Memphis - Menes - God Ptah - Alternative View

Memphis - Menes - God Ptah - Alternative View
Memphis - Menes - God Ptah - Alternative View

Video: Memphis - Menes - God Ptah - Alternative View

Video: Memphis - Menes - God Ptah - Alternative View
Video: Ptah the Supreme Creator 2024, October

Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious countries in the world. For many centuries, mankind has been stirring myths and legends associated with the existence of the ancient Egyptian civilization. What secrets are hidden from humanity? Or are they skillfully trying to hide these secrets? What do the majestic tombs of the pharaohs hide? Perhaps the Egyptians inherited secret knowledge from an extraterrestrial civilization?


More than 6000 years ago, there were two states on the territory of modern Egypt: Upper Egypt occupied the lower part of the Nile Valley, Lower Egypt was located in the Nile Delta. The king of Upper Egypt wore a white crown, the king of Lower Egypt wore a red one. When both states were united, the city of Memphis, the capital of the united Ancient Egyptian kingdom, arose on the left bank of the river.


According to the epics of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the city of Memphis was founded by Pharaoh Menes (Mina, Khor-Aha), who lived at the beginning of the XXXII century BC - the first Egyptian king. By order of Menes, the current of the Nile, which had previously washed the foot of the Libyan mountains, was turned; the current was directed several kilometers to the east. On the land "taken away" from the Nile, a fortress "White Walls" was erected, around which Pharaoh Menes built a city that was named "Mannofer", which means "a good place".

According to Herodotus, Menes, with the help of a dam, changed the course of the Nile, he drained the old channel and built a new city on this land. This event began to be perceived by descendants as the beginning of the reign of the 1st dynasty of the pharaohs.


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In the book Isis Unveiled, Helena Blavatsky wrote that India is the cradle of modern humanity and that Ancient Egypt owes all its achievements to India. She pointed out that the first king of Egypt, Menes, abandoned by the Brahmins, emigrated with all his followers from India; passed through Iran, Arabia and reached Egypt.

The Egyptian priest Maneto in the III century BC compiled an extensive history of Egypt and was the first to divide the chronology of the rulers into 30 dynasties.

Manetho began his periodization from the era of the "first time", when Egypt was ruled by the Gods, the last of which was Horus:

Thus, before the unification of Egypt by Menes, the history of Egypt was 24,925 years old!


For several millennia, Memphis remained the first city in Egypt and the largest trade center in the Eastern Mediterranean. It reached its heyday during the reign of the IV and V dynasties and during the first pharaohs of the VI dynasty, then was abandoned, but "resurrected" again under the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty. After the capital was moved to Thebes, then to Alexandria, Memphis gradually began to lose its significance as the most ancient capital of Egypt.

In the surviving manuscript of Herodotus, it is said that very strange and amazing things happened in Memphis:

According to ancient manuscripts, Menes received a gift from the Gods in the form of a rod, spewing sacred rays, with the help of which he defeated his enemies and built Memphis in the shortest possible time. It is possible that during the construction of the capital, the same technologies were used as during the construction of the pyramids in Giza.

Perhaps it was the invariable attribute of Thoth - the Rod, which is the focus of magical powers.


The tomb of the great unifier of Egypt, Pharaoh Menes, was discovered in Abydos. The burial chamber was looted, but wall paintings and inscriptions survived. On the walls of the rooms found under the tomb of the pharaoh, drawings were found depicting Menes, allegedly performing "surgical operations". There is an assumption of researchers that Pharaoh Menes was engaged in anatomical research.

Legend has it that when Menes' mummy was buried, one action was added to the sacred ritual: in the pharaoh's tomb, on the wall, at the head of the bed, three strange hieroglyphs were applied, the meaning of which remains a mystery to this day. These signs do not resemble any of the known or previously encountered symbols. Some scholars find the similarity of these hieroglyphs with kabbalistic symbolism, which was never present in Egyptian writing. Researchers who have studied the culture of the ancient Mayans have found in one of the temples in Tikal symbols similar to those found in the tomb of Pharaoh Menes. What these mysterious signs mean and what meaning the great Pharaoh Menes put into them remains a mystery.


Throughout the history of the land of the pharaohs, even when Thebes was the rich and glittering capital, Memphis remained the economic center of the country. There were shrines famous all over the country, among them - Hut-ka-Ptah - "Abode of Ka (" double ") of God Ptah". The main temple of Ptah in Memphis was larger than the Karnak complex in Thebes. The main deity of the ancient city was God Ptah - the patron saint of arts, knowledge and writing. The Egyptian historian Manetho called the city Hi-Ku-Ptah - "House of the soul of Ptah", which in Greek was pronounced as Aygiptos. Hence the ancient and modern name for Egypt.

The incarnation of God Ptah was the sacred bull Apis, who lived in a temple specially built for him. As soon as the sacred bull died, the priests looked for a new one, in which the presence of the God Ptah would be manifested. With the death of Apis, all Egypt was in sorrow.


The burial ceremony lasted 70 days and was performed with such splendor that the Egyptians donated significant sums for the construction of the next Apis's grave. If during these days a new Apis was found, then at the end of the mourning, folk festivities began.

One of these celebrations in June 525 BC was attended by the Persian king Cambyses, who was returning from an unsuccessful campaign in Ethiopia. Cambyses received news that his army was buried in the sands of the desert and decided that the celebrations in Memphis should be held on the occasion of his failures. Angry, he killed young Apis with his own hands. Then he ordered his soldiers to plunder the Memphis temples and burn the city. When Cambyses woke up from his madness, he was horrified by what his army had done in a few days."

Only in the 19th century, archaeologists discovered Memphis. Time did not spare this ancient city, only ruins remained from it, still hiding their secrets. During the excavations, the remains of the Serapeum, the temple of God Ptah, the sphinx of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, carved from an alabaster monolith weighing at least 80 tons, were discovered.


In front of the temple of God Ptah towered colossal statues of Ramses II, 13 meters high. One pink granite statue of Ramses II is installed on the square in front of Ramses train station in Cairo. The second lies on the ground in a palm grove under a concrete canopy in Memphis. Legends say that the people who built Memphis and left behind such statues were giants and owned all the secrets of witchcraft.

Author: Valentina Zhitanskaya