Khan Khubilai. Governor Of Magadan And All Tartary - Alternative View

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Khan Khubilai. Governor Of Magadan And All Tartary - Alternative View
Khan Khubilai. Governor Of Magadan And All Tartary - Alternative View

Video: Khan Khubilai. Governor Of Magadan And All Tartary - Alternative View

Video: Khan Khubilai. Governor Of Magadan And All Tartary - Alternative View

Studying the map of Great Tartary in 1600 You can read here, I came across incredible facts that no one seems to hide, only interprets them as freely as the postulate that the more monstrous the lie is, the easier it is to believe.

For example, we are all convinced that the Egyptian pharaohs were Arabs, despite the fact that the mummies are all too often the remains of the representatives of the white race. The fact that all the khans (and in fact the Khams - "Cham") of the Golden Horde are Mongols, etc. But even purely scientific evidence suggests that Great Tartary was ruled not by Mongols, not by Asians, but by people of quite modern European appearance. Tamerlane was a man with white skin, blue eyes, and light blond hair and a beard. And he is a direct descendant of Kham Chinggis. Were the other Genghisites non-Mongoloids? Sure. Here, for example, is the descendant of Genghis in the sixth generation of Khubilai.

Khan Khubilai accepts thets of the Apostle (Pope) of Rome
Khan Khubilai accepts thets of the Apostle (Pope) of Rome

Khan Khubilai accepts the gifts of the Apostle (Pope) of Rome.

Please note, the scene is depicted on the seashore. Is there a sea in Beijing?

Did you imagine Kubilai's "Mongol-Tatar" like that?

This is how Marco Polo himself describes the Great Khan: -


It describes what the great khan looks like

Promotional video:

The great sovereign of kings Kublai Khan [Kublai Kaan] looks like this: good growth, not small and not large, medium height; moderately thick and well built; face is white and, like a rose, blush; the eyes are black, glorious, and the nose is good as it should. He has four legal wives, and the eldest son of them will reign in the empire after the death of the great khan; they are called empresses and each in its own way; each has its own yard, and each has three hundred beautiful, glorious girls. They have many servants, eunuchs and all kinds of others, and maids; each wife has up to ten thousand people at court.

Whenever the great khan wishes to sleep with which wife, he calls her to his peace, and sometimes he goes to her.

He also has other girlfriends, and I will tell you that: you need to know that there is a Tartar genus migrak; beautiful people; they choose the most beautiful of the family, a hundred girls and bring them to the great khan; the great khan orders the palace women to look after them, and the girls to sleep with them on the same beds, in order to find out if the girls have good breathing, if they are virgins and if they are completely healthy. After that, they begin to serve the great khan, in the following way: for three days and three nights, six girls each serve the great khan, both alone and in bed; every service is corrected, and the great khan does whatever he wants with them. After three days, another six girls come, and so throughout the year, every three days and three nights, six girls change."

What's in his hand? Whoa! Something familiar!


Well, yes … the Merovingian shamrock. Family seal of the kings - the founders of all the august families of Europe, and the Presidents of America. It is believed that the first owner of the "lily" was King John, whom some, not without reason, consider the very mythical Charlemagne.


So where did the guys nicknamed Polo go? To Asia, or to Europe? The truth is somewhere in the middle, as you know. We went to Asia, and thanks to the memories of Marco, as well as the maps that appeared in the public domain thanks to the Internet, the stupidity and ignorance of those who posted them in the public domain, a vague picture of the past of Great Tartary, and the clearly artificial history of Europe, began to take shape in quite a logical, harmonious structure that is understandable even for a small child who hates cramming the dates and sequence of the ascension of different kings to the throne.

Apparently, relying on the words of Marco Polo himself, one can make the assumption that Rex John, Charlemagne, priest Ivan, presbyter John, the son of Japheth Jovan is the grandson of Noah himself, all this is the same person. More precisely, a demigod, because he, unlike humans, could live for hundreds of years. And he would have lived if it had not been for the great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Kublai Chinggis, who, in order to marry the daughter of Joban, declared war on him and defeated his army, and even killed Father Ivan himself.

How can we not remember the story with the description of the campaigns of Alexander the Great. The text clearly states that he was in a northern country where there are a lot of diamonds and residents wear seal skins, and it should be clear to any child that there is no other place suitable for this description, except for the current Yakutia on our continent, scientists like zombies continue to repeat that speech about India.

And it does not matter that seals are not found there, and no one cares about the fact that there were no diamond deposits in India. Nobody pays attention to the fact that many Macedonian soldiers died from snow and frost. Ordered to count: - "India"! As in an old joke: - "The doctor said - to the morgue means to the morgue."

Exactly the same picture with the opus by Marco Polo. Well, he was stupid, he did not understand where he was taken, what he saw there, and when he began to write a book he forgot everything completely. By the way, he was illiterate at all, and from his words everything was written down by the only literate in Venice, a certain Rusticello from Pisa.

However, Chapter XVI of the Book contains a very important remark: “Marko, son of Nicholas, very soon took a closer look at the Tartar customs, and learned their language and writing. I will tell you the truth, he learned their language, and four alphabets, and writing in a very short time, soon after he came to the court of the great khan. He was smart and sharp-witted. For everything good in him and for his ability, the great khan was merciful to him."

