What's Under The Sphinx? - Alternative View

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What's Under The Sphinx? - Alternative View
What's Under The Sphinx? - Alternative View

Video: What's Under The Sphinx? - Alternative View

Video: What's Under The Sphinx? - Alternative View
Video: What's Under the Sphinx? 3 Secrets and Discoveries 2024, September

As the radicalization of the Eastern world increases, calls for the destruction of pagan antiquities are increasingly heard. No sooner had the dust settled from the collapsed Buddha statues in Bamiyan in 2001, as the remains of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud were looted. There are dozens, if not hundreds of such examples.

However, the pinnacle of treachery was the calls for the destruction of the Sphinx and the great pyramids of Giza, which were repeatedly heard in the Arab world. The most paradoxical in such calls is that, oddly enough, they can help world science to shed light on many secrets and mysteries of the ancient civilizations of the Earth!


From time immemorial, Egypt was considered the cradle of world civilization. Today, there is no doubt that the creation of the legendary Sphinx took place more than 11 thousand years ago, long before the Flood: this is evidenced by traces of sea erosion on its surface.


As for the pyramids of Giza, a number of researchers argue that they were created not for the burial of the pharaohs, but for completely different needs, and only then turned into the tombs of the rulers of Egypt. Disputes about who the first pharaohs and gods of Egypt really were: people, aliens from the stars or entities from other worlds do not stop. No answer! Until.

The large-scale archaeological excavations on the Giza plateau could slightly open the veil of secrecy, but the Egyptian

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the authorities do not give permission for them. If excavations do take place, then they are suppressed by the authorities, as soon as scientists approach one of the ancient secrets.

Meanwhile, psychics, writers, alternative scientists unanimously repeat about a certain mysterious library under one of the sphinx's paws. As if it stores information about the previous civilizations of the Earth, knowledge about unique technologies and even information about the future of the planet!


One of the first to declare that under the sphinx there are some sacred knowledge was the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce.


In his opinion, under one of the sphinx's paws there really is a kind of underground room, which contains unique technologies and scrolls with information about the past civilization of the planet. The Edgar Cayce Foundation has repeatedly funded the search for this room, but in vain.

Nevertheless, there is no reason to doubt the words of the medium, since in the East from ancient times there was a legend according to which somewhere under the sphinx there is a "Hall of Knowledge" with the technologies, history and wisdom of a lost civilization stored there.


The existence of the "Hall of Knowledge" is mentioned by the Byzantine historian George Sinscela, who lived in the 9th century, as well as the legendary Hermetic writings. If you believe the ancient writings, then the sacred books were hidden underground by the god of wisdom Thoth himself. The wall records of the temple complexes of Egypt speak about the same fact, calling the ancient repository the "Chamber of Archives", "Hall of Records" or "Hall of Knowledge".

It is quite obvious that somewhere under the Giza plateau there really is a secret room with some sources of valuable information. According to legend, in the secret room there are also things that personally belonged to the gods Thoth, Osiris and Isis. This fact is directly mentioned by one of the incantations of the Burial texts dated 2000 BC. e.

But the Coptic legends recorded by Arab travelers tell the most about the secret room. The texts speak of underground passages leading from the three pyramids to a kind of storehouse of knowledge. True, at the entrance to each of the underground passages there is a certain magical guardian statue that destroys uninvited guests.

The ancient Greek philosopher Iamblichus, who lived in the IV century, in his book "On the mysteries, especially of the Egyptians, Caledonians and Assyrians" wrote about the corridor connecting the galleries inside the Sphinx with the great pyramid. As follows from the texts of the philosopher, the entrance to the underground galleries can be found between the paws of the sphinx, if you remove sand and mountains of debris from there.

Sumerian tables assert that the Anunnaki - aliens from the stars - was a refuge in an underground city, where a tunnel led, beginning under "Huvan" "with teeth like a dragon, with a face like a lion." Only the Sphinx fits this description.


The writings of the famous Roman historian Pliny also speak of underground halls under the sphinx, where countless treasures are hidden. Arab sources also emphasized that the entrance to the dungeons was guarded by mechanical statues that destroyed everyone who tried to go down into the dungeon without the permission of the priests.

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of such testimonies, among them there are even testimonies of people in ancient times who were in the described underground tunnels. However, numerous traps and robot statues prevented them from progressing far in their research.

Has no one tried to solve an ancient secret these days? They tried. But the result was, to put it mildly, rather strange …


Edgar Cayce, in his prophecies, assured that the sphinx contains the remains of immigrants from Atlantis, and the entrance to the underground halls is located in the cornerstone at the left paw of the sphinx. It would seem that it is simpler: to illuminate the indicated area of land with a radar and begin excavations. This is exactly what Japanese scientists from Waseda University did in 1989.

Turns out Casey was right! Indeed, under the left paw of the sphinx, at a depth of two meters, they found a tunnel going obliquely downward towards the pyramid of Khafre. Cavities and tunnels have been found behind and around the northwest wall of the queen's chamber. It would seem - the sensation of the century, it is necessary to drill, dig, explore. Alas! The Egyptian authorities immediately banned all further research.

The communications diagram under the Sphinx, published by Harvey Spencer Lewis in 1936 in his book Simbolic prophecy of the Great Pyramid.


