Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

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Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View
Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

Video: Secret Apocalyptic Hideouts Of The World Elite In The Ocean - Alternative View

In 2012-2013, the world elite, according to some researchers, planned to arrange a nuclear cataclysm on our planet. It was for this that the most influential personalities promoted the so-called project "Apocalypse-2012", trying to intimidate earthlings with an impending disaster, allegedly predicted by the Mayan calendar.

However, the end of the world never came. Many believe that the plans of the mighty of this world were interfered with by something from the outside - for example, aliens destroyed underground cities of refuge, where the richest people on Earth, politicians, gray cardinals, as well as big businessmen and scientists were going to sit out the disaster.

Now the stream of information intimidation has hit humanity again. Either they threaten us with the outbreak of the Third World War, then they frighten us with the fall of a giant meteorite, or they predict the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, or they assure us about the imminent start of a terrible pandemic. They say, get ready, people, for the fact that most of you in the near future will be gone. This cannot but cause fears that the elite is again planning a "global surprise" for earthlings. However, the mighty of this world themselves, presumably, will try to protect themselves from this cataclysm, to which they will subject our cozy "blue ball". But how?

Is the world elite preparing the Apocalypse?

More recently, information has surfaced that the United States government is building or has already built submarine bases in the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. These deep-seated bunkers, equipped with state-of-the-art technology and huge stocks of essential supplies, will become a haven for the "elite". Such facts were discovered by the doctor of political science, Richard Sauder. The expert learned that there was no one John Craven in the fifties of the last century ordered to lead this project. They had to work at a depth of almost six kilometers.


The project, called "The Rock Side Project", provided for three different options for the construction of submarine bases. These bases were supposed to be of enormous size and allow several large military submarines to pass through deep-water locks. And that's just about the United States. Sauder notes that colossal funds are spent everywhere in the world to take measures to protect the world elite from global disasters, which are not reflected in the budgets of states. The existence of underwater facilities, where the most influential earthlings and their personnel are planning to "sit out" in case of anything, is kept in strict confidence. Even if the entire world community today for certain becomes aware of these bunkers, it will not change anything. For example, what if everyone knows about the US atrocities on the world stage? How can the world community prevent this?..

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What do the rulers of the Earth want in the end? It is believed that they want to reduce the world's population to five hundred million people. There are too many people, in their opinion (or misconception), there are not enough resources for everyone, and new citizens are born mainly by representatives of the non-intellectual majority. In other words, the world government believes that half a billion people (and the best ones) is the optimal number, and it will be much easier to manage such a “herd”. This will become the "New World Order" that conspiracy theorists often talk about.

True, there is still hope that the Higher Forces will not allow the Apocalypse to be arranged again and will come to the aid of earthlings. If, of course, we are worthy of such help …