Abnormal Zones Of The Novgorod Region - Alternative View

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Abnormal Zones Of The Novgorod Region - Alternative View
Abnormal Zones Of The Novgorod Region - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Zones Of The Novgorod Region - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Zones Of The Novgorod Region - Alternative View
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1. Valley of Death (Bear Lakes), Valdai District

- According to the stories of local old-timers, "near a certain stump, everything disappears." For this terrible feature, the area was nicknamed the Valley of Death.

2. Devil's swamp, Prodigal place, Krestetsky district

It's easy to get lost here, and the compass needle spins like crazy until you say a prayer. Once in these places two women were lost. One of them was found a month later in a state of mental insanity and soon died. The second was found by summer residents, and she claimed that she ran into a kind of invisible wall in the swamp, which prevented her from going out to people.

3. Place of encounters with hominoids, Malovishersky district Our information: hominoids are anthropoid creatures from the primate family. In legends and legends, creatures similar to the night man constantly appear. In Russia, they have long been known under the names of yeti, wood goblin, water, brownie, etc

Eyewitnesses say that hominoids were found in the area between the villages of Selishchi, Poddubye, Gornitskoye on the border of Novgorod and Malovishersky districts, near the village of Malaya Vishera. Local residents affectionately call unusual forest dwellers "avdoshki". According to a local legend, once upon a time Baba Avdotya lived in the village of Selishchi. Nobody took her in marriage, because she was so very strange. She could not live with people and went into the forest. She began to live in holes. She lived for a year, lived for two, and then disappeared altogether. Some of the hunters saw her with a wild man covered with wool. Their hairy children were born, and their faces all went to Avdotya.

4. Places of chronoanomalies, Myasnoy Bor, Demyansk cauldron

During the Great Patriotic War, many soldiers and civilians died here. Until now, tens of thousands of remains remain unburied in these remote swampy places. The very atmosphere of a dead swamp, stuffed with corpses, creates a depressing atmosphere. According to search engines, this is a "terrible mystical forest." As soon as a person is left alone, the forest literally comes to life. They say that shouts of "hurray" are clearly heard here, as if the restless souls of the dead soldiers are still attacking.

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5. Village Menusha, Shimsky district

“About five years ago, a group of young scientists from Moscow came to Menyushu,” says Maria Guseva, head of the Medvedskoye rural settlement. - Some of these guys were engaged in the study of anomalous territories and explained to the inhabitants that the very location of Menusha was already anomalous. - The village is surrounded by large boulders along its entire diameter, which, of course, is unusual. And moss on huge rocks does not grow as it should - from the north, but from the east.

In the vicinity there are three healing reservoirs - the Holy Lake, the well at the Trinity Church and an ancient spring dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God. Holy water heals diseases of the eyes and hands.

In addition, the inhabitants of Menusha and the neighboring village of Medved often see unidentified flying objects in the sky or strange and symbolic figures made of stars.

6. Peryn - a pagan sanctuary, Novgorod district

The tract is located in the vicinity of Veliky Novgorod. Presumably, it was here that an ancient Russian pagan sanctuary was located, dedicated to the Slavic god of thunder Perun.

According to legend, when the Novgorodians under Vladimir the Holy threw the idol of Perun into the Volkhov, the angry god, having reached the bridge, threw a stick at him with the words: "Here's to you, Novgorodians, from me as a keepsake."

“Since then, the inhabitants of the city began to converge with sticks on the Volkhov bridge and fight like mad,” writes a foreigner Baron Herberstein, who was in the country at the beginning of the 16th century, in his notes.

Russian chroniclers also told that terrible massacres took place at this place.

What else can really explain the magnetism of Peryn, it is difficult to say. One thing is clear: the ancient sanctuary is a mysterious land!

7. Place of UFO appearance: Shimsk, Staraya Russa, Soltsy, Valdai, lakes Kuzminskoye, Rdeyskoye, Seliger

Flying saucers have been observed dozens of times in the Shimsky district (southwest of Novgorod) and near it during 1990-1991. Most of the eyewitnesses were identified by a local researcher Yuri Alfimov, a police officer. Yuri Borisovich not only collected testimony, but also photographed UFOs and their landing sites. Observation materials were published in Novgorod newspapers.

The Shimsky region accounts for 50% of the observations of flying saucers from the total in the Novgorod region. The rest of the settlements, according to the number of observations, are arranged in the following order: Novgorod, the village of Myakishevo, Khvoininsky District, Borovichi, Okulovka, Staraya Russa.

8. "Arakcheevskie barracks", glow, UFO: Medved village, Shimsky district

This zone is located on the site of an abandoned military unit. The introduction of military settlements here is associated with the name of Count Arakcheev. In 1818, the 1st and 2nd carabiner regiments of the Grenadier division were settled in the Medvedskaya volost. The name of Ivan Frantsiyevich Gutavsky, Chevalier of the Order of St. George, 4th degree, is associated with the Arakcheev barracks. According to ancient legends, a curse was sent down on the entire Gutavsky family. And no one in the male line has lived for more than 50 years. And all women from this family, despite their attractive beauty, could not get married for a long time because of the curse. Therefore, there were rumors about the Gutavskys as witches and witches.

Everything connected with the Arakcheev barracks is full of rumors. Allegedly, the ghosts of the innocent are walking around the barracks, and at night the local residents are excited by their howls and howls of some mythical creatures. Other mysterious phenomena also occur: some kind of glow, also UFOs were observed in these places.