The Slavs Said - Alternative View

The Slavs Said - Alternative View
The Slavs Said - Alternative View

Video: The Slavs Said - Alternative View

Video: The Slavs Said - Alternative View
Video: Who were the Slavs? 2024, September

“Don't hurt anyone. Do not take life away from your neighbor, for it was not you who gave it, but the Gods gave it. But do not have mercy on the enemies that go to your lands with an evil thought and with weapons."

Perun has another commandment:

"Do not boast of your strength when going to battle, but boast of your strength from the battlefield when you move out."

There is another one:

"As people do to you, so do you, because every deed is measured by its own measure."

In Judeo-Christianity there is such a commandment: "Hit you on one cheek, turn the other." Our youth says: "They hit you on the cheek, cut off the hand that hit you - next time there will be nothing to beat."

That is, evil must be punished. In the language of mathematics: "Minus for minus gives a plus."

But, mind you, what does conscience mean - a yardstick? They came to you with weapons, you fought back, but there should be no revenge, no revenge should be. Punish - yes! But, do not take revenge.

Promotional video:

Revenge is not inherent in the Slavs. Revenge clouds the mind, the heart and kills the conscience, so there has never been revenge.

Look, Napoleon attacked Russia. What have you done? They took him to Paris, ate there, said: "Quickly, quickly feed!" They paid off, so there is also "Bistro" - a fast service system. And where? To plow home. National Socialist Germany attacked what? They escorted the troops to Berlin and signed a surrender. And where? To plow home.

Even think about it, the Russian Empire captured, liberated Greece, and the imperial monarchy created a republican constitution for Greece. What could be more absurd, huh? But, they did. And why? There is our land, and there is a foreign one. We live by the law. There is a law of conscience - we follow it. But we do not take revenge on anyone. Are you nasty? Punished. It is not for nothing that there is wisdom, it is suitable for an adult:

“When the wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors does not enter a young adolescent through the ears, it is guided with a willow branch on a birch bench through the seat,” that is, with rods. And why? And the Kundalini rises, and the brain starts to think. That is, to punish, but at the same time the child remembers the commandment: “Not everyone who benefits you, but wishes you harm. Feeling pain on yourself, do not cause it to others. And that's all, after that no one, just like that, did harm to another. But any evil was always punished. That is, evil was not left forgiven. But there was no revenge.

In all conscience: if he did evil, he was punished.