Love And Magic - Alternative View

Love And Magic - Alternative View
Love And Magic - Alternative View

Video: Love And Magic - Alternative View

Video: Love And Magic - Alternative View
Video: 🅾🔝 FIND OUT NOW WHAT he thinks about you, your love prospects 💞 Big tarot spread 2024, September

You can, of course, be skeptical about magic, not believe in the evil eye, damage, love spells … But such things sometimes do happen. I think the story of this girl will interest many readers.

At a friend's birthday party, I noticed a strange guy. Lovely: brunette with blue eyes. Only here is some kind of "frozen". Sits in the corner, is silent, and if he answers someone, then without emotion, like a zombie.

I ask: "Has anything happened?" "Nope …" - he answers like a lemon chews. The evening is in full swing, a birthday cake with candles was served, and I have one thought in my head: to rock the guy or get rid of him. Tortured already with his boring countenance.

I poured myself some tea, added cold water to it: so that it was hot, but not boiling water - and I knocked the guy down on his knees, as if by accident. He jumped up, ran to the bathtub to clean himself up. As it turned out later, there was no burn: I calculated everything correctly. Well, now, I think, now you will go home: what are you to do here? I watch, however, my "hero" returns from the bathroom and … smiles. He instantly came to life, cheered up. He began to look after me. That's how the seagulls turned out!

The next day I go home from work, I see: standing at the door with a bouquet.

- Thank you, - he says, - you brought me back to life. Your hot tea defrosted me.

“I spilled it on purpose,” I answer. To not sit so sour.

So we met and started dating. It turned out to be quite a normal guy.

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A couple of weeks later, a lady of about forty is waiting for me at the entrance and says:

- Leave my boyfriend, or you will die like a dog.

- Alien, - I say, - did not take. He came himself, let him go away.

- Well, look, you'll regret it! - gazed up her eyes and left.

I asked my boyfriend. It turned out that this lady is his boss. We met for six months, he himself, he says, did not understand how he got involved in a relationship with her. And that "love" did not bring any joy - there was only longing. Finally, he told her that they were breaking up. He applied for resignation to burn all bridges. But the boss threw a hysterics, said that she would not give it to anyone.

I confess, this meeting unsettled me. The appetite was gone. No strength. I feel: fading away. I went to the doctors: well.

A friend said that she knew one grandmother who sees everything and removes damage. I didn't really believe it, but I already agreed to everything: I must somehow get out of this half-dead state!

In general, let's go. There is an old woman of about 80 years old. Lies in bed. The assistant is nearby. I think that granny herself is breathing, how can she help me? But she seemed to read my thoughts:

- I have to deal with you sufferers, take on something for myself, so I'm sick. Did you pick up a rug in front of the door with the ground?

And then I was like a butt on the head: a week ago, returning from work, I noticed that the rug in front of the door to the apartment is dirty, in the ground.

- I took, - I answer, - gently shook it into the garbage chute.

“This is a cemetery land. And the Queen of Spades has brought damage to you. And she bewitched your boyfriend. And you yourself removed the love spell from him! You have a gift too. You will heal when the time comes.

Then the old woman began to remove the damage. Something incredible happened: she was twisted, thrown, at some point it seemed to me that she was literally hanging over the bed.

Finally, Granny became quiet.

- All. Done. Your opponent will call - do not answer. Do not enter into any contact with her.

I didn't go from my grandmother - I flew. Impressions - the sea. And why should I treat? My job suits me perfectly.

As soon as I returned home, the doorbell rang. I looked through the peephole - the lady came, as promised. She didn't open it. She called, knocked, shouted. I told a neighbor who came out and threatened to call the police. Only then did she leave.

In the morning I asked a neighbor to give me a ride to work. The premonition did not deceive: the woman was waiting at the entrance. Seeing me, she perked up:

- Smoke with me, I really need it. - She began to hold out a cigarette with trembling hands, fuss.

Why on earth? I have never smoked. The neighbor silently pushed her aside, and just as silently we walked through and got into the car. Her face was distorted …

… My friend did not have to quit: the witch-boss had a heart attack on the same day.

After a while we got married. We live in harmony and happiness, brings up two wonderful children. I sometimes ask myself the question: "What made me shed tea that evening?" Fate!


Palmist Boris Akimov
