Do Aliens From The Future Live Among Us? - Alternative View

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Do Aliens From The Future Live Among Us? - Alternative View
Do Aliens From The Future Live Among Us? - Alternative View

Video: Do Aliens From The Future Live Among Us? - Alternative View

Video: Do Aliens From The Future Live Among Us? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

Many people are confident in the possibility of time travel. However, if we assume that time travel is real, the mechanism of this action remains unclear. Does this require any special techniques or devices? Or are subjects and objects able to enter the past or the future only spontaneously? One way or another, while researchers are puzzling over the mystery of the time machine, a lot of evidence of such travels has already been collected …

Newspapers from the future

In 1912, the burgomaster of the Norwegian city of Ott Jo-khan Nigard sealed a certain package with sealing wax, ordering to open it after a hundred years. For eighty years the envelope was kept at the post office in Oslo, for another twenty it was exhibited at the Gudbrandsdahl Museum … When it was finally opened, everyone was in for a huge surprise.

The opening of the package took place in a solemn atmosphere, with a large crowd of people, there were also TV journalists with cameras. However, at first, the contents were disappointing: inside there were some old documents of the city government, which were of no value, and a Norwegian flag. Among the papers were two newspapers from 1914. It looks like the burgomaster did open the envelope two years later to put them there. But why?

Meanwhile, experts determined that the package had never been opened since 1912, and Nigard did not have access to the postal storage in Oslo. Then where did the newspapers come from? It remains to assume that either Nygard visited the future, in 1914, and brought newspapers with him from there, or they somehow fell into his hands … And he decided not to tell about it to any of his contemporaries, but in such an extraordinary way tell about an anomalous fact to distant descendants …

Such a case is by no means an isolated one. The Harsfeld family (Louisville, USA) has a greeting card received in the mid-50s with a view of the German city of Frankfurt. Rita Harsfeld got it sometime from her grandfather, who died in 1959. But the fact is that the postcard itself was issued in 1983, and it contains buildings that were not yet built in the 50s …

Promotional video:

Contact via Network

Recently, there is information about various paranormal phenomena associated with mobile communications and the Internet. So, they talk about strange SMS messages. Someone receives messages from 2023, someone from 2080 … All of them are united by the fact that they are written in an unknown language that cannot be deciphered by computer means.

Several years ago, computer scientists drew attention to the ominous "black banner" that appears from time to time on one web page or another. A "click" on it does not lead anywhere, and after a while it disappears by itself.

At first, the programmers feared that a new virus was disguised as a "black banner". But then on those servers where the "glitch" was noticed, completely inexplicable things began to happen. For example, physicist Michael Dodjenson from NASA reports: "When analyzing DNS servers, 102 links were found leading to non-existent resources, in other words," to nowhere. " Moreover, all these links have a creation date of 2030-2070."

In late 2000, a man calling himself John Titor began posting predictions on the Web for the poorest future. John claimed to be … from 2036. Taitor posted messages on various sites and forums. Sometimes he adopted the pseudonym TimeTravel 0. The prophecies made by this mysterious person look rather dark. This man talked about the outbreak of a civil war in the United States, which would split the country into five regions with the capital in Omaha. In 2015, we will face the Third World War, as a result of which three billion people will die (Maybe he was not so wrong, given today's political realities?) And in 2036, a global virus will destroy the entire computer network, which will be a disaster for the rest on the planet of humanity …

John Tytor told his readers that his mission is to go back to 1975 and take over from there an IBM 5100 computer, which should have programs to fight the future virus.

So how did Taitor end up in 2000? He really wanted to meet himself at the age of three, he explained himself. That is how many years he was that year. Whether this venture succeeded is unknown. As you know, the theory of time travel denies the possibility of meeting with a loved one from the past …

Many, of course, reacted with skepticism to Taitor's posts. But there were also those who were interested in his information. Over the course of four months, Taitor answered in great detail all the questions asked by the curious. Moreover, he described future events in a poetic style, like Nostradamus. Among other things, the mysterious stranger wrote that there are many realities and his own reality may not be related to ours, that is, the future in which he lives may not be related to our past and present.

However, he urged to be prepared for a negative turn of events - in particular, to learn to provide first aid and not eat beef, since in his reality such a disease as mad cow disease has become a serious threat to humanity.

Taitor also spoke about some of the technical aspects of time travel and even posted photos of the device on which he allegedly arrived in the past on the Web, however, the pictures were not very high quality.

Titor last went online on March 24, 2001, giving his fans advice in case of the end of the world: "Take a gas can with you when you leave your car on the side of the road." After that, he closed all his accounts, and no one else heard about him …

Player Hunters

There is a whole community on the web, whose members call themselves "hunters for time travelers." They are convinced that there are “guests from the future” among us who come to the past for one purpose or another. At the same time, they can be in our present from five to ten thousand … Recently, the attention of community members was attracted by Melvin Wilson from the US state of Virginia. The fact is that this man has managed to win large sums of money in the lottery four times over the past ten years. For the first time, luck visited Melvin in 2004. The prize was 25 thousand dollars. And the very next year he won $ 1.5 million. The last win was a couple of years ago - this time the lucky one won half a million dollars. “I just end up in the right place at the right time,” he explained to reporters.

Of course, you understand that, according to the theory of probability, the chances of repeatedly winning large sums in a short period of time are practically zero. Unsurprisingly, the "hunters" became very interested in the Wilson case. But what if he just knew the winning numbers in advance, since he came to our reality from the future? - they thought. However, there is no evidence yet … And who will admit this? And, in the end, what prevented Wilson from simply being born clairvoyant?

Party for Chrono Travelers

In 2005, Massachusetts Institute of Technology student Amal Dorey announced that he planned to arrange a meeting within the walls of the "alma mater" for travelers from the future. Those gathered had to present evidence of their belonging to the world of the future - for example, devices that have not yet been invented in our time, or medicines for diseases that are now considered incurable.

The invitations were put into library books. As Dorey envisioned, if the time machine is invented, people will read them and may want to visit the past. Just in case, the student indicated the geographical location of the campus in the invitations - who knows what will become of him years later? Of course, the experiment ended in failure. No one came…

A similar experiment was once conducted by the famous British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking. “I threw a time traveler party once, but I handed out invitations after it was over,” he says. "I sat there for a long time and waited, but nobody showed up." However, maybe such "travelers" are simply not interested in publicity?