Cursed House. - Alternative View

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Cursed House. - Alternative View
Cursed House. - Alternative View

Video: Cursed House. - Alternative View

Video: Cursed House. - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Scary Videos to Watch with your Girlfriend... if you had one 2024, June

Scientists studying the paranormal have come to the conclusion that things store information about their owners. Likewise, the walls of a house or apartment “remember” bad and good events that took place in this space. Often the past makes itself felt in the present. It's hard to believe

This story, which happened in Bryansk a few years ago, was told by Klavdiya Mikhailovna Smirnova. Her sister and her husband lived in Poltava for a long time. But then they decided to return to Bryansk, closer to their relatives. We sold an apartment there, but here we bought a house with a garden so that there was enough space for everyone: both children and future grandchildren. They were looking for suitable housing for a long time: either they didn't like the place, or they didn't have enough money. In one of the newspapers they read an advertisement that a house in the Fokinsky area was for sale for a low price, requiring minor repairs. We arrived at the indicated address. Olga Mikhailovna immediately liked the spacious one-story house with a gazebo in the garden for tea drinking, and the children -

eighteen - year - old Sasha and fourteen-year-old Katya - also liked it.

Only the head of the family, Fyodor Stepanovich, doubted: “They give it too cheaply. Something is wrong here. The owners of the house, a young couple, explained the cheapness by the fact that they really need money, and now they will live with their parents.

In one of the far rooms, there was an extremely tattered wallpaper, as if it had been torn by a lynx. The young owner told a story about their restless and overly aggressive cat. Olga Mikhailovna and Fyodor Stepanovich did not pay attention to other unusual details. We made a deal and were glad that we had finally acquired a home.

The new mistress took up the creation of home comfort, and her husband set about repairs. Two months passed in trouble. We re-pasted the wallpaper, changed the doors, painted the gazebo in the garden. It remains only to disassemble the attic littered by the previous owners, which they decided to do next weekend.

Katya was taken to the back room in the house. The girl chose her herself: she liked that the windows overlook the garden. One of the nights Katya had a strange dream. Her room was on fire, a woman in white darted about it and asked the girl for help. “Let me out of here! she shouted. - I'm suffocating!

In the morning Katya told the dream to her older brother, but he only laughed at her:

- Fantasy, watch less horror films!

The next night, the dream was repeated. The woman, surrounded by fire, again rushed about the room and threw herself against the walls.

In the afternoon, father called Katya over to him and asked:

- What are you, daughter, kidding? I recently pasted the wallpaper, and you have already managed to ruin it.

The girl entered the room and saw large scratches on the walls. A month later, the stranger again came to Katya in a dream.

This time she chased the girl and her entire family out of the house, threatening with death.

A week later, Olga Mikhailovna fell ill. She developed a fever, which the doctors could not bring down for about ten days. Sometimes the hostess in her delirium talked about some kind of fire. The temperature subsided, but the woman still complained of severe headaches and general weakness. Klavdia Mikhailovna, once again visiting

her sick sister, got into conversation with a woman from a neighboring house. She, having learned about the strange illness of the new mistress, said: "There will be no happiness in the dead house."

Misfortune seemed to haunt the family. Fyodor Stepanovich cut down old branches from an apple tree, fell from a tree and broke his leg. Sashka almost crashed to death on a motorcycle and spent a long time in the hospital. Olga Mikhailovna suffered from headaches, the doctors feared that a brain tumor was developing. Only Katya survived the misfortunes. Once the girl was returning from the hospital, where she was visiting her brother, and at the gate she was stopped by the same age Julia, who lives two houses from Katya. It was she who lifted the curtain over the secret of the house.

“My parents and I have been living on this street for only five years,” Yulia began, “and only during this time your house has changed nine owners. Elderly people call him dead, because the spirit of the house has burned out, and now the families who live in it are haunted by an evil fate in the form of diseases, divorces. I heard that a ghost woman is walking around your house. They say that a dead soul, without finding peace, survives every time from the house of its tenants: many years ago an insane mistress was burnt alive in the house. Her husband immediately sold the house for a pittance and left with the children to another city. Only now no one knows why the fire happened and why that young, beautiful woman went crazy. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

But the secret of the dead house was nevertheless revealed … A neighbor who met Olga Mikhailovna's sister advised the family to sell the house. The hostess hesitated for a long time, but when Katya told her about her dreams, scratches that appeared from nowhere on the walls in her room, as if left by someone's claws, and the fate of the previous owners of the house, Olga Mikhailovna nevertheless agreed to the move and gave an advertisement in the newspaper about sale.

Sasha was discharged from the hospital, and, having called Klavdia Mikhailovna for help, the family decided to throw out the garbage that had accumulated over the years in the attic of the house. There they found a letter that miraculously survived the fire, only slightly touched by the fire. The uneven handwriting and the words torn to pieces indicated that it was written by not a very healthy person. The first mistress of the house - crazy Maria warned about the danger. When she and her husband built this house and invited all the residents of the street to housewarming, one of the old women measured Mary's height with a black thread, which she buried under the threshold. In this way, the witch put a curse on the house and everyone who lives in it.

Maria, already ill, once tried to dig up an ominous thread, but her husband, knowing about the strangeness of his wife, took the shovel from her and locked her in the room. A few days later, at night, a fire broke out in the house. Maria burned to death in her room.

… Nothing was found under the threshold - twenty years have passed. A day later, the family of Olga Mikhailovna moved out of the dead house, never finding new owners for him. According to Klavdia Mikhailovna, the sister's headaches stopped, the suspicion of a tumor was removed. And the dead house burned down a month later. They say that no traces of arson were found.