Man In Rubles. Price And Cost Of Living - Alternative View

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Man In Rubles. Price And Cost Of Living - Alternative View
Man In Rubles. Price And Cost Of Living - Alternative View

Video: Man In Rubles. Price And Cost Of Living - Alternative View

Video: Man In Rubles. Price And Cost Of Living - Alternative View
Video: Real cost of living in Russia 2024, October

The world has long been accustomed to measuring everything in money, despite the incantations of numerous preachers that "you can buy books, but not knowledge, a bed, but not sleep." Following the classic precept that man is the measure of all things, let us try to calculate how much the human body costs.

Body as periodic table

If you count in chemical elements, the human body is inexpensive, about half a thousand dollars. The main elements are oxygen and hydrogen. Slightly less nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus, and they are quite common, therefore, in principle, they cannot be expensive. There is also some iron, and of rare metals like gold, mercury and uranium. So about 15 thousand rubles per circle.

Body as a commodity

If you disassemble a person into larger blocks, the price of the issue rises sharply. For example, a kidney can be sold for about $ 20,000. But there is one problem. In many countries, organ trafficking is punishable by law. So the kidney can only be donated for free, and only to a relative. Or after death. Or go to illegal surgeons, but there are no guarantees. This is how you come to earn money, having lost a kidney, and you, like a stolen "nine", are dismantled for parts.

Heart, spinal cord, liver are already more expensive than $ 100 thousand. One problem - the deprivation of these organs will please only the heirs. Their absence in the body is simply incompatible with life. Therefore, young victims of road traffic accidents with crushed skulls are especially popular.

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However, some organs can be shared with almost no harm to the body, and especially blood. You can take it for 300 rubles, and even a certificate for two days off. There are few contraindications, but with the right approach, donating blood can be turned into a small income. In addition, men can become sperm donors. The process has been worked out from childhood to idiocy, the main thing is to lead a healthy lifestyle and not throw away what you have obtained from yourself. The income is small, only with a very successful combination of circumstances can you sell a dose for $ 200. Well, since medicine insists on a timeout between procedures, it does not work more than six times a month. In addition, plans for enrichment in this way can be hampered by some kind of illness.

You can try to combine donating blood and sperm, but all the money earned will be spent on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and you will have to forget about normal contacts with women during industrial supplies of genetic material. Or exercise them exclusively after a session of selfish masturbation. Well, if everything happens according to the schedule, then where do spontaneity, romance and other things come from that ignite girls' eyes? Anyway, what kind of life? You walk like a very fragile vessel, and all your thoughts are aimed only at being ready for the next medical examination. True, there are maniacs who have turned themselves into factories, but there is a suspicion that they are raising a "healthy child" exclusively as part of an advertising campaign.

There is also a separate cycle associated with childbirth. Some cosmetic products contain cells from the human placenta. But, firstly, this is a one-time earnings - several hundred rubles. Secondly, it is difficult to imagine a woman in labor or her happy husband who will immediately run to the black market to sell what is left of the child's stay in the womb. Moreover, in some preparations, even the foreskin of babies is used, but this is a penny. In general, a person, especially a man, can start earning literally from the first days of life. True, it is difficult to imagine how to organize the mass procurement of such a drug. And how to sell it to parents.

As a byproduct of the human body, you can think of urine and feces. It is quite permissible to use them as fertilizer. All that remains is to organize the collection of the product and its processing. There are, of course, methods and special reactors, but all this takes a lot of time and effort. You can, of course, imagine a fan of window-sill floriculture, rushing to feed the plants with fertilizer of their own production. Only hardly anyone will come to visit him: no matter how useful the manure is, nobody canceled the smell.

Having exhausted the ways of exploiting oneself as a supplier of material useful for humanity, it is worth thinking about recycling others. True, this is already such a pure and uncomplicated crime that it is better not to go there. They will tie it up as soon as possible.


The body as a means of production

Modern insurance companies estimate a person's life at five of his annual income. This means that if he manages to survive and not lose his ability to work, after five years of work experience, a person will begin to make a profit. Therefore, no matter how many political economists say that slave labor is ineffective, history and modernity claim the opposite. Under serfdom, the payback of a peasant in a corvee was more than 30 years. There were active landowners who introduced advanced agricultural technologies, but these were in the minority. With the quitrent, the situation was somewhat different, because many industrialists and merchants were originally serfs. Then, of course, they bought themselves from the owners. Today, slavery in agricultural work is practiced mainly in mountainous areas, where civilization has not yet reached. Therefore, economic efficiency is difficult to calculate, but it is unlikely that it has changed since the days of serfdom.

Much more interesting from an economic point of view is sexual slavery. In contrast to agriculture, there are few purely production risks here. Naturally, there will be troubles with the law, because the legislation of almost all countries condemns such a way of rational use of people. In some countries, prostitution is allowed, there are even trade unions there. In the case of business legality, everything is more or less transparent. Flat rates, labor protection, taxation - in this regard, a prostitute is no different from a factory worker. The profit margins from selling love are higher, but the overhead is also high. It is not only about the appearance, clothing and physical health, but also the costs of advertising, renting a workplace, etc. Moreover, the risks are quite large in terms of the uniformity of the flow of customers and their quality. Therefore, there are additional costs for security and self-defense. So prostitution is hard unskilled labor with relatively low profitability. Although, as elsewhere, there are stars earning up to 10 thousand dollars per session, and there are modest workers, whose monthly income does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And cases like the one shown in the movie "Pretty Woman", in general, there are one in millions.


It's another matter if we are talking about some deviations, pedophilia, etc. Here the price increases many times, and you can make good money on this. Indeed, the annual illegal turnover in this industry amounts to millions of dollars. However, the direct performers of the perverse whims and whims of clients receive almost nothing. Well, if you consider that all this happens outside the law, then the attitude towards ordinary employees is appropriate. There have been so many stories about how passports were taken away in underground brothels and work intensified without making allowances for health. Another good savings item is avoiding regular medical examinations. True, this leads to premature wear of the basic means of production, so it is necessary to constantly recruit new employees and female employees.

Vasily Prozorovsky
