Dungeon Snakes - Alternative View

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Dungeon Snakes - Alternative View
Dungeon Snakes - Alternative View

Video: Dungeon Snakes - Alternative View

Video: Dungeon Snakes - Alternative View
Video: Why'd It Have To Be Snakes? - Darkest Dungeon #68 2024, September

Famous travelers often share stories of strange tunnels that go deep underground. So deep that none of the cavers have yet dared to investigate them completely. What is it - natural formations or the creation of an unknown underground civilization?

For clarification, we turned to the famous researcher of the secrets and mysteries of the Earth, the head of the RUF0RS research association Nikolai Subbotin.

Nikolay, recently RUFORS has switched its attention from UFOs to underground caves and voids, which are abundant in the Urals. What pushed you to this?

- These studies are a logical continuation of the search for other civilizations, but this time underground. Why? Strange events happening around the world show that this issue is becoming

more relevant. If you look, figuratively speaking, in the summary of anomalous events that have been taking place recently on our planet, it turns out that all over the globe people hear a rumble coming from the ground, observe the sinkholes of the soil. Sometimes whole cities go underground! All this cannot but be alarming. What's going on in the underworld? How to find out? Maybe the Ural caves-tunnels will reveal this secret to us.

Do you think that these caves-tunnels were created by some other, not human civilization?

- Let's start with the fact that such tunnels exist not only in the Urals, Altai and Crimea. They are found all over the world - even on Easter Island! In this regard, it would be logical to assume that there is a completely reasonable civilization parallel to ours underground. Who are its representatives? Oddly enough, there is no secret here. They are huge snakes, reptiles, dragons, if you like. Exploring ethnographic materials of different peoples, I found quite a lot of evidence for this version.

For example, in Asian mythology, there are legends about half-humans, half-snakes, who created the first civilizations of the Earth and then ruled entire states. The genus of the founder of one of the three world religions - Buddhism - Buddha Gautama, according to legend, descended from the dynasty of Indian Nagas snakes. According to legends, intelligent reptiles ruled Athens. Known ancient amphora, which depicts the first king of Attica Cecrops - not legendary, but quite a historical character. This ruler, according to the descriptions of the chroniclers, was an ordinary person to the waist, and two snake tails grew from the waist down. He ruled very wisely, created the Athenian Acropolis, established the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, and founded twelve large cities.

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Wait, but these are all "legends of deep antiquity" … And the hum coming from the ground is heard today! Or is it simply related to more frequent earthquakes on the planet?

- May be. Or maybe not … Here's a story for you. Chile has been shaking lately, in this regard, experts have raised all sorts of old documents - and this is what suddenly turned out. In 1972, geologists from the USSR worked in these places. And one day they told a terrible story. As if when they were conducting a survey of an abandoned mine in 1945, they found a huge gate, broken from the inside. Moving along the tunnel, geologists saw a strange trail - as if a huge snake had crawled deep into the earth.

After passing another 30-40 meters, geologists saw an oval passage about one and a half meters high, going into the depth. Its surface was corrugated! By the way, do you know what's interesting? The description of the walls of the Chilean tunnel coincides with what Muldashev gave when he saw the tunnels of Altai and Easter Island! But that happened later. And then the Soviet geologists went down even lower along the corrugated passage and saw … strange copper eggs, similar to ostrich eggs - they were lying in a copper mine. Geologists did not dare to tempt fate further and returned to the surface. Later, communicating with local residents, they heard stories about terrible snakes with human heads, sometimes crawling out of this mine …

Is this an isolated case?

- Not at all. In South America, for example, the chinkanas caves are well known. Treasure hunters claim that it was in them that the Incas hid their gold. These caves have a bad reputation. All the researchers who descended deep enough in them either disappeared forever, or returned with a clouded mind, talking about the meeting with giant snakes with human heads.

In Australia, there is also a belief about meeting snake people. They are found in the area of the so-called black mountains - high mounds of black boulders and stones. According to the aborigines, everyone who tried to penetrate deep into the black mountains disappeared there forever - they were taken by snake people to their underground city.

Even in North America, the Hopi Indians have a legend about the existence of underground cities on the mainland, built by lizard people more than 5000 years ago.

And what does the popular rumor say about the people-snakes in the Urals?

- Both in Russia in general, and in the Urals in particular, the tale about Poloz, recorded by the famous storyteller Bazhov, is well known. In it, children looking for gold in the mountains are represented by a half-man-half-snake of enormous size, which shows the places where gold veins can be found. But tales are tales to describe, albeit seemingly fantastic, but at the same time quite real stories. We have already explored a sufficient number of caves. And they found in them the alleged descents into the underground kingdom of the people-snakes, but the study of these dungeons is a very dangerous business and requires a long preparation.


Initially, according to myths and legends, intelligent semi-reptiles lived on the surface of the earth. What made them go down into the dungeons?

- Perhaps, sometime in antiquity, there was a conflict between the civilization of intelligent snakes and aliens from the sky, which divided the planet in half. These events are reflected in many religious and folklore works of the world. It seems that the snakes lost the war and were forced to go to live in underground voids. Either they were forced to this by some kind of global natural cataclysm. This version is supported by the fact that the date of the appearance of most underground cities, temples and tunnels attributed to the serpent people coincides in time with the Flood.

But there should have remained on the surface of the earth some real evidence of the existence of a civilization of the serpent man?

- Probably the main proof can be considered the sensational find of the French expedition in the jungles of Zaire. There, ethnographers discovered pygmies with spines up to 35 cm long, which have grown into the spine. Moreover, the analysis of the tissues and blood of the pygmies showed that they are cold-blooded - like fish, reptiles and extinct dinosaurs. Unfortunately, the French ethnographer did not want to name the place where the amazing creatures were discovered, so as not to destroy their microcosm …

Interviewed by Dmitry SOKOLOV

“Secrets and mysteries. Steps 2012