Occult Secrets For VIPs - Alternative View

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Occult Secrets For VIPs - Alternative View
Occult Secrets For VIPs - Alternative View

Video: Occult Secrets For VIPs - Alternative View

Video: Occult Secrets For VIPs - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, October

There are things that are interesting to absolutely everyone: from the African bushman to the president of the largest world state. We are talking about non-traditional methods of forecasting: astrology and clairvoyance, which are often used by the arbiters of human destinies, making the most important, including military-political decisions.

The personal astrologer of the Fuhrer

Everything supernatural has always been in the sphere of interests of the "competent authorities". But "political astrology" reached its peak during the Third Reich. Hitler showed a great interest in the occult sciences, especially in the East, and in general was inclined towards mysticism. It is known that back in 1923, one of the German astrologers advised the future "demoniac Fuhrer" not to take political actions in the fall. As you know, the November putsch in Munich failed. It was then that the greatest criminal of the XX century and reconsidered his attitude to astrology.

In late 1933, many astrologers went into the service of the National Socialists, quickly realizing what can and cannot be predicted in the new Reich. Undesirable predictors either disappeared without a trace, or were sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

At that time, the best astrologer was considered Hitler's personal adviser, the clairvoyant Otto Hanussen. But Hitler did not like his visionary pictures of the Fuehrer's major mistakes, defeat and division of Germany for many years. Hanussen was eliminated.

Secret Sabbath at Wartburg Castle

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… On the morning of March 15, 1938, the inhabitants of the small Thuringian town of Eisenach, which is the geographical center of Germany, were awakened by the noise of engines: a cavalcade of cars was moving along the serpentine of a well-groomed mountain road leading to the top of the Wartburg mountain, where the knight's castle of the same name was located since 1607.

I must say that both Eisenach and the mountain with the castle played a rather mysterious role in the history of Germany.

Here from 1521 to 1522 the great church reformer Martin Luther was imprisoned. And once, according to legend, the devil appeared in his cell-cell, into which Martin Luther threw an inkwell. Since then, a dark ink stain that does not lend itself to erasure appears from time to time on the wooden wall. It also appeared on the eve of World War II. Until now, no one can explain this phenomenon …

But let's return to the old knight's castle.

Here an event took place, which is still very few people know: a meeting of astrologers and clairvoyants of the Third Reich took place in absolute secrecy, discussing the future of Germany.

The number of active participants in the event held on. personal initiative of the Minister of Propaganda Dr. Joseph Goebbels (with the approval of the Fuhrer, of course), was equal to a dozen. The guard was entrusted to the SS unit and a special group of radio and radio intelligence officers of the Gestapo, equipped with the latest eavesdropping devices. Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels could hear everything that the professional magicians of Germany spoke about in a narrow circle.

Unfortunately, almost all the notes, and the participants of that meeting themselves, have sunk into oblivion. But some survived. For some reason, one of the participants in the meeting in the knight's castle - the former SS Ha-Uptstrürmführer - ended up not in Sachsenhaus, but in Auschwitz, in the role of an overseer. There he was captured by Soviet troops, sending him to prison in Temnikovskiy labor camps.

This prisoner, like many others, was supposed to serve at least 10 years after sentencing. But in 1955, Chancellor Konrad Adenauer convinced Nikita Khrushchev to release all prisoners of war, which was done by 1957. The last time the former SS Hauptsturm Führer was seen on the platform of the Potma railway station, in Mordovia, 500 kilometers east of Moscow. It was August 28, 1955.

It was this prisoner of war who confirmed the extremely meager and scattered information about the meeting at the Wartburg castle, which the Germans classified so much that only the highest leaders of the Reich knew about it. Few people knew about this in Moscow either.

What the magicians saw

So, 1938, Wartburg Castle, a meeting of the best astrologers of Nazi Germany. The summary of their vision is this: Germany is on the verge of a major war. This year is very convenient for the disarmament of Czechoslovakia and the liberation of the Sudetenland and Bohemia. 1939 is favorable for the solution of the "Polish question". Warsaw will not receive support from the guarantors - England and France, the people gathered in the mountain castle unanimously argued. And the best way to defeat France is in 1940.

As for the war with Russia, the most appropriate, in the opinion of the participants in the meeting, would be 1941 and 1946. But Soviet industry and the army are becoming more powerful and by 1946 they will be so strong that the Reich cannot cope with the Soviet Union: the Russians will win on their own, without allies. The best time to launch a surprise attack is in the second half of May 1941.

