Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View

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Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View
Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View

Video: Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View

Video: Who Benefits From Conspiracy Theories? - Alternative View
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The term "conspiracy theory" first appeared in economics literature in the 1920s. In its modern meaning, it began to be used only by the end of the 1960s. As a rule, the supporters of this theory (they are called conspiracy theorists) are sure that the authorities are hiding certain facts from the world community, which sometimes look completely absurd.

Secret government theory

So, there is a myth about a secret government that supposedly rules the whole world. According to conspiracy theorists, these are representatives of the financial and political elite, as well as secret occult societies.

Some David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford report that a handful of international banksters (this word is derived from "bankers" and "gangsters"), combining world finances in their hands, also wage wars of conquest and create projects to infringe on the personal freedoms of citizens in order to strengthen their dominant status.

However, there are forces that oppose these "masters of life." They are sometimes referred to as "white hats". These people hold certain positions at all levels of government, in banking and finance, military and law enforcement agencies, the media, as well as in a wide variety of corporations and departments.

The plan of the "world opposition" includes: to achieve mass arrests of members of the clique; restore the civil rights and personal freedoms of all those disadvantaged; introduce new plans and technologies in the spheres of economy, energy and other critical areas that will not allow any group to control and manipulate resources; move from the dollar as a “debt instrument” to a new currency that will be a “instrument of capital” …

Recently, Katherine Austin Fitts, who previously worked on Wall Street and also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Commissioner for Housing in the George W. Bush administration, suggested that earthly governments have global financial debts to some kind of "extraterrestrial entity. ".

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The fact is that every year a significant part of the finances simply "evaporates" somewhere. On a local scale, this is hardly noticeable, but with global calculations, an amount of tens of trillions of dollars accumulates. “I have a lot of statistics on who issues the debt,” Fitts says. “But in my entire life I have not been able to obtain statistics on who owns this debt. I know they control us. And they control us through debt. Because you can invisibly run a company through debt regulation. But who owns the debt? Are they people or is it someone else?"

Genocide of humanity

Constant talk about the overpopulation of the globe with a total lack of vital resources gives rise to numerous "horror stories" about the creation of secret projects that contribute to the decrease in the number of humanity.

One of these projects is allegedly the well-known Codex Alimentarius. It is a set of food safety standards created in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. However, conspiracy theorists consider him one of the plans to destroy humanity by spreading harmful genetically modified foods, as well as rejecting healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which will lead to a population decline.

Global warming is considered a consequence of environmental problems. But there is an assumption that the campaign to reduce the extraction of fossil fuels and the production of substances that are supposedly harmful to the environment will lead to a decrease in energy and food production, which will destroy the global economy and cause hunger … Thus, the population will decrease, and world order.

We believe that dangerous infectious diseases arise spontaneously. However, there is a version that they were "bred" in the laboratory. For example, the terrible Spanish flu from 1918 to 1920 destroyed tens of millions of people around the world. At various times there were rumors that the viruses of AIDS, Ebola, and even avian and swine flu are of artificial origin … But why infect the population with them? To avoid lack of resources and take control of us!

There is also a large-scale international project to decipher the human genome. However, conspiracy theorists claim that this is just a cover for another project involving the creation of biological weapons that will eradicate "inferior" races and individuals with "bad" genes. They will be rendered sterile or simply exterminated with the help of genetic viruses …

The aliens are already on Earth

According to the supporters of this theory, the Earth has long been ruled by aliens who have entered into an agreement with world governments and secret societies. They make plans to exterminate a significant part of the earth's population, so that when the hour comes, they can take over the planet without any problems. Those who help them, at the same time, they guarantee security and all kinds of privileges.

In the late 80s, ufologist William Milton Cooper first told the world community that for many years the American government has been cooperating with aliens who provided earthlings with highly developed technologies in exchange for permission to perform scientific experiments on humans and animals. Allegedly, back in the 60s, the Americans, together with aliens, built space bases on the Moon and Mars on secret projects.

Many of those who found out about this were killed, including President Kennedy … - And a couple of years ago, videos appeared on the Internet, in which a strange-looking man dressed as a security agent stands next to Barack Obama. There were rumors that the current President of the United States allegedly uses the services of … aliens for protection!

Saddam Hussein was also accused of connections with the aliens. Conspiracy theorists claim that US President George W. Bush invaded Iraq precisely to stop Saddam, who was a dangerous competitor for the United States in conquering the globe. Bush allegedly knew about Hussein's contacts with extraterrestrials and understood that it was impossible to hesitate … However, he most likely had his own "aliens". In general, two "alien groups" collided …

In 1999, English journalist and Green Party member David Icke published a book entitled "The Greatest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World", in which he wrote that the world is ruled by alien lizards from the constellation Draco, which are capable of taking human form. They allegedly created a secret society "Babylonian Brotherhood" on Earth, which includes most of the world leaders: in particular, the Rothschild and Rockefeller clan tycoons, both George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, as well as, for some reason, almost all country musicians …

As proof, Icke cites, in particular, a quote from John D. Rockefeller: "I do not need a nation of thinkers, I need a nation of workers."

Search for the Matrix

Recently it became known that at least two billionaires provide financial support for research by scientists in Silicon Valley, aimed at proving the "virtuality" of our reality. You can take this for a "duck", but several influential people with a worldwide reputation have already made loud statements about our possible existence in the Matrix …

The term "Matrix" originated from the film of the same name by the Wachowski brothers, the first part of which was released in 1999. According to the plot, people there live in a kind of virtual reality, but in fact they are just sources of energy for their "masters" … So maybe we only think that we are living?

With the development of computer technology, they began to talk about this more and more often. And not only some yellow journalists or ufologists, but quite serious experts. So, analysts from Bank of America said that the chances that our world is virtual are 50-50.

And the famous author of "Martian" projects, Elon Maek, believes that the chance that our reality is NOT a computer simulation is as much as one in a billion!

"A lot of people in Silicon Valley seem to be obsessed with this hypothesis that we all live in a computer simulation," writes New Yorker magazine. "Two industrial millionaires are secretly funding research to find a way out of the Matrix."

Perhaps Elon Maek is one of these two. In an interview, he said that once, when he was lying in a hot bath and indulged in reflections on the topics of computer technology, it occurred to him that as a result of progress, sooner or later a situation would come that it would be difficult to distinguish a computer simulation from reality …

But if so, why not assume that this has happened before? We can be the product of some more highly developed civilization. If you look at it, there are many signs that we live inside the Matrix. Our world is "designed" to the smallest detail, it has certain physical and biological laws that ensure our existence. Could such a world have arisen by itself?

According to Musk, if our world does turn out to be a real reality, then humanity is probably doomed to extinction. If we do live in a simulation, then we will most likely not be allowed to die out. “Otherwise, human civilization will sooner or later come to collapse, faced with some kind of global catastrophe,” he commented on this topic during a conference in Recode.

Who needs it?

Who benefits from "conspiracy theories" and why are they needed? Everything is very simple - they unite people within the framework of some idea, make our life more interesting and richer, give it new meaning … Therefore, as long as our society exists, more and more paranoid theories will appear …