Oh how !!! He was a talented guy, he mastered languages and … FOUR Tartar alphabet. Have you heard of them? And … Well, yes … In our country, only Cyril and Methodius were taught to read and write the dark dense Russians according to the official version …

It should be clarified, perhaps, that Marco Polo did not go on a journey of 24 years himself. As a boy, Father Nikolai took him with him, who, together with his brother, uncle Marko - Matvey, went to the Crimea, to the city of Sudak, from where a long journey began approximately in the second half of the 13th century. Why "tentatively"? Because there is every reason not to trust the official chronology. After all, Marco himself does not name a single date in his "Book on the diversity of the world." Therefore, it is quite possible that the entire dating of the events was carried out tens or even hundreds of years later than the described events.

The authoritative uchiony tell us that the route of the Polo missionaries (where is the nickname "Polo"?) Is known for certain: - Jerusalem-Mesopotamia-Persia-Mongolia-China. And now, the funny thing is … Why does no one care that they went to Jerusalem from Sudak? And why not from Arkhangelsk then ?!

It seems to me that Jerusalem was not at all in the itinerary of the emissaries of the Apostle of Rome (as the popes were called at that time). They had another goal. Not the Palestinian deserts, but the mysterious and rich Tartary. This is what interested the "State Department" of the 13th century. Is this amazing? Has anything changed now? No, everything is the same as before. The goal at all times was only Russia, no matter how it was called in each era, the USSR, the Russian Empire, or Tartary, it is our country that is always under the gun. Not Estonia, not Gambia or Greece, but Tartary, with its riches, always frightened, worried, and was the longed-for dream of all European princelings.

Marco Polo's description of the dog-headed people also indirectly confirms that their path lay through Scythia. After all, it was the Scythians who more often than other people encountered cinocephalus, and even hunted them like animals, with the aim of resale into slavery.


And what about the statement that Beijing was previously called Khanbalyk and was the headquarters of the Great Khan of all Tartars! Marco Polo himself gives quite understandable descriptions of the cities he visited with his father and uncle, and does not mention any city of Khanbalik. Therefore, we are dealing with a deliberate falsification. Apart from the unfounded statements of historians that Khanbalik is Beijing, there are no facts confirming the reliability of this version. And in general, how could the Great Ham of all tartars live in a city that is located on the territory of a foreign, though not friendly, country?

It is a great success that the map of 1600 has already been compiled taking into account the system of geographic coordinates that we understand. See for yourself. Here is a medieval map:


But quite modern:


Imagine for a second a situation where Stalin would rule the Soviet Union from Germany. Rave? Obvious nonsense. Moreover, Marco Polo calls the capital of Ham Kublai, Emperor of Great Tartary, the city of Kambala, which many, not without reason, consider the prototype of the mythical Shambola. And Flounder is accurately marked on the Map of Great Tartary near the sixtieth latitude. I will note that the northern border of China then passed almost exactly at the fiftieth latitude, which corresponds to the latitude of the Crimea.

Kamala, almost ten degrees north. One degree is 111 kilometers. Everything comes out. That Flounder was located somewhere in the area between Okhotsk and Magadan, and most likely now rests on the bottom of the Sea of Okhotsk, if not in the earth at a depth of 400 meters, or even a kilometer. There, from where miners extract coal, which was once a huge array of trees.

That's the whole question. Missionaries have been to China, there is no doubt about that. But they went to China after they had bypassed all the Tartar cities in the north, where Katay with its Belgian desert (not to be confused with K-i-tai), and the provinces of Un and Mogul - the fiefdoms of Gog and Magog.

This is how Marco describes the city of Chiandu. Most likely on the map this is Caidu:


“It was built by the Great Ham Khubilai, who now reigns. In that city, he ordered to build a large palace of stone and marble. Halls and chambers are gilded; wonderful, and beautifully gilded; and around the palace is a wall sixteen miles, and there are many fountains, rivers and meadows; the great khan keeps all kinds of animals here: deer, fallow deer and antelopes; with them he feeds his falcons in cages. He goes to watch them once a week. In this walled plain, the great boor often rides on a horse, carries a leopard with him and releases him on a deer, fallow deer or an antelope, and what he catches is for falcons in cages. He has fun like that for his own pleasure. In that plain behind the wall, the great boor, you know, built a large palace of bamboo; inside it is gilded and painted with fine animals and birds. The roof is also made of bamboo, but so strong and dense, no rain will spoil it. The palace was built from bamboo in the following way: these bamboos, you know in truth, are three spans thick, and ten to fifteen steps long. They cut them into knots, and as they cut them, the pieces are so thick and large, and cover the roof, and they are suitable for all crafts. The palace, as I said above, is all bamboo; the great khan built it so that you can carry it at will; more than two hundred silk ropes supported him. The great boor lives here for three months: June, July and August; he lives at this time because it is not hot here,so that you can transfer it at will; more than two hundred silk ropes supported him. The great boor lives here for three months: June, July and August; he lives at this time because it is not hot here,so that you can transfer it at will; more than two hundred silk ropes supported him. The great boor lives here for three months: June, July and August; he lives at this time because it is not hot here,

but very nice; in these months the bamboo palace of the great boor was assembled, and in the rest it was dismantled. It is built in such a way that you can disassemble and assemble at will.

On the twenty-eighth of August, always on this day (just in case - the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin among Christians), the great boor leaves that city and that palace, and here's why: he has a breed of white horses and white mares, white as snow, without all sorts of spots, and there are many of them, more than ten thousand mares. No one dares to drink the milk of these mares, only those who are of the imperial family, that is, the family of the great boor; then the milk can still be drunk by the Goriat they were so honored from Genghis Khan, for once they helped him to win. And when the white horses pass, bow [to them] as if to a great lord, they do not cross their roads, but wait for them to pass, or run ahead. The astrologers and idolaters told the great khan that every year on August 28th he should pour that milk on the ground and in the air - to drink spirits, and the spirits will protect his good, men and women, animals and birds,bread and everything else. That is why the great khan leaves this city and goes there.