All predictors unanimously argued that the war can and should be won in only one summer campaign - no later than by the end of October. They referred to the opinions of Napoleon and Bismarck, who believed that the war with Russia in winter was a waste of work.

Among the participants in the meeting was a professor from Munich, who "saw" the great losses of the Wehrmacht in the fall and winter of 1942 on the banks of a large Russian river, apparently the Volga. And also - the death of half a million German soldiers in the fields of Russia in the summer of 1943.

Further more. From subsequent speeches it became clear that the British and Americans would begin a real war with the Reich only in 1943 (in the south), and in 1944 in the north. Almost everyone "saw" the destruction and fire in the Konigsberg Cathedral, built in 1333 on King's Hill. This message plunged those present (and eavesdropping) into despair. True, in the subsequent speech of the magician from East Prussia, originally from Konigsberg, there was a note of hope. According to his vision, the cathedral will be restored and it will acquire the full force of its esoteric capabilities exactly 666 years after its foundation. That is, in 1999. It is amazing that the restoration of the cathedral in Kaliningrad (the post-war name of Konigsberg) was practically completed in 1999.

But back in the thirty-eighth year. According to the participants in the meeting, a military alliance between Russia, Britain and America is inevitable - on the basis of a common hostility to the Fuhrer and the Reich. However, looking into the future, astrologers predicted that 1946 will be a turning point in relations between Washington, London and Moscow: former allies will become enemies. Some warming will occur only after 1953, when Stalin dies. Moreover, both of the most important events - the beginning of the enmity of the Western allies with Russia and the death of the "red leader" - will take place exactly 8 and 15 years after this meeting, that is, in March 1946 and March 1953. Recall that British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill delivered his famous Fulton speech that marked the beginning of the Cold War on March 5, 1946, and Stalin died on March 5, 1953.

But how will the coming war end for Germany? Here the foretellers cheated, vaguely promising that, in the end, the country would follow a new, great path. This will happen in May 1945. True, opinions were divided: some called the date - 8, others - 9 May; the borders of the country will change. The discrepancy in forecasts angered Hitler. He decided to punish those forecasters who cautiously shared their opinion: Germany will lose the war and will be divided into two parts. And this historical injustice will last 44 years, after which Germany will unite just as quickly.

May 1945 practically confirmed all the predictions of the best astrologers in Germany.

CC archive - for forecasts

It seemed that it was possible to put an end to this: it was believed that all the materials and persons involved in the March 1938 meeting were gone forever. But the recent discoveries made many researchers of the secrets of the Second World War and the Third Reich think: did not some of the materials concerning that meeting fall into the hands of the Allies?

The Americans captured Thuringia in April 1945, and Soviet troops entered the city only in the fall of the same year. It seems that the Americans had ample time to interview the locals and explore the labyrinths of Wartburg Castle.

It is also known that as a trophy a unique device made on Hitler's personal order - a coronagraph - got to the Soviet Union. And it was made not for the study of solar activity, but for astrological predictions of a military-political nature. The device was defective, but Soviet engineers quickly restored it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk. For what purposes is unknown. Knowledgeable people claimed that KGB General Georgy Rogozin used captured SS archives related to occult sciences in his research.

Ghosts of the Reich in Tibet and the Pole

This whole story raises new questions. Here are just a few of them:

- What did the SS expedition, which took place under the auspices of the occult and mystical organization "Anenerbe", in distant Tibet in 1938 look for?

What goals was pursued by another SS expedition not just anywhere, but to Antarctica?

- Why was the interrogation of SS Standartenfuehrer Wolfram Sievers, the general secretary of "Anenerbe", so abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg Trials, as soon as he began to call names, and why was the simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals of the Third Reich?

- Why was it Dr. Cameron, who was present in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of Anenerbe, then headed the Blue Bird project of the CIA, within the framework of which the development of psychoprogramming and psycho-tronics was carried out?

- What is this strange story with the discovery of the corpses of Tibetan monks in SS uniforms in Hitler's bunker at the end of the war?

- Why did "Anenerbe" urgently seize the documentation of scientific laboratories and any secret societies, along with the archives of special services in each of the countries just captured by the Wehrmacht?

The most terrible thing in the fight against such an evil as Nazism is that one should not think that it has disappeared completely, it simply transformed into other misanthropic movements - these are not answers to questions. The worst thing is when they pretend that there are no questions at all.

Author: V. Bogdanov. Source: “Interesting newspaper. Magic and mysticism №10