The Legend Of The Igigi - Ancient Alien Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Annunaki From Nibiru - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Igigi - Ancient Alien Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Annunaki From Nibiru - Alternative View
The Legend Of The Igigi - Ancient Alien Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Annunaki From Nibiru - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Igigi - Ancient Alien Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Annunaki From Nibiru - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Igigi - Ancient Alien Astronauts Who Rebelled Against The Annunaki From Nibiru - Alternative View
Video: Why an ancient Mesopotamian tablet is key to our future learning | Tiffany Jenkins | TEDxSquareMile 2024, June

There are a huge number of different legends and hypotheses about the origin of people on Earth, and earlier I have already told about the Annunaki, who came from the planet Nibiru and created people for mining for their own purposes. But according to one of the hypotheses, the Annunaki before humans used other alien beings for these purposes and they are called Igigi.

In some ancient manuscripts, the Igigi are referred to as creatures that lagged behind the Annunaki in development, so they were forced to work for their masters, the Annunaki.

In addition to mining on our planet, Igigi worked in orbital stations. In the modern world, it is difficult to believe that there were other intelligent beings in the history of the Earth, but then where do these references come from and how to explain them?


Further, the legend says that the Igigi got tired of the dictatorship of their masters and decided to rebel against the Annunaki. They had advanced technologies, but the level of the Annunaki was significantly higher and as a result, the uprising was suppressed.

However, most of the infrastructure for the extraction of resources was destroyed, and some Igigi decided to attack the homes of their masters, wanting to free themselves from slavery.

The Annunaki decided to destroy all Igigi and genetically engineer a species that would serve them more faithfully. So people appeared - a race of slaves, who received their knowledge from the Annunaki and considered them gods who came down from heaven.


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And finally, I will add that the Sumerians mentioned the Annunaki and a list of the kings who ruled the Sumerian civilization was found. Only a few kings ruled for over 240 thousand years, how is this possible? I wrote about this on my website and you can read it HERE.