I almost forgot to tell you about a miracle: when a great boor lives in his palace and it rains, or the fog falls, or the weather deteriorates, his wise astrologers and healers use witchcraft and conspiracies to disperse clouds and bad weather around the palace; the weather is bad everywhere, but the palace does not. These witch doctors are called Tibetans and Kashmiris; then two nations are idolaters; they know conspiracies and devilish sorcery more than anyone else; all their deeds are diabolical witchcraft, and the people assure that they do it with God's help and according to their holiness. They have this custom: whoever is sentenced to death and executed by the will of the sovereign, they take that body, boil it and eat it, and whoever dies by his own death, they never eat. These Bakshi, about whom he told you, in truth, know many conspiracies and perform the following great miracles: the great boor sits in his main room, at the table;that table is about eight elbows high, and the bowls are placed at rest, on the floor, about ten paces from the table; pour wine, milk and other good drinks over them. Due to the slander and witchcraft of these clever bakshi healers, full cups of themselves rise from the floor where they stood, and rush to the great boor, and no one touched those cups. Ten thousand people saw it; true that truth, without any lie. In necromancy, those in the know will tell you that it is possible. When idol festivals come, those bakshi, I tell you, go to the great boor and say: "Sovereign, the holiday of such and such an idol of ours is coming" - and what they want, that idol will be named, and then they say: "You know, good sir, that such and such an idol, if he does not give gifts and does not offer sacrifices, can send down bad weather, and harm your good, cattle and bread;and therefore we ask you, good sir, order us to give so many sheep with black heads so much incense, so much scarlet, so much of both, we will honor our idol, bring him a great sacrifice, and he will take care of us, and our cattle, and our bread. " And they say the same bakshi to the princes who have strength and who are near the great boor, and those to the great boor; that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.order us to give so many sheep with black heads so much incense, so much scarlet, so much of both, we will honor our idol, bring him a great sacrifice, and he will take care of us, our cattle, and our bread". And they say the same bakshi to the princes who have strength and who are near the great boor, and those to the great boor; that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.order us to give so many sheep with black heads so much incense, so much scarlet, so much of both, we will honor our idol, bring him a great sacrifice, and he will take care of us, our cattle, and our bread". And they say the same bakshi to the princes who have strength and who are near the great boor, and those to the great boor; that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.we will commemorate our idol, we will bring him a great sacrifice, and he will take care of us, and our cattle, and our bread. " And they say the same bakshi to the princes who have strength and who are near the great boor, and those to the great boor; that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.we will commemorate our idol, we will bring him a great sacrifice, and he will take care of us, and our cattle, and our bread. " And they say the same bakshi to the princes who have strength and who are near the great boor, and those to the great boor; that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name days.that's how they get everything they ask for for the feast of their idol. And when they receive bakshi everything they asked for, they arrange a great feast with great singing in honor of their idol; they burn smoking from all the best spices, roast meat and put it in front of idols, pour juice everywhere: let, they say, idols eat as much as they want. Such and such an honor they show their idols on holidays; every idol, know the truth, as if like us, - their name ours - their name ours - their name days.

They have large monasteries and abbeys: here, I can tell you, a large monastery with a small town, there are more than two thousand of theirs monks; monks dress nobler than other people. The head and beard are shaved. Great festivities are arranged for their idols, with great singing and with great illumination never seen before. Among the bakshi there are those who are allowed to take wives, they do this, get married, and they have many children. There are also other spiritual people, their names are Sensei (sensei however), people are very restrained in their own way; They live like this: they eat only bran all their lives: they take the bran, put it in water, hold it there, and so they eat it. They fast many times a year, and, as I said, they eat nothing except bran. They have many big idols, and sometimes they worship fire. And other bakshi, about those who are so abstinent, say that they are heretics, because they do not pray to idols,how are they. There is a big difference between the one and the other: some do not marry for anything in the world. The head and beard are shaved (What? !!! Razors have already been invented?); dress in paper fabrics, white and black, or in silk of the same colors, as stated. They sleep on mats - portable beds. Their life is the harshest in the world. Their idols are female, that is, they all have female names."

In my opinion, this is invaluable evidence of the custom and culture of our ancestors. A truthful and unbiased description of the life of the inhabitants of Great Tartary.

Awesome stuff for horse riders. Why haven't you taken advantage of it until now? And here's another moment that leaves no stone unturned on the official version of history:

“How the great khan spends pieces of paper instead of coins

In Kanbalu [Khanbalyk] the mint of the great khan, so such that one can say about the great khan - he knows alchemy quite well, and that's why. He orders to make the following money: he will make him pick up the bark from the mulberry trees, the leaves of which are eaten by silkworms, and the delicate tree that is between the bark and the core, and from this delicate tree he orders to make a folder, like paper; and when the folder is ready, he orders to cut it out of it as follows: first, small [pieces] worth half a small livre, or a small livre, some half a silver penny, and others into a silver penny; there are two pennies, and five, and ten, and a bezant, and three and so on up to ten bezants; and the seal of the great khan is attached to all the folders. So much of this money is produced by his order that all the wealth in the world can be bought with it. Prepare pieces of paper soas I described to you, and by order of the great khan, they are distributed throughout all regions, kingdoms, lands, wherever he rules, and no one dares, on pain of death, not to accept them. All his subjects everywhere, I tell you, willingly take these pieces of paper in payment, because wherever they go, they pay for everything in paper, for goods, for pearls, for precious stones, for gold and for silver: everyone can buy with paper and pay for everything; a piece of paper is worth ten bezants, and weighs none. Merchants come many times a year with pearls, precious stones, gold, silver and other things, with gold and silk fabrics; and all this merchants bring as a gift to the great khan. The great khan summons twenty wise ones, chosen and knowledgeable for this work, and orders them to check the merchants' offerings and pay for them what they are worth. The sages will inspect all things and pay for them with paper, and merchants willingly take the paper and then pay for all purchases in the lands of the great khan with them. Many times a year, to tell the truth, merchants bring things of thousands for four hundred bezants, and the great khan pays for everything with paper.

