From The Evil One Or Is It A Gift Of God - Alternative View

From The Evil One Or Is It A Gift Of God - Alternative View
From The Evil One Or Is It A Gift Of God - Alternative View

Video: From The Evil One Or Is It A Gift Of God - Alternative View

Video: From The Evil One Or Is It A Gift Of God - Alternative View
Video: Five Finger Death Punch - House Of The Rising Sun 2024, June

Can an ordinary-looking person be able to do more than science knows today, or beyond the normal natural abilities determined to him? Are there any special possibilities hidden in a person that cannot be recognized at first glance?

Not only doctors, scientists, psychologists strive to comprehend the secrets of human supernormal abilities, but all people in general. Probably, each of us at least once in our life thought: how to learn to fly, how to be able to read people's thoughts or how to see what is hidden from all prying eyes.

It turns out that all of us from birth have certain psychic abilities, while they are not developed equally in different people. Many in childhood see spirits, even try to communicate with them in their own, special language, incomprehensible to an adult, some are even able to distinguish a person's aura, to determine its color.

It often happened when a child foresaw the approach of some kind of misfortune that would happen to his loved ones, mom or dad, and even to pets. He began to get nervous, cried and worried a few days before the incident. However, as a rule, adults do not take this seriously, and the child is confronted with misunderstanding from others who do not realize that it is necessary to listen to intuition, especially to the intuition of a very young child.

Sleight of hand without any scam. This is how magic is done in the circus arena, at a competition or in a magician's performance, but there are people in our time whose abilities simply do not fit into the framework of "sleight of hand".

History knows a huge number of people who seem to have some kind of superpowers, they can predict the future, read thoughts, they control objects and phenomena. Many of them are charlatans and scammers who seek to cash in on their words.

However, there are people who know how to do it for real. So, known all over the world - the hypnotist and telepathic Wolf Messing, the clairvoyant Wang, Edgar Cayce. The list goes on …

In reality, there are people who constantly win all gambling games, know how to guess hidden objects, predict the future by cards. This is explained by the fact that such people have a sufficiently developed biofield, energy abilities and brain activity. It is not always possible to understand or study such a phenomenon even with the most modern technology, therefore, science very often comes across the concepts of fantasy or myth, because if something cannot be explained, then it is often considered outside the framework of the "real".

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Is it possible to find unique opportunities in a person in everyday life? Perhaps, otherwise, how to explain the force that comes from the mother's hands, stroking the belly of her baby, soothing his pain. And the pain goes away. How is it possible to explain the incredible strength of a weak woman who is trying to defend herself and her child from attack, demonstrating a certain resilience with power beyond the control of even a professional wrestler.

Superpowers, scientifically, are classified as follows: the ability to perform certain actions that exceed the usual average static. But until the end of the definition of the norm of opportunities for an ordinary person, it is difficult to set the bar corresponding to "supermen".

Telepathy, levitation, other supernatural abilities - from whom is this gift all the same, and that it is a gift of God or is it from the evil one. And how to explain that there are people who are floating in the air for hours, reading blindfolded, able to predict events or moving objects with their eyes?

How to explain that people with levitation capabilities literally put on their shoulder blades the law of universal gravitation known to us from school. How they, stretching with a tremendous force of gravity, soar in the air, using for this only the power of their spirit, body or mind.

Naturally, one can absolutely not believe in hidden human capabilities, one can demand more and more convincing evidence, this is a personal matter for each of us.

Recently, scientists have become more and more inclined to believe that a person is already from the very beginning a perfect being without limitations. Almost everything is subject to the enormous power that is inside each of us. We can actually do anything. But in ordinary life, many of us do not use these enormous capabilities of our body, because we are at the mercy of fears or any restrictions imposed on ourselves, confidently claiming that this is not feasible.

