In The Beregovsky Region Of Transcarpathia, Jesus Has Been Crying For Eight Years - Alternative View

In The Beregovsky Region Of Transcarpathia, Jesus Has Been Crying For Eight Years - Alternative View
In The Beregovsky Region Of Transcarpathia, Jesus Has Been Crying For Eight Years - Alternative View

Video: In The Beregovsky Region Of Transcarpathia, Jesus Has Been Crying For Eight Years - Alternative View

Video: In The Beregovsky Region Of Transcarpathia, Jesus Has Been Crying For Eight Years - Alternative View
Video: In Between? Transcarpathia 2024, September

The tears of Jesus in the house of Tibor and Maria Sorkiv, in the village of Kylosh, Beregovskiy district of Transcarpathia, have been streaming myrrh from the crucifix for eight years. The family distributes healing myrrh to people - they say that it heals from deadly ailments. People from all over the country and even from abroad come to Western Ukraine for healing myrrh.

“My husband Tibor installed a metal crucifix on a wooden cross. A week later, small drops of the healing world appeared on it. It flows from the wounds of Jesus on the hands in those places where the holy crucifixion is attached to the cross and to the very feet of the Lord. I noticed that myrrh is allocated unevenly.

In the afternoon - less, and after 10 o'clock in the evening the crucifix seems to come to life - the hostess pours fragrant myrrh into small glasses, baptizes her son and daughter with them. - It happens that during the night the process of myrrh streaming is very intense, sometimes a plate is full under the holy image. Miro has stood out for eight years, look, a fragrant oily liquid during this time has even leaked a wooden cross. Moreover, under it, on the wall, it looks like a cross painted with oil paints,”says the hostess.

The Sorkiv family lives in a one-story old house in the village of Kilosh, Beregovsky district of Transcarpathia. A pleasant musky aroma is felt from the doorway in a cozy home. The hostess leads to a small room. At the entrance to the bedroom, on the wall, I see a wooden cross with a metal crucifix on it. There is a tiny saucer under it on a special stand. Myrrh flows down to him drop by drop. Opposite - a table with flowers and prayer books, a candle lit by the holy image.


“A year ago, a tumor was found in the man of our neighbor, the poor man was taken to the hospital, he did not even get up on his feet. Hearing about the miracle miro, his wife did not hesitate to go to Ukraine, says Chunda Kolozhvari from Budapest. - I returned in peace from Sorkiv in a day. But the doctors did not believe that the cancer patient would recover, they warned his wife to prepare for the funeral. And she daily read a prayer over the man and made him a healing world with crosses on his forehead, arms and legs. And a miracle happened: three days later, for the first time in a month, he asked for food, and two weeks later he began to recover. Now he is already healthy. I also came here in the hope of salvation, I have a sick daughter, she cannot give birth, I lost an unborn baby four times. But the doctors were powerless, their only hope was in Jesus."

“For healing myrrh, people come to us from all over Ukraine and from abroad. If a person walks with faith and sincerely prays, real miracles of healing happen, - the woman says. - With this world, I cured my brother's husband: for more than a month, Psoriasis plaques that were all over the body were smeared daily, and the disease receded, even the doctors were surprised at the miraculous healing. And recently a woman came to us from Russia, who took myrrh three years ago. She said that she cured breast cancer for them. We have pilgrims almost every day. Tibor was even offered to sell the crucifix, they came from Kiev, Russia and Budapest, but her husband flatly refused. We do not sell Miro, we give it to churches, we also help those who come in the hope of healing."

Maria Sorkiv says that when her daughter Beata spent the night in the room where the crucifix is, the girl suddenly woke up at night, and an angel hovered at the cross. For a month, Tibor's mother also saw the angel.

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“I have a good and hardworking person, and a few years ago I noticed that my Tibor was like a stone on his heart. He complained that there was no peace in his soul, he became sad, withered. Once I visited a monastery with my children. After confession, the elder taught us God's prayer and advised us to install crucifixes in the house. And in the evening a friend came to us and handed me a package. In the old newspaper - the crucifixion of the Lord, - recalls. - My husband was delighted, made a wooden cross, however, when he drilled holes to attach a crucifix to it, he felt pain in his heart, as if he had pierced living flesh.

A week later, holy blood flowed from Jesus' metal wounds. The neighbor who came to the Sorki was the first to notice the small droplets on the crucifix. And Maria decided that the metal was sweating from the steam, because next to the room is the kitchen. The next morning, under the crucifixion, the husband noticed an oily stain. It was February 26, 2004 - eight years since the miracle happened. At first, the neighbors were skeptical about this. And in 2009, myrrh from the Sorkiv house was examined in Budapest and it was confirmed that it contains elements unknown to science.

Therefore, now Maria Tibor is afraid to even make repairs in the bedroom - what if, if they transfer the holy crucifixion to another room, and this miracle disappears?