I will tell you more, many times a year an order is given around the city so that everyone who has precious

stones, pearls, gold, silver, they carried it all to the mint of the great khan; they do so, they demolish a lot of all this; and is paid by all papers. This is how the great khan owns all the gold, silver, pearls and precious stones of all his lands.

I will tell you something else that should be mentioned: when a piece of paper is torn or spoiled from use, they carry it to the mint and exchange it, however, with the loss of three for a hundred, for a new and fresh one. And another thing should be told in our book: if anyone wants to buy gold or silver for making some kind of vessel, or belt, or something else, then he goes to the mint of the great khan, carries with him pieces of paper and pays them for gold and silver, what he buys from the manager of the yard.

I told you how and why a great khan should have and has more riches than anyone else in the world. But what is even more amazing: all the kings in the world do not have as much wealth as the great khan."

Everyone knows that the first paper money appeared in China …


But Marco Polo is not talking about any kind of China, but about Tartary. Even the manufacturing technology and the rules for the circulation of paper money, which appeared in Russia only at the end of the 18th century, are described in detail. Means what? And the fact that, as I argued, China has never created anything. He can only steal and copy … What we see today. Yes, they have succeeded in copying other people's achievements on an industrial scale. The proximity of Kambalu made it possible to borrow technology and reproduce them in a quality that is known throughout the world today. Disgusting, for the most part.


It is not clear why the falsifiers needed to endow the ancient Chinese with properties that were not at all characteristic of them (I apologize for the tautology). The motives for falsifying the travel route of Brothers Nikolai and Matvey are also unclear.


There is no clear explanation for this fact. Well, one that would not irritate each of the parties, who have their own ideas about the purpose of Polo's trip, the exact route, and the reliability of the presentation of events. The main trump card of critics, along with the "forgetfulness" of Marco Polo, who described the journey much later than its completion.

The second point, which was taken up by the critics, is a whole series of events that, in the opinion of academic science, could not have happened only because they could not have happened. The clearest example is the description of the Pseglavians, whose existence, according to the academicians, science will not even consider. Just like the possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine. And since Marco fantasized in this case, it means that everything else can be automatically recorded in the category of myths.

The third circumstance that prevents us from considering Marco Polo's work realistic is the abundance of toponyms that are completely unknown to modern geographers and historians. But we know that this argument is more than unconvincing. Since the advent of free access to medieval maps, which were previously stored in the dark cellars of the US Library of Congress and the Vatican, it has been possible to locate a huge number of geographic objects that were previously considered mythical. Even such “fabulous” ones as Lukomorye, Hyperborea and Ripeyskie mountains, no one tried to hide on medieval maps.

True, the presence of maps of Tartary, on which toponyms, with which Marco Polo so easily operates, did not convince critics that these objects must be taken seriously. The map of Tartary from 1600 cited by me in the previous part of the article raises huge doubts about its reliability, if only because it uses the modern system of geographic coordinates. How can this be? Counter-question: - And why, in fact, this cannot be? We believe unconditionally that the Egyptian pyramids were built for thousands of years by the efforts of millions of slaves! Isn't it funny !?

Plus I have a killer argument. If such a map existed in a single copy, then the subject of discussion would not appear, but a gigantic number of medieval maps, on which a grid of parallels and meridians is drawn, with degrees of latitude and longitude that we understand, leaves no doubt that we are once again faced with something that we cannot explain, but that exists in reality.

Here are just a few examples:


Map of De Bereskushcheff 1575. (Pressing) It seems to me that the author's name is Bear Bored.


Fragment of the map of Abram Ortelius 1572. The same grid of coordinates, and even the city of Tenduk in Tartary is clearly readable. (Pushy).


But the same Ortelius, only later, 1587. In general, beauty! (Pushy). Obviously, KatAi is not China, and Mongol has nothing to do with modern Mongolia. But the biggest gift for me was the discovery of this card:


Daniel Cellarius Ferimontanus. Map of 1590. (Pushy).

This is a real gift. The most detailed map of Tartary, with images of scenes from the life of ordinary Golden Horde workers. The map is unique in everything, requires deep study and translation of texts, but since I started with the reconstruction of the history of the life and work of Ham Kublai, I will only consider a specific area of the area, about which Marco Polo wrote in such detail.


Here, on the coast of the Hyperborean (Arctic) Ocean, the SHOE Horde hunt bears and wild boars. It's easier with bears, but wild boars in the Arctic Circle, you must agree something … But this is nothing more than nothing, compared to what is depicted southwest of the city of Tartarus, in the vicinity of Karokaran. Three pyramids like the Giza plateau in Egypt. But next to the priramids are depicted structures that have no analogues at all. Giant buildings of rectangular cross-section with flat roofs, and in the complete absence of windows and doors.

Here is what is written about this place in the Book of the Diversity of the World:

“To the west of that castle, twenty miles is the Karamoran River; it is so large that no bridge can be thrown over it; the river is wide, deep and flows into the sea-ocean. Many cities and castles along that river; There are many merchants here, and a lot of trade is conducted here. There is a lot of inber and silk in the countries along that river. How much game there is, it's just amazing. For one Venetian penny, or rather, one asp, which is not much more, you can buy three pheasants.