Therefore, shards of glass cut, the fire burns us, sharp objects cause pain, we freeze in a slight frost. But it is enough to remove these invented boundaries, allowing yourself to become free from fears and obstacles, and then it becomes obvious that nothing is impossible. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to be a magician or a superman. Such people differ from us only in that they can be aware of their abilities, attuning their brains to this.

In general, the human brain is a kind of machine that can be programmed for any program. And especially in childhood, when he is still very flexible to perception. That is why a huge part of the programs is laid in a person from his very childhood, and then works in him all his life as an immutable truth.

In humans, the potential for their further development and transformation into a superman is written in the genome, especially in that part of it that relates to the structure of the brain.

The strengthening of various psi-commands in the mind leads to an increase in the influence of the genome on the structure of the body, and indeed of the whole personality. In other words, if hands are needed to work in the outer world, then psi commands are needed to develop shells in consciousness.

But where does the most ordinary person end, how to recognize a superman who has supernatural abilities, how to find all this in oneself?

Today, a certain theory has spread that in a very short time in human society there will be absolutely fantastic certain "X people". These super- or super-Earths will not be born in secret laboratories, as in the popular blockbuster, they will be born in the most ordinary and natural way. Although some scientists are opposed to this theory, they believe that such an unforeseen development of events can lead to incomprehensible changes in the human body.

This unexpected and very frightening discovery about "X-Men" was the result of a study conducted by scientists from Corneille and California in the United States. In the process of studying the genes of several thousand people living around the world, it became clear that humanity has acquired completely new, previously not inherent mutations.

Scientists have studied more than 200 genes from nearly fourteen thousand people. In general, the genome of the average person contains about 3 billion base pairs. Scientists have studied 864 thousand of these pairs. And although this is only a small part of the genome, such a sample, consisting of so many people, is considered the largest study today.

The project was led by John November of the University of California, who works with the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. November claims that more than 95 percent of the changes found in humans were very rare, and in 74 percent of cases, carriers were only one or two of the people studied.

The researchers had no doubt that rare mutations would be encountered in the study, but they had no idea that there would be so many of them. Researchers encountered thousands and thousands of very rare mutations that often alter the composition of the protein. The increase in population on the planet is the explanation for this. a large number of genetic variants, scientists say.

As a result of the overpopulation of the Earth, rare gene variants are now much more likely, and research scientists do not exclude that new types of mutations may form in the very near future, which can lead to incomprehensible changes in our body.

We can say that scientists will now be able to get a new assessment of human genetic abilities, necessary in order to still understand who we are and what we can genetically, at least we really want to hope so.

Perhaps the answer to this question will be an explanation of a very frightening phenomenon? Why is such a phenomenon spreading around the world as the disappearance of the skulls of famous people from the graves, who disappear in the most incomprehensible way?

This phenomenon has been observed for half a century, since the time when Gogol's skull disappeared, and more recently, Pushkin's skull also disappeared from the grave.

When examining the tomb in the city of Weimor, it turned out that the skull of the great Schiller was fake, and the entire skeleton completely disappeared from the coffin of the poet Goethe. The same fate befell the graves of Petrarch, Mozart, Jeronim - the famous Indian leader.

Researchers explain this in a very original way: a real hunt is underway for the skulls of the greats. Mention is made of a certain secret society that has set itself the goal of collecting the skulls of many or even all more or less significant people in the entire history of mankind.

And the reason for this is the very gene that is contained in the remains of these geniuses, the very gene that is responsible for the superpower of man. Scientists claim that people inherited this gene from a developed and unknown civilization that existed on the planet even before the flood. In their opinion, carriers of such a set of chromosomes live among us today.

Perhaps it is this gene that John November and his team are looking for among people, trying to find the descendants of this civilization. Only one thing is clear, if this is true, then such a set of chromosomes will certainly affect the human race, and it is not known what they will be, our descendants. Maybe they will fly, maybe they will pass through the wall, know the date of their death, determine the gender of a child not yet conceived …

There are many questions, but, unfortunately, there are no answers yet.