The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View

The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View
The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View

Video: The "Union Of Nine Unknowns", Created In Ancient Times, Controls Science And Destroys Discoveries - Alternative View

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According to legend, members of a mysterious organization controlled the course of scientific discoveries and, if necessary, eliminated unwanted persons who dared to cross the line of what was permitted.

The mysterious "Union of Nine Unknowns" is considered a fiction, but quite recently experts have discovered facts that can confirm that such an organization really exists.

Supposedly, it was created in the 3rd century BC, when the Indian king Ashoka ended a bloody war with his enemies and was suddenly horrified at how meaningless this battle was. Together with sages and religious leaders, he organized a society that began to follow all discoveries, punish apostates and spread Buddhism.

Later, the leaders of the "Union" were tasked with penetrating into different countries and finding allies among influential persons. "Union" was subordinate only to the ancient Indian leaders, and no one knew about it until the time when in the 19th century the French writer Louis Jacolliot found secret documents stating the existence of the order.

Researchers of the Union of Nine Unknowns ahead of their time by several centuries
Researchers of the Union of Nine Unknowns ahead of their time by several centuries

Researchers of the Union of Nine Unknowns ahead of their time by several centuries.

He visited Calcutta on several occasions as consul. He noted that the leaders of the "Union" not only controlled the progress of science, but also engaged in research themselves.

Each member of the order had his own sphere, for the discoveries in which he was responsible. Their books described incredible technologies that simply did not exist in the 19th century - for example, the psychological warfare used by the Nazis during World War II.

"Soyuz", by the way, destroyed scientists who were walking along a slippery path in an attempt to create weapons of mass destruction or something else, no less dangerous. Rumor has it that the members of the organization were such prominent personalities as Paracelsus, Francis Bacon and Leonardo da Vinci.

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