The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View

The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View
The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View

Video: The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View

Video: The Most Amazing Mummies In The World - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Oldest Immortal Mummies 2024, October

If for you all mummies are the same, then you are greatly mistaken. Scientists sometimes find such exhibits that it is difficult to believe in their reality. Sometimes the mummy amazes with its age, how it has survived, its appearance, and sometimes its fate.

So, a mummy called "Loulan Beauty" was found in the vicinity of the Tarim River and the Taklamakan Desert. According to some reports, it is 3800 years old, and the territory along which the Great Silk Road passed became the place of its eternal rest. There, scientists have found about 300 mummies over 25 years, all of them with white skin. In general, Tarim mummies are tall, they also often have blond hair and eyes. So, we can say that this is completely atypical for the Chinese. Perhaps this is someone from South Siberia (representatives of the Afanasyev and Andronov cultures), or maybe even Europeans. Let's return to our beauty, she looks very amazing, today she would be boldly taken as a model for a fashion show. The lady's height is 180 centimeters, she has beautiful braids and linen hair, which has not been frayed in any way for 3800 years. A woman was found in 1980 in the vicinity of Loulan, and a man who was apparently 50 years old was buried nearby. The growth of the beauty's neighbor is 2 meters, a baby was buried nearby, who died at three months. The baby had a bottle made of cow horn and a teat made of sheep's udder. How the mummies survived in this area was influenced by the climate - drought and salt.


Another amazing mummy is Princess Ukok, found in 1993 by Novosibirsk scientists. Archaeologists investigated the Ak-Alakha burial mound on the Ukok plateau and found a girl of about 25 years old. The mummy lay on its side, and her legs were bent, even the clothes of the deceased were preserved - a silk shirt, a skirt made of wool, stockings made of felt and a fur coat. By the way, her head was shaved bald and she was wearing a horsehair wig. And the lady's arms and shoulders were altogether "hipster", that is, with a lot of tattoos. For example, a fantastic deer with a griffin's beak and ibex horns is depicted on the girl's left shoulder; this drawing is a sacred Altai designation. Scientists have concluded that the mummy belongs to the Scythian Pazyryk culture, which lived in Altai just 2500 years ago. The Altaians named their beauty Ak-Kadyn,they insist that she should be buried. Journalists were the first to call the mummy the princess, and the locals say that the mummy was guarding the "mouth of the earth." This is the name of the entrance to the underworld, which with the movement of the lady became open. Now the mummy rests in the Anokhin National Museum. By the way, it is because of the entrance to the underground in the Altai mountains that natural disasters constantly occur. As for our Ukoka, according to scientists, she died due to breast cancer. As for our Ukoka, according to scientists, she died due to breast cancer. As for our Ukoka, according to scientists, she died due to breast cancer.


Another curious find was discovered in 1950, when the inhabitants of the Danish village of Tollund were mining peat in a swamp. So, at a depth of 2.5 meters, the corpse of a man was found, traces of violence were visible on it, and it looked fresh. Of course, the citizens immediately reported the find to the police, and they immediately contacted the scientists. So, the mummy received the name "Man from Tollund", he was taken to the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. As soon as the wooden box arrived, the researchers began to eagerly study the most interesting find. It became clear that the corpse belongs to a 40-year-old man, his height is 162 centimeters, and he lived in the 4th century BC. The cause of death is strangulation. It must be said that not only the head remained unharmed, but even the internal organs of a person: the liver, lungs, heart and brain. In the city museum of Silkeborg, you can admire the head of this unfortunate man. By the way, in the entire modern history, more than a thousand such bodies have already been found in the swamps.

Sergey Solobozov