Following the Japanese, in the same 1989, the earth under the paws of the Sphinx was enlightened by the geophysicist from the USA Thomas Dobetsky. His instrumentation also showed the existence of a rectangular chamber under the forepaws of the sphinx. However, the same Egyptian organization of antiquities, which in those years was led by Zahi Hawass, did not allow the American to get to the sacred knowledge.

Moreover, after the discovery of Dobiecki, the Egyptians completely prohibited foreigners from conducting any geological or seismic work in the area of the Sphinx.

A completely logical suspicion arises that the Egyptians know more about the secrets of the Sphinx than they tell researchers from other countries of the world, and are terribly afraid that the truth will come to the surface.


In 1993, Zahi Hawass himself began excavating around the Sphinx. True, not where, according to the seismic reconnaissance of the Japanese and the American, the "Hall of Knowledge" was found, but to the right of the sphinx. They allegedly discovered some tunnels, but the work was stopped there. Then spy versions begin, one more fantastic than the other …

As if from the ground between the paws of the sphinx suddenly appeared a stele with hieroglyphs telling about the "Hall of Knowledge". It was immediately removed from the eyes of tourists so that they would not suddenly read the ancient message. The only question is: how could they do it without translation?

Then the Egyptians allegedly nevertheless dug an underground room discovered by the Japanese in 1989. But it contained only a jug and a rope, but a passage to the next round room was found in the floor. From it, as the ancient sources reported, three underground passages led to the side of the great pyramid.

This is where miracles begin. In one of the moves, the researchers stumbled upon a veil of light, which turned out to be a protective field that did not let anyone through. Near him, a person felt bad, he vomited, but if he persisted, then he began to feel that he was dying, and retreated.

Passage under the Sphinx


Unable to break through the protective field of unknown nature, the Egyptian scientists radar-illuminated the area behind it. The instruments showed the existence of a 12-storey building extending deep into the earth. Deciding not to tempt fate, Egyptologists invited foreign experts.

In some unknown way, they still managed to turn off the protective field and entered the tunnel. The building turned out to be a kind of trigger shaft, leading travelers to the outskirts of a huge underground city.

The entire trip was filmed and then seemingly shown in a private viewing in Australia. The film tells about an underground city created over 15,000 years ago. The giant structure is located on an area commensurate with the Nile Valley - 10.4 by 13 kilometers. Huge temples, lakes a kilometer in diameter and many other wonders were discovered in the city.

Even the city was supplied with water through a hydraulic water supply system. The only surprise is that no one has seen this film, except for anonymous sources who "leaked" information about it to the yellow press.


But here's the strange thing: the mysterious city has been known since the middle of the 20th century. A detailed description of the grandiose underground structure can be found in the report of Dr. Selim Hassan "Excavations at Giza" in 10 volumes, published in 1944 by the Cairo State Press. Its translation can even be found on the Internet.

As the Egyptologist testifies, in the last year of excavations, archaeologists have discovered the entrance to the underground city. Descending into the voids, they saw many huge temples, magnificent palaces, rivers and lakes. At the same time, everything said that the city was created according to a single clear plan.


The question arises: where is this city today, why are they not given excursions to it? No answer! And the country's authorities in an interview claim that the city does not exist, and the underground cavities discovered are the remains of ordinary mines.

It is believed that the main entrance to the city is in the area of the sphinx and, of course, is guarded. But the second is located in one of the Coptic churches in Cairo. If you know this place, then through it you can go down the stone steps to the “ancient metropolis”.


However, if you look at the essence of the issue from the point of view of the Egyptian authorities, everything looks more than logical. Suppose Russia discovered artifacts of the Hyperborean civilization somewhere on the Kola Peninsula. Would we have invited the entire honest world to investigate the find? Never!

Obviously, the Egyptians did the same, sensibly judging that they would always have time to boast, but for now it is necessary to remove all amazing artifacts from the city. If you cannot find a use for them, then sell them to Western countries.

What, according to ancient myths and articles of the yellow press, did the Egyptian scientists find in the underground city?

In addition to many minor artifacts, a chamber was discovered that contained the "Rod of Energy" that belonged to Thoth himself. This item is described in detail, by the way. Ancient writings tell how the Atlanteans, who survived the cataclysm, were attacked by wild peoples with spears and clubs. The god Thoth helped the refugees from Atlantis to avoid imminent death by pointing his rod at their enemies. And they immediately froze, like stone statues.

With the help of this wand, you can control the forces of nature, strengthening or neutralizing them. Outwardly, the wand looks like a tall thin staff 1.5 meters in height and 3 centimeters in diameter. On top is a crystal of energy, and the staff itself is strewn with precious stones.

People who tried to pick up the staff began to feel bad. Obviously, the energy emanating from the staff was only safe for creatures called Egyptian gods. Fortunately, the researchers did not take the precious relic out of her cell, but the way to it is closed to outsiders.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Egyptians - if, of course, everything stated is true - hide ancient artifacts from the world community. Despite a space survey and a report on the excavations of Selim Hassan, the Egyptian authorities today reject any information about the existence of an underground city under the Giza plateau.

In vain! If suddenly something irreparable for world culture happens and the Sphinx and the pyramids are destroyed, the ancient secret knowledge may fall into the wrong hands. And who knows - what will this turn out to be for our civilization?