Behind that river to the west, in two days' journey, the noble city of Kachian-fu (most likely this is the insinuation of the interlocutors. Apparently, Marco Polo wrote about the city of Taingui on the shores of Lake Koros - my comment). The people there are idolaters, and in Katai the people are idolaters. This city is commercial and industrial. There is a lot of silk here. Gold and all kinds of silk fabrics are woven here."


And here is another answer to the next mystery. Tangut, which is mentioned in the book of Marco Polo, is considered to be a northern Chinese province somewhere in Tibet, which was destroyed by the bloody tyrant Chinggis. No! Look, it's already the seventeenth century in the yard, and Tangut exists safely, and not in some kind of Tibet, but on the territory of the modern republic of Sakha Yakutia.

“As you travel thirty days along that steppe, about which I spoke, here is the city of the great khan Sassion (on the map, probably Sacciur - my comment). The country is called Tangut; the people pray to idols, there are Nestorian Christians and Saracens. Idolaters have their own language. City between northeast and east.

The local people are not trade, they are engaged in arable farming. They have many abbeys and many monasteries, and all have many different idols; the people make great sacrifices to them and honor them in every way. Whoever has children, you know, feeds a ram in honor of an idol; at the end of the year or on the feast of the idol, the one who raised the ram leads him with the children to the idols, and there they all worship idols; the ram is then fried and, having roasted, is carried with great honor to the idol; the ram stands in front of the idol while they celebrate the service and read prayers for the salvation of their sons; the idol, they say, eats meat. They will finish the services and prayers, they will take the meat that was in front of the idol and carry it home or wherever they want; they will call relatives and ceremoniously and ceremoniously eat meat, and once they have eaten, they will collect the bones well in a box.

The bodies of dead idolaters are burnt everywhere; I will also tell you, when the dead is carried from the house to where they will burn him, on the way his relatives build a wooden house, cover that house with silk and gold fabrics, in front of him, when they pass, they stop and present wine and food to the dead in plenty; but they do this, they say, so that in the next world the same honor may be given to the dead; and when they bring it to the place where they burn it, the relatives cut people, horses, camels and coins into besan from paper; all this is immediately burned, and they say that in the next world the deceased will have as many slaves, cattle, and sheep as they burned paper ones. I will also tell you that when they carry to burn the deceased, they play all kinds of instruments in front of him.

And here's another thing, when the idolater dies, they call the astrologer and tell him where and when the deceased was born, in what month, day and hour, and he hears all this, begins devilish fortune telling, and, having read fortune, says on which day the deceased should be burned … Sometimes the deceased is not burned for a whole week, or even a month, and six months; and during all this time they keep him in the house, and before the sorcerer does not tell them what can be burned, his relatives will never burn him. While the deceased is in the house, before burning him, they hold him like this: they put him in a box of boards, thick in the palm, firmly knitted together and well painted, and so that the body does not smell in the house, they will cover him from above with fabrics scented with camphor and others. spices.

And one more thing: the relatives of the deceased from the same house feed him all the days while he is in the house; They bring drink and food, as if they were alive, put them in front of the box where the body is, and leave them until the dead, as they think, are full. His soul, they say, takes food. And they keep it that way until the day they burn it. They also do one more thing: the healers sometimes tell their relatives that for some reason it is not good to carry the deceased through the door, then the relatives carry the deceased through other doors, and often, in order to pull out the deceased, they break the wall. So, as I have described, all the idolaters in the world burn the dead."


“Kamul is now a region, but in the old days it was a kingdom. There are many cities and castles here, and the main city is called Kamul. This country is between two steppes; on the one hand - large, on the other - smaller, three days' journey. The inhabitants are idolaters and speak a special language; live by agriculture; they have an abundance of food and drink; bread is sold to strangers passing by. The people are cheerful, every now and then they play the instruments, sing, dance and please their flesh.

Foreign guests are always very welcome; wives are ordered to fulfill all the wishes of a foreigner, they themselves will go about their business and for two or three days they do not come home, and the guest is there, whatever he wants, he does with his wife (this custom has survived to this day among some indigenous peoples of northeastern Russia - my approx.); sleeps with her as if with his wife; lives for his own pleasure. And in this city and in this area, wives are so loved, and husbands are not ashamed. Wives are both beautiful and cheerful, and love to have fun. It happened when Mangu-khan, the Tatar king, was still reigning, he learned how in Kamula they give wives to foreigners, and he ordered that no one should dare to accept foreigners as guests under pain of punishment. They recognized that order in Kamul and were very upset, gathered for a council and this is what they decided: they took large gifts, carried them to Mangu-khan and began to ask him to let them live,as grandfathers bequeathed, and grandfathers told them that the gods love them because they give foreigners and wives, and every good thing, and because of this they have a lot of bread, and every work is arguable. Mangu-khan heard this and said: if you want to be ashamed, so live in your own way, and agreed that they should live in their own way. And they always adhered to this custom, and to this day they adhere."


Note! The elephant is depicted on the territory of the present Khabarovsk Territory!

And here is the capital city of Kublai Kambalu with the suburb of Kaidu, which are described in detail by Marco Polo. As you can see, deliberately or accidentally, historians beguiled China with Katai. Roll it not Chyna! Here it is worth again turning to the immortal chronicles of Marco Polo. Read carefully. This is a description of the perfect model of government!

1. Form of government

“The Great Khan chose twelve noble princes (Boyar Duma !!! - my comment) and entrusted them with all matters in thirty-four regions. Their customs and procedures are as follows.

