How The CIA Works In Europe - Alternative View

How The CIA Works In Europe - Alternative View
How The CIA Works In Europe - Alternative View

Video: How The CIA Works In Europe - Alternative View

Video: How The CIA Works In Europe - Alternative View
Video: Former CIA Operative Explains How Spies Use Disguises | WIRED 2024, September

Have you noticed that a tough editorial policy has been implemented in the American and European media lately, publications on the work of special services are being monitored and censored. There have been so many scandals with the elections in the US and Europe, with the Skripals, but there is not a single critical publication about the failure of the American and British intelligence services, for example, allowing a chemical attack (and carried out so ineptly according to their own statements) that it would be logical for the democratic press … These are, as it were, epic failures both in the USA and in Europe!

There is one more interesting feature in the work of Western intelligence services that specialists pay attention to.

In the early 90s, circular telegrams were sent to European stations (stations) from Langley to change the tactics of work. In particular, when studying and recruiting German citizens, it was recommended to give preference to non-traditional covers, the so-called "deep cover", in order to avoid compromising CIA officers acting from the positions of the US embassies. By 1990, the already united Germany was literally flooded with CIA officers, acting under the guise of correspondents, businessmen, from the positions of various commercial firms, foundations and other similar structures.

A similar situation was in other European countries, especially among the former “friends of the USSR” - in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria.

Work in Europe was carried out by the CIA in those years very actively by the CIA officers from the standpoint of cover for non-state structures.

Already after the collapse of the USSR in the mid-90s, directives from Langley ordered "to pay special attention to information about Russia's relations with Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan and the Baltic countries." Analysts of the Agency and the State Department predicted that "a strong Ukraine should become a factor in counteracting Russia's influence in the CIS" (this is how the former Soviet republics, which became independent, were called in English). The task was to eliminate the Russian military presence in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova. Particular attention was paid to the still operating Russian radar stations along the perimeter of the former USSR. It was stated that the establishment of economic control by Russia over the oil fields of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea should not be allowed. CIA analysts statedthat Russia has finally lost the ability to influence the processes in Europe, with the exception of the Balkan region, where historical sympathy for the Russians still manifests itself.


And many such strategic goals for the CIA were outlined in the White House and in the National Security Council. In particular, they stated the need to take control of the development of Russia's ties with Iran, Iraq and Libya, to pay attention to the remaining historical, cultural and religious ties between Russia and Serbia. It is very interesting that it even came to the point that from the standpoint of the US Embassy in Moscow with individual Russian oligarchs, serious discussions were held on the possibility of creating a "shadow cabinet", and future ministerial posts were shared.

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The topic of the "northern territories" that has been actively discussed by Japan lately reminds specialists of how CIA analysts feverishly calculated the options for the development of events after the appearance of information about President Yeltsin's alleged readiness to give up the Kuril Islands and conclude a peace treaty with Tokyo. Apart from frank bewilderment, this situation in Langley at that time caused nothing.

After the collapse of the powerful KGB, it became easy and comfortable enough to work. However, the "renaissance" of US intelligence in the Russian direction quickly ended after the millennium with the arrival of Putin.