Strange Medical Case In India: More Than 60 Ants Were Removed From A Girl's Eye - Alternative View

Strange Medical Case In India: More Than 60 Ants Were Removed From A Girl's Eye - Alternative View
Strange Medical Case In India: More Than 60 Ants Were Removed From A Girl's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Strange Medical Case In India: More Than 60 Ants Were Removed From A Girl's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Strange Medical Case In India: More Than 60 Ants Were Removed From A Girl's Eye - Alternative View
Video: Medical Documentary | The Girl With Two Faces | Only Human 2024, September

An unusual medical case has been reported in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. About 60 ants were found in the eye of an 11-year-old girl, and the doctors could not understand how the insects got there.

It all started when a girl named Ashvini suddenly began to complain of itching in one eye and began to rub this eye frequently. Then she began to feel severe pain in her eye. The girl and her parents live in a small village near the town of Beltangadi.

When the girl's parents decided to look at her sore eye, they found one ant behind the century. But they did not take the incident seriously, thinking that the insect had accidentally entered the girl's eye while she was sleeping. The ant was simply taken out and thought that was the end of it.

But the girl continued to suffer from itching and pain in the eye and her parents decided to take her to the doctors. There, the doctors examined her eyes, found nothing strange, but ordered the girl to bury eye drops into her eyes. They thought that there might be another insect in the eye, and they could get into the eye area supposedly through the ears (a strange assumption).

The girl began to drip eye drops into her eyes, and suddenly dead ants began to emerge from her eyes. Every day at least 5-6 ants come out of her eye, and by that day more than 60 of them have been counted.

The mysterious phenomenon has attracted the attention of other eye specialists, but they refuse to believe in it and cannot offer the girl a thorough treatment until they personally see the insects emerge from the eye.

Another bizarre case of ants in India happened in 2016. Then, hundreds of ants were removed from the ear of a 12-year-old girl Shreya Dariji. It's incredible how all these insects fit there, but it's a fact.

“I have never seen such a case before and have not found anything similar about it in medical records,” said Dr. Jawahar Talsania. “At the same time, the ants are famous for biting painfully, but the girl did not feel pain. Besides, there was no damage in her ear."

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