First of all, I will tell you, twelve princes live in the city of Kanbalu in one palace. The palace is large and beautiful; there are many chambers and separate houses in it.

Every region has its own judge and its own scribes; they live in the palace, each in his own house, and know all the affairs of the area where they are assigned; carry them out according to the will and order of the twelve princes, and I have already spoken about them.

And the power of the twelve princes is as follows: they elect the governors of the regions; will choose a worthy one and report this to the great khan; the great khan of the chosen one confirms and grants him what he should be, the golden girl.

Where the troops should go is also taken care of by the same princes; wherever it seems that is needed, the princes send troops there, and as much as they want, they send as many, but every time with the knowledge of the great khan. They are also in charge of other regional affairs. Their name is scieng, which means the great judgment, above them only the great khan. They can do a lot of good to whoever they want to”.

Doesn't that remind you of the modern principle of appointing governors and the institution of the Federation Council in Russia?

2. Logistics

And here is another piece of evidence, which, in my opinion, is no less significant than the image of the pyramids on the map of Tartary. Marco Polo speaks here about the perfect system of communication, transport, customs control, and logistics, which were used long before the emergence of the Russian Empire. I wrote about this for a long time, but I mistakenly believed that the Yamskaya system was invented in Muscovy.

“From Kanbalu, know in truth, there are many roads to different regions, that is, one to one region, the other to another; and on every road it is written where it goes, and everyone knows it. Whichever road the messenger of the great khan took from Kanbalu, after twenty-five miles [about 40 km] he arrives at the station, in their words pits, but in our opinion a horse post; at every station there is a large, beautiful house where messengers come to the door. Rich beds with sumptuous silk duvets in these inns; everything a messenger needs is there; and it is good for the king to stick here.

Each station has four hundred horses; so the great khan ordered; horses are always there ready for messengers when the great khan sends them anywhere. All the main regional roads are twenty-two miles, and where thirty, there are stations; at every station from three hundred to four hundred horses are always ready for messengers; right there are the palaces where the messengers pester. This is how they travel to all the regions and kingdoms of the great khan.

In deserted places, where there is no dwelling, no inns, and there the great khan ordered the messengers to build stations, palaces and everything needed, as at other stations, and horses and harness; chase only further; there are stations thirty-five miles away, and more than forty elsewhere. This is how you heard the messengers of the great khan ride, and in every chase they have where to moor, and the horses are ready. No emperor, no king, and no one had such greatness, such luxury. At all these stations, you know in truth, more than two hundred thousand horses are ready for messengers, and palaces, I tell you, more than ten thousand, and in all of them, as I said, rich harness. And there is such an amazing luxury that you can hardly tell or describe it.

I forgot to tell you about one thing that also applies here: between every two stations, every three miles, there are villages of forty houses; the great Khan's messengers on foot live here, and they perform their service in the following way: they have large belts with bells, so that from afar they can be heard running; they run at a gallop, and no more than three miles; and after three miles there is a change; you can hear from afar that the messenger is coming, and they are already preparing for him; when he comes, what he brought is taken away from him, and from the scribe a piece of paper, and the new messenger starts galloping, runs three miles, and then changes in the same way as the first messenger. In this way the Great Khan, through these on-foot messengers, receives news in one day because of the ten days' journey; These messengers on foot pass in one night and in one day ten days' journey; in two days they bring news from twenty days of distance. Often in one day to the great khan, they bear fruit because of ten days of distance. The great khan does not take taxes from them, and he also gives them from his treasury, and the horses that are at the stations for messengers.

These stations are arranged as follows: the Great Khan orders to ask the city what is near a station, how many horses he can supply; the city answers that one hundred; the great khan ordered to put one hundred on this station; then he asks other cities and castles, how many horses they can put up, and orders to put them at the station. This is how all the stations are arranged, and they cost nothing to the great khan; only at stations in non-residential areas does he order the display of his own horses.


When it is necessary to report to the great khan as soon as possible about which indignant country or which prince, or about what is important for the great khan, messengers ride two hundred miles a day, and sometimes two hundred and fifty miles, and I will tell you how this is done: when a messenger needs to go so many miles soon, as I said, for this he is given a girl with a gyrfalcon.


And you were told that it was the "Coat of Arms of Rurik", and someone claimed that it was "Khazar tamga" … Do you know where the dog rummaged?

But there is some truth in this, because what is a tamga in essence? Right. A customs seal confirming the legality of goods, correspondence, or the legitimacy of an official. It looks like this these days:


But … Back to the author.

If there are two messengers, both start off on good, strong horses; bandaging their stomachs, tying their heads and letting go, as much urine as possible, galloping, racing until they travel twenty-five miles to the station, then other horses are ready for them, fresh horses. They sit on them, without hesitation, immediately, and as soon as they sit down, they gallop as much as the horse has urine; jumping to the next station; here new horses are ready for them, they sit on them and ride on, and so on until evening.

This is how, as I said, messengers travel two hundred and fifty miles and deliver news to the great khan, and if important news is needed, they travel three hundred miles."

3. Social policy

“How a great khan helps those who do not have bread or cattle.

The great khan sends messengers to all his lands, kingdoms and regions to find out if the bread was lost where from bad weather, hail or some other disaster. Finds out who was hurt without bread; from such he does not order to take taxes for the year, but also orders to give them his own bread for feeding and for seeding. And that great mercy of the great khan! This is done in the summer, and in the winter he distributes the cattle: when he finds out that such and such a cattle has fallen, orders him to give him cattle, helps him and that year does not take taxes from him.

