Help Of The Sorceress - Alternative View

Help Of The Sorceress - Alternative View
Help Of The Sorceress - Alternative View

Video: Help Of The Sorceress - Alternative View

Video: Help Of The Sorceress - Alternative View
Video: ТАЙНА РУСАЛОЧКИ: О чём писал Андерсен? 2024, September

Two years ago, at our dacha near Yaroslavl, there was a real drought - there was no rain almost all summer, the wells dried up, the soil became stone, the plants died. One of the summer residents gave an idea: a witch-grandmother lives in a neighboring village. What if you go to her and ask for help? They came. Although many were skeptical.

She says: “I will help you and make it rain, but only on condition that the residents of all houses will pay 100 rubles. That is, not 10-20 people, but everything! There are 118 houses in our summer cottage association, can you imagine? Gathered a meeting, consulted. Many did not believe it and refused to participate in the adventure. But there were also those who were willing to pay for the refuseniks. As a result, we collected 11 800 rubles and brought the witch. She thanked and told to wait.

And the very next night, such a downpour broke out that overnight it filled all the buckets with water, restored dry wells, even the grass turned green where it was already completely withered.

Believe it or not, but now I believe in witchcraft. And, by the way, the rain bypassed the neighboring villages, as if a cloud hung only above us all night …

Love, Yaroslavl