Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View

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Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View
Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View

Video: Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View

Video: Forces Of Destruction: Origins, Structure, Basic Methods - Alternative View
Video: Social Stratification: Crash Course Sociology #21 2024, June

More and more people are learning that various secret societies have existed in the history of mankind from ancient times to the present. Many have heard of the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Priory of Zion, and other organizations that have played a significant role in European history.

The question arises - when did secret societies arise, where is their source? We will not dive into the jungle of mythical civilizations such as Hyperborea or Atlantis, since we know practically nothing about them yet. All data about these civilizations are contradictory, often invented, need years and decades of painstaking work of historians, archaeologists and huge financial investments.

Let us dwell on what is known from Ancient history. It is clear that almost all adherents of most secret societies are ordinary extras, a means of introducing into the life of the ideas governing human society. All of them are building a new world order, their ruler is a “great architect”. He has many names - Baphomet, Tetragrammaton, Adonai, Amon (Amen, Amun, Imen), Set, etc. These names lead us to the emergence of the Jews and Ancient Egypt.

Who is Seth? This is not only the ancient Egyptian god of the desert, but also the lord of death, destruction, chaos and war, the antipode of light (the god of the dark sun). Thus, it becomes clear that most secret societies worship darkness (although ordinary members may not know about it). By the way, it should be noted that Set (his later name - Satan) is the master of chaos, and most people consider him an unsystematic phenomenon, an element. We need to understand that chaos is systemic at a deep level, it has its own hierarchy.

Approximately 7 thousand years ago, the process of destruction of the solar (light) priesthood began and its replacement with quackery, which was oriented towards lunar, dark cults (gods, egregors). Prior to that, the planet was completely dominated by the superethnos (civilization) of the Rus, the Old Russian language and the Russian faith. The Russian civilization occupied a vast territory: from Hindustan, Mesopotamia, Syria-Suria, Kem-Egypt in the south to the Milky Ocean (Arctic Ocean) in the north. That is why in the modern Russian language and the mythology of the Slavic-Rus of pre-Christian Russia, the secrets of millennia, of a single civilization of the Rus are hidden.

At that time, in a number of Ukrainian outskirts, the degree of hybridization (mixing of the Rus with the descendants of the Archantropians) reached a high degree, and the priests of the hybrid Rus began to simplify the cult, some took the "dark path" (if in the terminology of the cult film "Star Wars" - "the dark side forces”), began to worship the dark hypostases of the One. As a result, by means of information aggression, simplification always has many supporters - it is easier to fall than to ascend, Russian civilization was split, plunged into a series of internecine wars that continue to this day. The Rus always won a victory in a direct war, they had no equal on the battlefield, but they lost on the field of information war, politics, diplomacy. Just one example, Poles, Germans (primarily northeastern) and Russians - being the direct descendants of the ancient Rus, the core of a super ethnos,more than once were thrown into a fratricidal war. The forces of darkness are trying to completely destroy the direct descendants of the Rus, because only they can return the planet to a normal world order, where justice, conscience, reason, love and creative work prevail.

Pseudo-priests played on the base instincts, the desires of the crowd - sex, the joys of the belly. They created artificial religions, cults, egregors that simplified great truths. In the southern and western regions of Eurasia, they began to bring bloody sacrifices, including human ones, although before that the Russians only glorified the gods, brought bloodless sacrifices.

The source of most modern secret societies, all kinds of Masonic lodges, clubs, lies precisely in the quackery of Ancient Egypt, the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, Babylon and India.

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The priesthood of Kemi-Egypt played a special, huge role. Its potential was simply of a universal scale, it was engaged in programming the future of humanity. It was the ancient Egyptian priesthood that created such a phenomenon as Jewry. In Kemi there were very strong positions of the priests of the Sun (Hora-Ra-Aton from Heliopolis). The priests of the Sun were going to stop the wave of Semites ("people of death"), which rolled after the shaft on the cities and the Vesi of the Rus and hybrid Rus from Arabia (Spring Deserts). To do this, they isolated one of the tribes and carried out a huge selection work, programming, instilling in future Jews that they were "the chosen ones" (they were really elected). The Jews were to become teachers for the wild Semites, to carry out creative work among them, to instill in the "people of death" production skills. For this, occupational therapy lessons were widely used (constant creative work does not allow people to degrade). The Jews were supposed to lead the hybrid tribes up the evolutionary ladder.

But, in addition to the priests of the sun god, the healers from Thebes (the cult of Amun) also took up the Jews. They wanted to make Jewishness an instrument for seizing power on the planet. The Jews were close to the Rus and other white peoples in racial and spiritual terms (the legacy of the Kem priests), therefore they easily penetrated into the countries of the North, where ancient traditions were still strong. The process of taking over control was going on. Pseudo-priests led humanity along the path of degradation, turning it into "devil-mankind". In contrast to the light priesthood, which led people to God, to the stars, up the evolutionary ladder, fulfilling the divine Program. The pseudo-priesthood was able to "clean up" the administrative structures of the Jewish tribes. As a result, Jewry, in its significant part, has become an instrument for the enslavement of the planet, and many narrow-minded patriots consider it the source of all evil. Although this is only a toolin skillful hands. In addition, they could not completely put Jewry into the service of darkness (some of the tribes immediately broke away and dissolved among the Indo-European peoples), we still observe how some representatives of this people follow the path of creation and creativity, after millennia, fulfilling the behests of their creators - the priests the sun god (although they do not know about it).