So, as you heard, the great khan helps and supports his subjects."

“How the great khan orders to collect a lot of bread and distributes it to help his people.

When the great khan knows that there is a lot of bread and it is cheap, then he orders to buy a lot of it and pour it into a large granary; so that the bread does not go bad for three or four years, he orders it to be carefully preserved. He gathers all kinds of bread: wheat and barley and millet and rice and black millet and every other bread; all this collects in a multitude. There will be a shortage of bread, and it will rise in price, then the great khan produces his bread like this: if a measure of wheat is sold for bezant, for the same price he gives four. He produces so much bread that everyone has enough, it is given to everyone, and everyone has enough of it. This is how the great khan takes care that his people do not pay dearly for bread; and this is done wherever he reigns.

How the Great Khan gives alms to the poor.

I told you how the great khan distributes bread to his people, now I will describe how he gives alms to the poor in Kanbalu. He orders to recruit poor families in the city who have nothing to eat; in one family there are six people, in the other eight, or ten, or more, or less; to feed them, the great khan orders the distribution of wheat and other bread; and is given to them in plenty. Everyone, I tell you, who comes to the court for bread, there is no refusal to do so; whoever does not have bread, it is given to everyone. More than thirty thousand people every day, you know, come for bread, and this is every year.

By his great kindness, the Great Khan regrets his poor people; and for this he considers him as a god."

4. Tartarconedor. (Road facilities)

“How the great khan plants trees along the roads.

The great khan ordered to plant trees every two steps along the great roads, where messengers gallop, merchants and other people ride. These trees, I tell you, are now so large that they are visible from afar. And the great khan did this so that everyone could see the road and it was impossible to get lost. And along the deserted roads there are trees; for the merchants and for the messengers there is great convenience; and in all kingdoms and regions there are trees along the roads."

5. Tartarspirtprom

“Almost all the people in the Katay region drink this kind of wine: they make it from rice with other good spices, and the drink comes out better than any other wine; both clean and tasty; the wine is hot, and you get drunk from it rather than from another."

I have almost no doubt that this is an achievement of Tartarpischemolprom.


6. Freedom of conscience, cosmogony, penitentiary system and etiquette

“About the religion of the Tatars and their opinions about the soul and their morals.

As we said above, these peoples are idolaters, and as for their gods, each has a plate nailed high on the wall of his room, on which is written a name denoting the Most High, the heavenly god; They worship her every day, with a censer of incense, as follows: raise their hands up and grind their teeth three times so that God will give them a good mind and health, and they do not ask for another. Below, on the floor, there is an image called Natigai, this is the god of earthly things that are born throughout the earth. To him they give a wife and children and worship him in the same way with a censer, grinding their teeth, and raising their hands; they ask him for favorable weather, earthly fruits, sons and similar benefits.

They consider the soul to be immortal in the sense that immediately after the death of a person it passes into another body; depending on whether a person has lived well or badly, the soul goes from good to better or from bad to worse. If he was a poor man and behaved well and modestly during his lifetime, then after death he will be reborn from a noblewoman and himself will be a nobleman; then he will be born of the empress and will be the sovereign; rising higher and higher, he finally reaches God. If he behaved badly, then if he was the son of a nobleman, he is reborn as the son of a peasant, then he is reborn as a dog and descends to a more despicable life.

They speak in flowery language; they greet each other politely, with a cheerful and joyful air; behave with dignity and eat very cleanly. Father and mother are given great honor; if it happens that some son offends his parents or does not help them in case of need, that is, a special public place that has no other business but to punish ungrateful sons who are guilty of some ungrateful act towards their parents.

All sorts of criminals detained and imprisoned are strangled; when the time comes, set by the great khan for the release of the detainees, which happens every three years, they are released, but at the same time they put a stigma on one cheek so that they can be recognized later.

The current great khan has banned all games and tricks, which are indulged there more than anywhere else in the world. To do this, he told them: "I conquered you with arms in hand, and everything that belongs to you is mine, because if you play, you play with my property."

I do not want to pass over in silence the order and custom of how people from the people and the grandees of the great khan should behave when they come to him. At the first approach to the place where the great khan is, people from the people still half a mile away, out of respect for his high rank, stop with a modest, quiet and calm look; no noise, no sound and no loud talk is heard.

Each baron (probably not a "baron" in the original, but a "boyar" - my comment) or a nobleman constantly carries with him a small and beautiful vessel, which he spits into while in the hall, since no one in the hall dares to spit on floor; spitting, he covers the vessel and sets it aside. They also have beautiful white leather boots that they take with them; when they come to the courtyard, from where they will enter the hall, when the sovereign summons them, they put on these white shoes, and give others to the servants so as not to stain the magnificent, skillfully made silk multi-colored carpets embroidered with gold."

Here is everything that I thought to cite in the first place, within the framework of a short article. In fact, there are many more chapters in Marco Polo's Book on the Diversity of the World that are worth paying close attention to. For example, the descriptions of the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense seem very valuable to me. Indeed, in our history textbooks all the merits in the creation of a modern army and navy were given for some reason to Peter I, while from the descriptions of Marco Polo it clearly follows that in the thirteenth century Russia already had the strongest army in the world, and the largest ocean navy.

Kubilai's ships could simultaneously carry up to 30,000 warriors, and cross sea spaces 1,500 miles away with ease.

The description of the history of the creation of Great Tartary deserves special attention, but, in order to avoid being overwhelmed with quotations, I propose to limit ourselves to the final conclusions, which, of course, I do not propose to consider as the ultimate truth. These are purely mine, the interim results of reflections that were born as a result of comparing well-known texts and maps. Sources that are available for analysis to everyone who has mastered the "ON." on a personal computer, and at least heard something about the IPS and electronic libraries.

