The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View

The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View
The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View

Video: The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View

Video: The KGB Plan For The Repression Of Soviet Neomystics - Alternative View
Video: Inside the KGB's Spy Museum 2024, September

In the early 1980s, Fyodor Zhorin became the secretary of the board of the KGB of the USSR. In his ranks, he became famous for the fact that in 1985-86 he proposed to start repressions against yogis, ufologists, Hare Krishnas and other mystics and conspiracy theorists, considering them agents of the CIA. In the 2000s, Zhorin also began to defend the idea that the Americans recruited Gorbachev in the late 1970s during his tour of France.

Fyodor Zhorin in the book "Confessions of a Chekist" (publishing house "Algorithm", 2016) describes himself as a native of a peasant family, thanks to his honest service, who has grown to the KGB elite. In the early 1980s, he became the secretary of the board of the KGB of the USSR. Zhorin's task was to prepare analytical materials for the chairman of the KGB and his deputies.


In 1986, Zhorin and several members of his analytical team prepared a document proposing to pay close attention to "neomistic groups." It was proposed that their leaders and activists be subjected to repression, and the movements themselves - to be banned.

But Zhorin and his colleagues miscalculated. The time of Perestroika came, and their document caused the opposite effect in the leadership of the USSR - the zealous Chekist was actually exiled to Ukraine, to the same position - secretary of the KGB collegium of the Ukrainian SSR.


After retiring in the 2000s, Zhorin himself became an active conspiracy theorist. In his books, he proves that the entire leadership of the late USSR and even the KGB consisted of overt and covert CIA agents, as well as Zionist organizations.

Below is Zhorin's recollection of Gorbachev's ascension to power.

Promotional video:

“Mikhail Gorbachev became known to the wide Soviet and party community of the USSR in 1978, when, unexpectedly for almost everyone from the provincial, third-rate (in the party sense) Stavropol Territory, he moved to the Central Committee of the CPSU as secretary for agriculture.

Who raised him so? The situation can be cleared up if we recall the fact related to the meeting of L. Brezhnev, Y. Andropov and K. Chernenko with M. Gorbachev in Stavropol on the way from the sanatorium in Sochi. At the top, the issue of the age coefficient of the part-elite was discussed. The elders needed fresh blood. The first meeting of the three elders took place with a man who by this time was already in the ranks of the CIA's agents of influence.

It turned out that the young secretary of the Komsomol of the Stavropol Territory, together with his wife Raisa, rented a Zhiguli and went on tour. The position required constant contact with the embassies of the USSR in the countries through which they passed. And everything went on as usual. Until in France, the Gorbachev couple disappeared from the field of view of the corresponding KGB station and appeared in 7-10 days. They explained that the car had allegedly broken down and could not find a phone to notify the appropriate comrades at the embassy. Is it in France? Thus, no one checked this information.


And now, after a trip a couple of years later, such a take-off: an advertising campaign began to demonstrate the successes of the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Stavropol Territory. By this time, the cultivation of an agent of influence clearly demanded a personal contact between L. Brezhnev and a young and energetic party worker, a specialist in agriculture. To flatter, to lick Brezhnev was no special work for M. Gorbachev. Thus, without the necessary verification, the young agent of influence Gorbachev was transferred to Moscow.

Where did the Gorbachev couple stay for 7-10 days from the moment they entered France? What were they doing this time? The party elite and Yuri Andropov himself missed it. It’s very strange.

(As a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in charge of agriculture, Gorbachev immediately engaged in sabotage)

One of the facts of idiocy was the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU from 1982 on the tasks of the communists of each party organization in collecting hay, storing fodder to increase milk yield and the production of meat products. Even a party meeting in the Secretariat of the KGB of the USSR was held with such an agenda. Old experienced KGB colonels, including former SMERSH employees, without batting an eye, discussed how best to mow the grass and break bushes along the ring highway around Moscow.

(Zhorin made sure that the KGB ignored the party order on the procurement of hay and branches by the forces of the Chekists).

Below is a part of the justifications and proposals of a group of waxed KGB officers about neomystics, 1986:


“Unlike traditional religions, the“new”religious and mystical teachings provide for retribution for true believers already in this world, which is understandable: the number of those counting on retribution in the afterlife is dramatically decreasing. By manipulating pseudoscientific phraseology, neo-mystics instill in the minds of people an illusory hope of salvation in a thermonuclear catastrophe. Here, the myth about aliens from outer space, who, having enormous power, will not allow the death of humanity or save the elect, are mainly put into play. There is another option: those who have mastered the esoteric secrets can freely transfer themselves to any part of the Universe through levitation or reincarnation into an astral body. The third option is offered by the Hare Krishnas: Lord Krishna will simply take his most devoted followers to the planet Krishna-loha. This is the end of all fears of atomic Armageddon.

Certain systems of psychophysical exercise, cultivated in a number of neo-mystical sects, can actually promote health. This is also an attractive bait for many.

In general, neo-mystics form a special type of person who completely rejects the class struggle, and sees the problem of rebuilding society exclusively through the prism of self-improvement and the approval of mystical-utopian, illusory ideals among the masses.

As practice shows, 8-10 months of “brainwashing” lead to irreversible changes in consciousness and, as a rule, make it impossible for a person to return to normal social life.


In the 80s, a number of foreign neo-mystical organizations, acting under the leadership of the special services, with significant material support from them, attempted to penetrate the territory of the Soviet Union. The leaders of these organizations devote their main attention to the creation in the USSR of groups of followers of their "teachings" to carry out propaganda work, to educate fanatics in such groups who are ready to fulfill any task of the leaders of the Transcordon centers. This is carried out, as a rule, through emissaries arriving in the USSR, who illegally import hostile propaganda materials into the country and make attempts to draw Soviet citizens into their sphere of influence.

The right-wing reaction of the West regards the propaganda of neomysticism as an effective means of forming anti-socialist views, moods of social parasitism and social passivity, as well as discrediting Marxism-Leninism, undermining the influence of the CPSU among the masses. Along with this, as evidenced by the available data, members of religious and mystical groups in the USSR are often trying to use as sources of political, economic and other information about our country.


In a number of cases, some ill-conceived publications in the periodicals about "flying saucers", Filipino healers, telepathy, telekinesis, extrasensory phenomena, "Bigfoot", "Bermuda triangle", etc. have received a mystical-fantastic coloration. For people who do not have formed scientific and materialistic convictions, such publications even became a kind of catalyst for the fantastic reflection of the picture of the world in the mind. This is how the craving often arises for studying moth-eaten tomes on magic, theosophy, Zen Buddhism, anthroposophy, etc.

One of the most characteristic signs that the enemy in subversive activities against the Soviet Union is seriously “playing the card” of neomysticism is the special “concern” for religious and mystical groups in the USSR, shown by the well-known branches of the American special services - “Amnesty International” and “Fund for Assistance to Political Prisoners in the USSR”. This “concern” is expressed in large monetary compensations that are paid for the collection and transmission to the West of certain information about our country. When the natural finale of the illegal activities of homegrown neomystics comes, the bourgeois mass media, as if on command, launch screeching campaigns "in defense of the rights of believers in the Soviet Union."


It is necessary to strengthen control over the ideological orientation of periodicals, popular science and fiction literature, works of art, public lectures, as well as over the activities of amateur associations of interests (amateur circles, clubs, sections, etc.) in order to suppress propaganda attempts in them mysticism.