As a result, the priests of Set-Amon began to seize the lands of the Rus and their filial ethnic groups from region to region. Management went through religious cults, various oracles (like the famous Delphic oracles). Their further path is quite easy to trace: Palestine - Babylon - Assyria - Tire (Phenicia) - Carthage - Athens - Rome (both pagan and Catholic Vatican) - Venice - London - Washington …

For a long time, their main center was the Mediterranean. It was there, in approximately one epoch, that more than a dozen different occult centers arose at once (2 thousand BC). It was a kind of network for controlling the "brains" of the rulers of that time.

The structure of the forces of destruction

All the forces of darkness are locked on Set-Satan, the lord of chaos, personifying the universal law of destruction. On earth he is served by "black priests" - direct heirs of the secret knowledge of the priesthood of Amun, Set. They are the top of the "pyramid" of knowledge and power. The core of the structure. All the rest, regardless of rank and rank, are just performers.

The executors are curators, embedded in all religions (one of the most famous centers of control is the Vatican). Banking clans - the so-called. "Financial international". The highest Jewish elite, which have long merged with the royal houses and aristocratic clans of Europe. In the same system, all kinds of Masonic lodges, political clubs, institutions and other structures (including all kinds of mafias).

Almost all of them consider themselves to be the "navel of the earth", the rulers of cities, regions, regions, peoples, countries, although in reality they are only pawns in the hands of their true owners. From time to time, when the instrument is “blunted”, especially with regard to political elites, they are “cut off”.

The main methods of influencing human civilization

- Concealment of basic knowledge about the laws of the Universe, the Universe, the Nature of our world and Man. Not knowing these laws, not understanding their essence, a person is very vulnerable and weak, easily turns into a puppet. It can be programmed, any programs can be implemented. Lead along the path of Destruction, both for individuals and for all of humanity. People are lowered to the level of an intelligent animal, blocking the highest manifestations of its psyche - humanity, compassion, conscience, reason, love.

- Occult-magical influence, which blocks the channels of communication with the light hierarchies of the Universe, the One God-Father, Mother Earth and natural elements (angels-spirits of earth, water, fire, air). It goes through various artificial religions, cults, sects, mass pop culture, into which elements that suppress human consciousness are introduced. One example of this impact is the holidays that are celebrated in Europe and Russia. Almost all of them serve the darkness, are used to channel the energy of people (dark egregors are fed), whip up the base instincts of people - fornication, gluttony, drunkenness and other narcotic intoxication, thoughtless waste, etc.

- Impact on the genetic programs of races, peoples and in general on the gene pool of mankind. There is a mixing of races and peoples, the destruction of the White race, including its core - the super ethnos of the Rus. It is the white race that carries the creative, creative potential, therefore it is destroyed in the first place. As whites dissolve on the planet, their numbers decrease, the potential for development decreases, humanity stops and as a result, degradation and complete destruction awaits it. One of the most famous "cauldrons" where "gray" humanity is created is the United States. That is why famous actors are promoting mixed marriages, adopting negroes from Africa (although you can also find white orphans in Europe), etc. The most powerful machine of mass media and pop culture is directed to this.

- Historical priority, factual. By distorting history, the memory of peoples is being destroyed, the past of countries and entire civilizations is distorted. The possibility of a single person and entire nations to rely on the forces of their origins is being destroyed. With the help of deception, a person is turned into a rootless creature without memory and homeland, which is easy to manipulate. Such people can be forced to kill brothers in the Family, For example, Russians, Swedes, Poles, Germans were forced to kill each other in this way, although they all belong to the core of the misfortune of the race - they are direct descendants of the super-ethnic group of the Russians. In the last two centuries, a tremendous work has been done to create a people of "Ukrainians" and play them off against the Russians. Although, "Ukrainians" are Russians who live in Ukraine-Outskirts, in Little Russia.

- Information of a factual nature. Modern mass media turn white into black and vice versa, turn villains into heroes, and normal people into "bloody tyrants." TV is brainwashing with great efficiency.

- Management through economics, finance. The most famous example is the United States Federal Reserve. On paper, the owners of the Fed were able to buy real resources, politicians, the media (forming public opinion), entire countries, industries, mineral deposits. Or another tool - rating agencies, which with their analyzes can collapse the markets, the image of a separate country.

- Means of genocide that affect not only the body, but also the psyche, not only people living now, but also subsequent generations of people. These are alcohol, tobacco and other dope, food with GMOs, lifestyle in metropolitan areas, etc.

- Forceful impact … These are war, terror, uprisings, riots, revolutions, etc. Direct violence is usually used when other possibilities have been exhausted. Take the situation around modern Syria. This state is subject to liquidation, therefore a powerful informational influence is exerted on it. Bashar al-Assad's regime withstood it, the president did not resign voluntarily, therefore they added a financial and economic priority - the sanctions regime. Then "fiery revolutionaries" with bombs and machine guns went into action. They are trying to organize a rebellion, coup, revolution. If it does not work out, then external military intervention is also possible. In most cases, the rulers of Western civilization can achieve their goals by purely psychological, informational pressure, although they easily go for direct aggression if they are sure of the victim's weakness.