Watch Out, Earthling! - Alternative View

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Watch Out, Earthling! - Alternative View
Watch Out, Earthling! - Alternative View

Video: Watch Out, Earthling! - Alternative View

Video: Watch Out, Earthling! - Alternative View

The existence of UFO hunters is no longer a secret. Moreover, these are not only journalists who are greedy for sensations and eccentric "ufologists", but also … … stern people in uniform sitting in front of the radar screens. However, few people know that some of them themselves became victims of someone's hunt …

Some of us imagine aliens as good green men who are about to descend on our sinful earth and build galactic communism here. Others are evil monsters plotting the invasion and genocide of humanity. Someone, armed with a camera, is impatiently awaiting the arrival of a UFO, someone scratches the back of their head, thinking about how to repel their invasion. However, few people suspect that this activity can be deadly. This is evidenced by a number of mysterious incidents ending in the death of military "ufologists" and even bystanders. It seems that someone is diligently "cleansing" our land from those who can interfere with the plans of aliens - if, of course, they exist.

One such spate of deaths, reported as suicides and accidents, occurred in 1986-87. The first victim was Arshad Sharif, a British professor who was developing new weapons. In October 1986, he hanged himself, and in a very strange way: he tied the end of a rope to a tree, made a loop at the other end, threw it around his neck, got behind the wheel and jerked the car from its place.

A few days later, his colleague, Professor Vimal Dazibay, allegedly rushed from the Bristol Bridge. The suicide of two luminaries in the field of physics has already raised many questions - however, there were more of them when information appeared that Sharif and Dazibai were working on a project of an orbital laser cannon, and not aimed at the earth. And at the same time they were very keenly interested in all the news about UFOs.

Then, within six months, other employees of their design bureau passed away. One hanged himself, two died in a car accident, and another also jumped from a bridge. Shani Warrenn chose to drown himself, Peter Pippel was crushed in the garage by his own car, Stuart Gooding was killed by alleged street robbers, and the talented Indian Avtar Sing-Guide simply disappeared without a trace. By the end of the year, the death toll numbered 23, and the UK had ceased development of orbital lasers for good.

Some decided to attribute this to the "hand of Moscow". However, no less interesting events took place in the USSR. In 1983, Secretary General Andropov ordered to urgently develop a powerful combat laser and launch it into space. Three months later, Andropov was gone. And created in 1986, the world's only laser supergun, for some unknown reason, was sent to the warehouse by order of Gorbachev - and died, disassembled for parts. Its developers also disappeared in a strange way.

This brings to mind the story of such an outstanding scientist as Albert Einstein. The author of ingenious, simply revolutionary physical theories, who actively worked in the United States to create nuclear weapons and a kind of "electromagnetic curtain". So, the last few years of his life, Einstein behaved very strangely: he withdrew into himself, stopped making new discoveries and working on his old projects, and in addition burned all his manuscripts. As if someone forced him to close his mouth.

Wondering who could benefit from this, some turned their attention to the sky. Indeed, is it not the work of the extremities of the aliens or their agents?

Here it is worth recalling the events of June 1941, when the Germans threw a myriad of sabotage groups and individual "killers" into the territory of the USSR, who on the night of the 22nd day diligently cut wires, chopped poles, mined roads and killed individual officers. And also the strange behavior of the commander of the Western District Pavlov, who kindly exposed all his troops to the German attack - and the Germans, passing through them, as if through an open field, then hit the rear of the formations skillfully defending Ukraine and the Baltic states. Which led to the disaster and the sad retreat all the way to Moscow.

Are alien saboteurs working on our planet? It is unlikely that Soviet or Chinese spies could force to commit suicide an entire design bureau, whose employees are also guarded by British special services. If a certain force acted here, then it used methods of "liquidation" that were clearly inaccessible to earthlings.

Moreover, these strange deaths did not stop with the fall of the USSR. In 1998, US Congressman S. Schiff, who dealt with UFO issues, died under dubious circumstances. On June 24, 2000, Colonel of the British Air Force John Hope, whose job was to collect UFO reports from direct eyewitnesses, died at the computer screen.

But why, then, these Martian saboteurs do not touch electronics developers and programmers, because today all these computers, mobile communications, remotely controlled and intelligent machines (including combat ones) are the basis of our civilization?

What for? Obviously, our earthly electronics not only does not bother hypothetical aliens, but on the contrary - it is beneficial for them that we depend on it as much as possible. And that's why…

Since the 1970s, several inexplicable "accidents" have occurred on our planet, when signals from television and radio stations suddenly disappeared completely on an area of tens of square kilometers, military radios did not work and radars were disrupted. And sometimes experts could not always explain the reasons for the failure of power grids, which for hours, or even days, threw the inhabitants of entire cities and even regions back to the 19th century.

If we fantasize a little and assume that these were only "exercises", the development of future methods of invasion, then we can imagine with horror what will await us on "day X". A sudden power outage, confused people who are trying in vain to catch a wave on portable TVs and radios, and no less helpless military, who have only machine guns and grandfather's howitzers left of their working weapons.