The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View

The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View
The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View

Video: The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View

Video: The Secret History Of Planet Earth 2000-2018 - Alternative View
Video: The Nibiru Movie ~ The Secret Origins of our World 2024, September

Please Note: Over the next three weeks, with the exception of some unprecedented news events, reports will be pre-recorded as I accept my annual disconnect from the web and online. Your understanding is appreciated.

As we prepare for what may be the last fall offensive that finally topples the Khazarian mafia cabal, it's time to take a look at the big picture to understand why the secret battle for Planet Earth has raged over the years.

The best place to start is after all the 2000 US elections, which was a coup d'état against American democracy initiated by the Nazi Fourth Reich led by Fuehrer George W. Bush, Sr.

This election was between two western secret government factions: faction 1 - the Nazis, who wanted to kill 90% of humanity in order to "save the environment"; and faction 2, the global warming faction, which said it could be achieved by using "global warming" as an excuse to impose a carbon tax and global government.

The Nazis won by using fraud, assassination and death threats to terrorize the American establishment in the transfer of power. This was followed by very real attempts to kill 90% of humanity.

The Nazi regime of George W. Bush, in order to destroy most of humanity, began to spread biological weapons such as SARS, armed bird flu, Ebola, etc., At the same time, they created hunger crises in 33 countries around the world by paying farmers money to grow "biofuels" instead of food.

They have also repeatedly tried to start a nuclear world war using Iran, Syria, North Korea and other hotspots. This is important to remember and cannot be repeated often enough: these people tried to kill you and your family, and are still trying to do so.

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Enter Asian secret societies. They learned about the Nazi plans to kill 90% of humanity, successfully listening to their secret meetings, in particular, the Bohemian congregation. In 2003, the proliferation of SARS - a biological weapon designed specifically to kill only Asians - is their real call to arms.

This led to a rift between the underground heroin and amphetamine traffickers in East Asia and their former allies, the Nazi cocaine and marijuana traders. However, the Nazis anticipated this rift, moving their heroin operations from East Asia to Afghanistan in 2001-2002.

The Nazis, as they described in their report "Project for a New American Century," also tried to consolidate their control of the world by seizing the oil fields of Iraq and Central Asia. They are using the oil cutoff threat to keep Asia in check.

In response, the Asians threatened to eliminate the top leadership of the Western secret government. In particular, they targeted individuals who were members of all three of the following groups: the Bilderbergers (European Cabalists), the Council on Foreign Relations (American Cabalists), and the Trilateral Commission (Japanese Quislings and their masters).

The Asians also sought Western allies against the Nazis. They noted that the Western faction is fighting desperately to expose and thwart the Nazi genocidal plans.

This can be seen, for example, in the 1997 episode "The Simpsons" with the book "Curious George" and "Ebola Virus". Curious George, of course, refers to George W. Bush, Sr.

There was also a BBC reporter standing in front of the stationary World Trade Center building 7, claiming it collapsed (video).

The Asians formed a group of Western allies who became what became later known as the White Dragon Society (WDS). This group includes senior people from the Pentagon, CIA, Russian FSB, British Royal Family, Freemasonry, P2 Vatican Lodge, etc.

This group tried to bankrupt the US in 2008 with a rigged Lehman crisis as a way to bankrupt the US Deep State - the Khazarian mafia in the US

At the time, Americans were told they could no longer buy goods from the rest of the world on credit. That is why the US trade deficit amounted to more than $ 696 billion. USA in 2008 to 381 billion. USA in 2009 after the shock with Lehman.

Trying to bankrupt the deep state in the United States would have worked, too, except for the fact that the United States forced its Middle Eastern clients to lower the prices of the oil they were selling in the United States, and the Chinese were tricked into backing and funding his regime by communist agent Barack Obama. It was only later that they realized that he was just a Bush / Clinton / Rockefeller slave.

Also around the same time, in a series of episodes never before released to the public, handwritten letters were sent by the WDS to the Chinese Politburo, the Vatican, and the British monarchy, asking them to help stop the genocidal faction.

The result was the removal of Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) and the abdication of the Queen of the Netherlands, the King of Spain, the King of Belgium, etc. This was the beginning of a purge of Western governments that has been trickling down ever since.

Another visible sign of change was the decision by Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc., to join the China-led AIIB. As a result of these letters, the Europe-led Committee of 300 also authorized more than $ 5 trillion for China's Belt and Road infrastructure plan.

Another visible result was the signing of the Paris Agreements by 195 nation-states in December 2015. The Global Warming faction assumed that this was a complete victory for their faction.

However, at this point, the Gnostic Illuminati and members of the Rothschild family formed an unusual alliance to secure the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

So, on November 8, 2016, US Secretary of State John Kerry was summoned to an off-grid base in Antarctica and was informed that Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) would not be elected President of the United States.

In addition, battles between special forces took place on that election night at a giant underground base below Denver International Airport, allowing Trump's U. S. military supporters to recapture electoral equipment from Hillary.

It was the first time since the election of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s that the US presidency fell from the hands of the Clinton / Bush / Rockefeller crime family.

As a result, the genocidal faction in the US military-industrial complex was replaced by the America First group. This group is now fighting the Global Warming faction. This is why Trump announced that the US is leaving the Paris Accords.

According to a source who participated in these negotiations, secret negotiations between the Russian and US military took place even before Trump's election.

The result was a secret deal in which the Russians needed to significantly increase their influence in Western Europe and the Middle East west of the Euphrates River. The goal was to basically offer Europe to the Russians in exchange for a military alliance between Russia and the United States to counter China, according to sources involved in these negotiations.

However, the Russians are well aware that they have a decisive voice and plan to use it to create a fairer, multipolar world system, according to Russian sources in the FSB.

They also learned from their experience of not trusting Americans because they have a story of telling negotiating partners what they want to hear and then betray, the sources say.

More talks will take place this fall, involving Asian secret societies, the Russians, and the US military-industrial complex. The goal will be the final surrender of the Khazar mafia.

There will also be negotiations on an alternative to the Paris Agreements as a way to reorganize the global financial decision-making mechanism to reflect contemporary reality.

For a successful reorganization, India is a key country to be incorporated now. India has a population roughly equal to that of China (1.34 billion versus 1.41 billion), but much younger.

According to Wikipedia, “over 50% of India's population is under 25 years old. In contrast, less than 25% of China's population is less than 25 years old. Therefore, as China's population is aging rapidly and will soon begin to decline, India is young and growing.

In addition, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is now well-managed and experiencing rapid economic growth. It is clear that then India's importance will increase and will rival and possibly surpass China if current trends continue.

However, the Paris Accords, which were supposed to deal with carbon emissions but were really percentage control of the financial system, gave China 29.4% of voting rights and only 6.8% to India.

If you look at it, it is not surprising that India is feeling a little confused and unwilling to cede a dominant financial role in China or participate in its China-focused One Belt One Road project.

Obviously, any agreement on a new global economic division of voting rights would have to do better for India than the Paris Agreements could have reached.

This is why secret negotiations are currently underway to offer India a global role that more closely reflects its economic and demographic reality.

If these negotiations go well, the long-awaited announcement of a new global financial system could finally be possible.

We don't want to give specific dates, but if the autumn negotiations go well, perhaps something like an announcement is possible in 2019 or 2020.