civilizations were once located.

The fourth evidence of radioactive mutagenesis is the birth of ugly children and children with atavisms. Scientists explain this by the fact that after radiation in antiquity, deformities were quite widespread and even considered normal. Therefore, they sometimes appear in the modern world in newborns. So, in particular, radiation becomes the cause of six-fingeredness, which is very common among those Japanese who survived the American nuclear bombing, as well as those children whose parents survived Chernobyl. A similar mutation sometimes occurs in our time.

But, if in Europe during the "witch hunt" people with such mutations were completely destroyed, then in Russia, for example, even before the revolution there were whole villages in which six-fingered people lived …

As evidence of a nuclear war that took place in antiquity, some scientists cite the presence on the Earth's surface of more than 100 craters with a diameter of about 2-3 km, as well as two large craters (40 km and 120 km in diameter in South America and South Africa). If these craters appeared during the Paleozoic, that is, 350 million years ago, according to some experts, then practically nothing would have remained of them, since wind, animals, plants and volcanic dust increase the thickness of the upper layer by about one meter per hundred years old. And the craters are still there, and in 25 thousand years they have decreased their depth by only 250 meters. All this makes it possible to estimate the strength of a nuclear strike, which was made about 25-35 thousand years ago.

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If we take the average diameter of the craters as 3 km, it turns out that as a result of an ancient nuclear war, about 5 Mt of boson bombs were detonated on the planet's surface.

It should be remembered that at that time the Earth's biosphere was 20 thousand times larger than it is now, therefore it was able to endure such a number of nuclear explosions. Soot and dust obscured the sun, resulting in a nuclear winter. Water fell out in the form of snow in the zone of the poles, where the eternal cold set in, so it was excluded from the circulation of the biosphere.

Numerous craters, in particular the Manicouagan crater, located in northern Canada, are also evidence of nuclear war. This is the most famous impact crater. It was formed about 200 million years ago. At the same time, a hydroelectric reservoir was formed, the diameter of which reaches 70 km. The crater itself has long been destroyed due to erosion processes, in particular, the passage of glaciers. But at the same time, hard rocks have retained a rather complex shock structure, the study of which can greatly help in studies of large shock formations not only on our planet, but also on other objects of the solar system.

As another proof that a nuclear war took place on our planet in antiquity, scientists call the ancient Mayan calendars. This ancient civilization had two Venusian calendars, in one - 240 days, in the other - 290. Both of them are associated with catastrophes that occurred on Earth, but did not change the radius of its rotation, but accelerated its daily rotation. Also, the redistribution of water to the poles from the continents caused a cooling and acceleration of the planet's rotation. The first calendar, in which there were 240 days, belonged to the civilization of the Asuras, and the second, in which there were 290 days, to the civilization of the Atlanteans. Physiologists are sure of the existence of these calendars: if a person is placed in a dungeon and deprived of his watch, then his body is rebuilt and begins to live in a cycle, as if there are 36 hours in a day.

All these facts taken together are proof that there was a nuclear war in ancient times. As a result of nuclear explosions and fires, to which they led, 28 times more energy could be released than during the explosions themselves. A solid wall of fire destroyed all living things. Those who managed to escape the fire were killed by carbon monoxide. Animals and people fled to the water to find their death there. The fire caused a nuclear rain, and where the bombs did not fall, radiation hit.

However, in addition to radiation, nuclear explosions caused another terrible phenomenon: the shock wave, carrying away moisture and dust, reached the stratosphere and destroyed the ozone screen that protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation.

All this caused the atmosphere to drop from eight to one atmosphere, which, in turn, led to decompression sickness. The processes of decay began, which changed the gas composition of the atmosphere, lethal concentrations of methane and hydrogen sulfide began to be released, which poisoned everyone who miraculously survived. The seas and oceans were poisoned. For all the survivors, famine began.

People, trying to escape from the deadly air, low atmospheric pressure and radiation, hid in their underground cities, but earthquakes and downpours destroyed all the dungeons and drove them back to the surface.

According to scientists, the construction of underground tunnels began long before the nuclear war. A device that resembled a laser was used for the construction. However, laser weapons were used not only for construction. Scientists believe that when the laser beam reached the molten underground layer, magma began to move towards the surface and erupted, which caused powerful earthquakes. So volcanoes of artificial origin appeared on the planet.

Of course, many scientists deny the possibility of life underground, but there is evidence that it is possible. So, according to the estimates of geologists, there is more water underground than in the World Ocean, and only a small part of this water is part of rocks and minerals. Many underground lakes, seas and rivers have already been discovered. It is suggested that the underground water system is associated with the waters of the World Ocean. And between them not only the water cycle takes place, but also the exchange of biological species. Unfortunately, research in this area is not carried out, therefore, it is currently impossible to either confirm or refute this theory.

For the underground biosphere to become self-sufficient, it is necessary that there be plants that would release oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide. But, as it turned out, in order to live, plants do not necessarily need lighting, it is enough to pass an electric current through the earth of a certain frequency, and the process of photosynthesis will take place in complete darkness. But at the same time, underground life forms must necessarily be similar to earthly ones. It may well be that these forms can be not only unicellular, but also multicellular and even reach a sufficiently high level of development.

All this makes it possible to assume that the underground biosphere is completely self-sufficient, it lives independently of the terrestrial biosphere and contains species of plants and animals similar to those on the earth.

At the same time, if underground plants cannot exist on the surface of the earth, then animals can feed not only on underground plants, but also on those that grow on the surface. The numerous appearances of dinosaurs, in particular, the famous Loch Ness monster, can serve as proof of this …

If we talk about what caused the nuclear war, then, according to the surviving ancient documents, a tribe of Asuras lived on Earth. They were strong and large, but at the same time very good-natured and trusting. The gods deceived their flying cities, and they themselves were driven to the bottom of the oceans and underground. The existence of the pyramids, which are found all over the planet, indicate that in ancient times the culture was one, and the earthlings had no reason to be at enmity with each other. The second warring party, according to scientists, could be the inhabitants of Mars. This hypothesis did not arise out of nowhere. If you look at the pictures taken on the surface of Mars, you can see dried up channels, which, presumably, were previously rivers, the biosphere on this planet was not inferior in power and size to the Earth's biosphere. Quite possible,that the Martian colony decided to secede from the Earth, despite the common culture.

Mars was colonized by earthlings, but also underwent nuclear bombardment and lost its biosphere and atmosphere. Oxygen was destroyed by fire, and carbon dioxide was decomposed by reddish vegetation. By the way, the same plants can be found on Earth, they grow, as a rule, in places where there is very little light. Scientists speculate that these plants may have been brought in from Mars by the Asuras.

On the red planet, one can still observe mysterious blue flares, which may indicate that the nuclear war on the planet continues …

All these are only assumptions, and scientists have no evidence of their validity yet. It is quite possible that over time, science will be able to lift the veil of secrecy, and humanity will finally learn the secret of its appearance.