Home Altar - Alternative View

Home Altar - Alternative View
Home Altar - Alternative View

So that peace and prosperity reign in your home, I advise you to create an altar that will protect the living space from negativity, attract positive energies, harmony, mutual understanding, happiness, prosperity and love.

The tenth lunar day is ideal for the construction of the altar: this is an extremely auspicious time, filled with creative energy. It is very important to choose the right place: you need to build an altar in the eastern part of the house, since the East is the sacred side of the world, it is here that the positive forces of the Universe are maximally concentrated.

Get a small table. If the tabletop turns out to be square, place the table so that the edges correspond to the main cardinal points - East, West, North, and South, and the corners point to the intermediate parts - to the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest. In the center of the table, place a round bowl or tray made of metal (copper, brass, silver is best), glass, ceramics or wood (in this case, choose a product made of cedar or birch: they carry positive energy).

Pour rice into a tray or bowl. Then, in the eastern part of the container filled with rice, place stones (precious or semi-precious), rings, talismans and amulets, sacred images, objects from places of power - symbols of the element of the Earth. In the southern part there is a small container with water (as a sign of the element of Water). In the West, place a candle or incense (corresponding to the element of Fire), on the north side - the upper part of a peacock feather (as a symbol of the element of Air). And in the very center, place the druse of rock crystal - the symbol of Mount Meru, the center of the Universe. You also need a flower. Divide its petals into five pieces and place them on the altar on four sides (starting from the East) and in the center.

At noon, when the sun is as active as possible, face the East, light a candle or incense, and ask the Spiritual Forces of the Universe to accept your offering. From the bottom of your heart, thank the Higher Forces for help and support and ask for blessings, happiness, luck, protection for you and your loved ones. Then you can put out the candle or incense and complete the ritual, keeping your heart warm, positive and grateful.

This altar will be a reliable talisman for your home. But don't forget to update it. Every time you turn to Spiritual Forces with gratitude or a request for help, be sure to change the water and flower petals. Keep in mind that if you've already used these items as an offering, you can't just throw them away. The water should be poured into a clean place - for example, on the ground next to a strong, healthy tree. You can scatter petals under it.

Ashes from incense have a cleansing power, so after performing the ritual, touch it with the ring finger of your right hand, and then touch the center of your forehead or the crown of your head: this will protect you on the road and attract good luck in business.

The tenth lunar day is also best suited for addressing the Spiritual Forces of the Universe (and, accordingly, updating the altar). If everything is in order in your life, and you are not planning any serious business in the near future, just perform a ritual and express your gratitude for the happiness and well-being gained thanks to this home talisman.

Promotional video:

Andrey DONDUKOV, practicing esotericist