In fact, there is nothing complicated. And conspiracy has nothing to do with it. Take the facts and draw your own conclusions. The one who made them before us was simply not able to make the correct conclusions, not having the information that we now have. That's what I did:

1) Several centuries ago (How many exactly, I will not say. Maybe four, maybe only two), on the territory from the Danube to the Bering Strait, and from the Arctic Ocean to the Pamirs, there was a single centralized state. Moreover, south of the Pamirs and the Himalayas, right up to the Indian Ocean, there were lands that were not part of the state, but under a protectorate, or something like that. It is possible that modern China was one of the republics. The name of the state is Great Tartary.

2) The founder of the state is the Great Ham (khan) Chinggis, who became the first ruler from among the people. Before Chinggis, all these territories were under the rule of Ivan, who was not quite a man, but a demigod, because his own grandfather was Noah himself, and his father was the legendary Japheth. Japheth is the founder of all Indo-European tribes, read Aryans, and his son Ivan (in the Bible Javan) is the founder father of all Greeks, who named themselves in honor of the son of Tsar Ivan Elisha the Greeks (Hellenes), and their country Hellas.

This raises the question of the legendary Troy. Its second name is Ilion. In my opinion, there is a connection with Elisha. And here again one cannot do without A. S. Pushkin. His "Tale of the Sleeping Princess" is the encrypted true history of the world. Elisha is not just a fabulous prince, but the son of Tsar Ivan, who awakened the Tsarevna (Russia?).

Then, Chinggis defeated Ivan's army, killed him, and took one of his daughters as his wife. Since then, the blood of the demigods who have lived in the world for hundreds of years has been firmly associated with the blood of the Chingizids, including it flowed in the veins of the sixth descendant of Chingiz, Kubilai.

3) Tartria was created bloodlessly. There were no cruel conquests, as Marco Polo wrote about many times. All "conquered" peoples voluntarily stood under the banner of the Great Boor, exactly as it was repeated centuries later, when Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Baltic States voluntarily entered the Russian Empire.

4) Great Tartary is a centralized secular state with a federal structure, the form of government is the Presidential Republic, where the President is the Great Ham, the governors are the Ham, the heads of local authorities (elective office) are the princes.

Well … Or Authoritarian Democracy, if you like. With the division of powers into legislative (boyar duma), executive (Great Ham and its law enforcement agencies - army, navy, police, tax department, customs, transport, communications, and … Magic. Yes, at the court of Great Ham there has always been a whole state of sorcerers, whose duties, among other things, included not letting clouds into the capital, in which there was always good weather.), and judicial. Everything is like in the rule of law, if anyone is aware of the subject "Theory of State and Law". In addition, there was a system for the execution of sentences in Tartary.

There was also a state bureaucratic apparatus, whose functions included pension provision and insurance. There is no direct indication of this, however, such conclusions follow from elementary logic.

5) Great Tartary was a developed power with technologies ahead of its time. The abundance of natural resources, including precious stones, gold and silver, coupled with the well-established industrial production of silk, paper, and possibly gunpowder, made it inaccessible to the rest of the world. It is possible that such knowledge was inherited by the Country from the descendants of Noah, as a bonus, in the form of kinship with Ivan. China (China) undoubtedly adopted some of these technologies, as the closest neighbor, and maybe as one of the subjects of the federation.

6) The decline of Great Tartary began with a combined natural (or magic-technical?) Disaster. Then part of the northeast of the empire sank, finding itself at the bottom of the present Sea of Okhotsk, and far from the eastern coast, a volcanic archipelago emerged from the water, which later became the Kamchatka Peninsula. At the same time, the northeastern Asian tectonic plate shifted, swallowing the cities of Tartaria hundreds of meters deep into the earth's crust, forming deep folds that we now see in the form of the Kolyma hills. At the same time, a displacement of the Earth's poles probably occurred, which caused a powerful tidal wave, with instant freezing, which caused the appearance of an ice shell and permafrost on the lands of Tartary, where there was once a subtropical climate.

7) But the majority of the population of Tartary managed to evacuate on time, long before the start of the disaster. The sorcerers at the court of the Great Khan did not eat their bread for nothing, and "worked" much more efficiently than modern seismologists. Small groups of people remained in the field, miraculously escaping on the tops of the mountains, in caves. They became the founders of the Yukaghir tribe (the Caucasian indigenous population of Yakutia, Kolyma and Chukotka). The rest rushed south and west, in much the same way as the Syrians, Libyans, Afghans and Pakistanis are storming Europe now. This exodus went down in history as the "Tatar-Mongol invasion", but historians interpreted it as an armed invasion of nomads.

8) Great Tartary continued its existence until 1812, I have a map of Tartary in 1811, where its borders pass exactly along the same line, which is now called the Zavolzhsky, or Catherine's shaft. Consequently, there are serious reasons to believe that the "Patriotic War of 1812" is nothing more than the last military operation in Europe, after which such a country finally ceased to exist. It was wiped from maps, other written sources, and from memory. Instead of this, they created volumes of myths about the despotic narrow-eyed Mongols - the Golden Horde, who allegedly fucked unfortunate Russia for 300 years. Well … Now in Ukraine, exactly the same tales about the yoke are already popular. Only this time "Moskalskoe". The law of karma however …

Thoughts are actually much more than words are written, but this is not a scientific work. This is just information for thought. I would be glad if someone can, thanks to what they have read, do something more. Good luck!

Author: kadykchanskiy
