Is A Person The Master Of His Brain? - Alternative View

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Is A Person The Master Of His Brain? - Alternative View
Is A Person The Master Of His Brain? - Alternative View

Video: Is A Person The Master Of His Brain? - Alternative View

Video: Is A Person The Master Of His Brain? - Alternative View
Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver 2024, September

A person can never discover all the secrets of the brain. With a huge amount of knowledge and a gigantic daily inflow of information, there are no fewer questions, but on the contrary, more. It is not clear what to do with all the information received. This is an object of extraordinary complexity, and a person cannot decipher and understand the principles of its functioning.

What is the brain?

What does it consist of? 70% is water, 15% is fat and 7% is protein. A big paradox: the simplicity of the composition and the complexity of the work performed. The great scientists of the past argued that if the brain is carefully examined under high magnification, new information will be revealed that will help to better understand it. However, in our time there is an opinion that knowledge of the composition will not bring a person closer to unraveling the secrets of the functioning of such a great creature. This powerful organism can reasonably be called the whole world, with which nothing in the Universe can compare in complexity!

The brain contains at least 100 billion neurons that have many different connections with their own kind and their derivatives. As a result, a complex system for understanding and presentation is obtained. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine what events or conditions are needed that can stimulate a person's ability to understand in such a way as to decipher the activity of the brain, on the work of which he completely depends. Understanding of everything seen, of all sensations is given to the individual by this "apparatus", which independently decides what and how to show. For its successful functioning, it needs energy comparable to the energy consumed by a 10-watt light bulb. The brain of a genius needs three times more. For comparison: a supercomputer consumes electricity in megawatts.

Who is the head in this house?

People often, out of habit, use the phrase "my brain" in conversations. Is this statement true? There are the results of special studies indicating that the "center" makes experimental decisions long before the person himself gives the answer. It turns out that this gentleman makes decisions in advance, regardless of the "head of life." Then the question arises: who owns whom? Proceeding from this, it is logical to assert that the brain forces "its owner" to carry out the decisions made by him, for which the latter should not bear any responsibility. By the way, in some Western countries there have already been trials where the accused, referring to coercion from his brain, tried to declare himself innocent. However, not all so simple. This universal master is not easily outwitted. He is also a great magician. According to one English publication, this organism, by deciding something, sends a person a calming impulse, which sets the latter up to the thought of a self-made decision and relieves of any worries about independence. In fact, this is a mockery of a person's personality.

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Humanity has been struggling for several millennia over the solution of such a problem as free will. Now, after everything that has been learned about the great lord, a natural question arises: do people have free will or they are slaves of a certain creature, which, focusing on some systemic data incomprehensible to mankind, makes predetermining decisions leading people through life. In other words, the brain determines the fate of the individual. If so, then who is a person in this life? Scientists reassure the rest by the fact that the "center" supposedly has access to making only simple decisions, it does not play a leading role in making global decisions. I would like to think that serious decisions are made collectively.


Based on the above, the following conclusions suggest themselves:

1. Humanity knows little about the brain.

2. It is likely that this master does not obey man and lives his own life.

3. Who or what does the brain obey?

The biggest secret of the brain is that it can never be discovered, or at least some world-renowned scientists say. Despite all his efforts and efforts, a person remains too insignificant at the moment for this great secret to be revealed to him.