Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View

Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View
Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View

Video: Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View

Video: Questions To Which There Are No Answers - Alternative View
Video: Questions No One Knows the Answers to (Full Version) 2024, September

The traditional chronological canvas permeates all spheres of today's life, primarily culture and the humanitarian field of knowledge. However, in many directions, researchers have already approached the line that can be crossed only by changing the paradigm. Only the last step remains

Why was the Bible forbidden to read before the 16th century?

Why has not ancient Roman and ancient Greek folklore reached our days in its pure form (the first entered the Italian medieval folklore, the second - into the collection of Arabian fairy tales "1001 Nights")?

Why did self-portraits first appear only at the end of the 15th century?

Why was private correspondence in medieval Byzantium conducted in ancient Greek?

Why on all medieval maps depicted long-disappeared cities, countries and peoples and did not depict medieval realities at all?

Why on the map of Moscow in 1557 by Sigismund Herberstein there is neither the Assumption nor the Annunciation Cathedrals, nor the Ivan the Great bell tower, nor the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed (the Intercession in the Moat)?

Why on the world map of Mercator Jr. 1606 Moscow is not indicated, and in its place is Troitsko?

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Why are Roman soldiers wearing Tatar-Mongol clothes in van Eyck's painting of a crucifixion scene?

Why was Jerusalem depicted on the shores of a large sea strait in most paintings before the 16th century?

Why do many Old Believer consensus do not recognize the Pilate inscription INRI (Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews)?

Why does Niccolo Machiavelli, analyzing the reign of numerous ancient sovereigns, never mention the name of Augustus?

Why do Russian chronicle sources pass over in silence such major events of European life as the Crusades?

Why do Muslims in the "Knight in the Panther's Skin" pray to the Holy Trinity?

Why do Muslims (according to Latin authors of the 16th and 17th centuries) revere the monk Sergius, who led the true malicious heretic Mohammed astray?

Why did Turkey officially accept Islam only in 1601, under Ahmet II?

Why did the ancient concept of the Golden Age appear in English only in 1555 (first displayed in written sources)?

Why does the ancient spelling CAESAR appear in English only in 1567, although the Germanic word KAISER has been known in English sources since the 13th century?

Why, according to European sources (Jines Perez de Ita), Muslims in the 16th century drink alcohol, burn adulterers at the stake and depict the prophet in paintings in full growth, although the Koran strictly forbids all of the above?

Why does Joseph Scaliger in his fundamental work "On Correcting the Chronology" of Julius Caesar call Gaius Julius Romeysky?

Why does Lorenzo Valla call Latin his native language and write a book about its beauties, if it is believed that Latin has ceased to be a popular language much earlier?

Why did the Byzantines build a mosque in Medina?

Why did not the sources write about Archimedes and Euclid in England until the 16th century?

Why did the institution of church marriage not exist until the end of the 15th century?

Why did Europeans not know and write anything about Islam before the 17th century?

Why was Latin called a barbaric language in the 12th century in Byzantium?

Why is Justinian's Corpus Juris Civilis written in Latin, if Justinian himself spoke only Greek, and the Empire did not know Latin either?

Why has not a single geographical map survived from the Byzantine Empire?

Why does Ivan the Terrible call the Empire of Augustus Greek?

Why does the ancient astrologer and astronomer Mark Manilius count the day from 6 am and the night from 6 pm, if in Gospel times the clock began to count from sunrise?

Why did the ancient astrologer and astronomer Mark Manilius indicate the constellations of the southern hemisphere of the sky, which became known only in the 16th century, after the voyages of Columbus?

Why is St. Petersburg indicated on the map of 1694, if it is believed that it was founded only in 1703?

Why is it believed that the Vikings existed from the 9th to the 11th century, if the very word Viking first appeared in European languages in the 19th century?

Why did the French kings take the oath in the Slavic Reims gospel until the middle of the 17th century, despite the fact that the Slavic language was not among the three canonical languages?

Why are the Russian chronicles based on the 12-hour measurement of the day, if before the reform of Peter in 1706 the Russian day contained from 7 hours in winter to 17 hours in summer?

Why is there no information in any Russian source about Anna Yaroslavna, Queen of France?

Why was practically nothing written about the great daughter of the French people Jeanne d'Arc in France until the 19th century?

Why did Dante remain practically unknown in the world until the end of the 18th century?

Why is the Slavic Bible of the 16th century considered a translation of the Septuagint if its manuscripts remained unknown until the 19th century?

Why is it believed that the dating from the birth of Christ was introduced by Bede the Venerable, if the documents of the papal chancellery began to date from R. H. only since Pope Eugene IV in 1431?

Why was the beginning of the year from January 1, introduced by Julius Caesar in the 1st century BC, was it adopted only in the 16th century?

Why did the caesarean section, named after the miraculous birth of Julius Caesar, receive such a name only in the 16th century?

V. A. Ivanov