Drilling Continues In Yellowstone. What's Happening? - Alternative View

Drilling Continues In Yellowstone. What's Happening? - Alternative View
Drilling Continues In Yellowstone. What's Happening? - Alternative View

Video: Drilling Continues In Yellowstone. What's Happening? - Alternative View

Video: Drilling Continues In Yellowstone. What's Happening? - Alternative View
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Since the beginning of March this year in the Lake - Fishing Bridge area (yellow dot on the map) in Yellowstone National Park, rather strange events have been happening.


As we reported earlier, on March 4 and 8 of this year, wells drilling began in this area, or some other powerful equipment is working, which forces the seismograph to write a clear, strictly periodic signal of clearly artificial origin.

Data for March 4th and 8th, respectively:


And now, exactly one month after the last incident, the seismograph of the LKWY sensor produces exactly the same mysterious picture:


Promotional video:

Control indications from another service:


To explain what is happening, several explanations have been proposed - both by us and by many people in the United States who follow the topic:

Yellowstone: did the Doomsday Machine turn on in the caldera?


Western conspiracy theorists have suggested even more exotic versions, in particular - laying nuclear bombs in the caldera to undermine the roof of the magma chamber and relieve stress:

Minuteman nuclear warheads delivered to Yellowstone.


The version with the self-detonation of the volcano, although it seems unimaginable at first glance, nevertheless, some equipment is definitely working in the caldera and the officials do not talk about it, although, from time to time, they let it slip.

At the end of last year, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) released the results of a supercomputer's processing of data from GPS sensors scattered throughout the caldera in incredible numbers. As it turned out, the shape of the caldera is constantly changing, and at an alarming rate.


According to the latest studies by British geologists, Mount Etna is moving towards the sea at a speed of 14 millimeters per year, which causes some concern among geologists:

The speed of the volcano's movement is unstable and changes from year to year. It is possible that next year it will even decrease by two or even three times, after which there will be no need to worry about anything at all. But if the speed grows progressively, reaching two or even three centimeters a year - at this moment, and it will be necessary to wait for a catastrophe.

And now we read what they write about the movement of the relief of the USGS caldera:

The soil surrounding Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin has actually moved up by seven centimeters.

The soil around the Norris Geyser Yellowstone Basin has actually risen seven centimeters.

The word SOIL sounds soothing, right? It rained, worms crawled - and the soil rose, these are the associations that arise. But in real life, the soil lies on solid rock, under which is the magma chamber of the caldera:


Thus, not the soil, but the magma dome rose by 7 centimeters. And if the movement of the mountain by 14 millimeters per year causes alarm for any geologist, then what can we say about 7 centimeters ?! And that's just what they are talking about.

The next thing they talk about is a swarm of earthquakes, which began in the caldera on February 8th:


For a week of a week of earthquakes, seismologists counted 200 aftershocks, after which they suddenly forgot about Yellowstone. In the meantime, tremors there are still continuing and how it will end is unknown.

We follow the development of events.