The "Miracle Feeding" Phenomenon - Alternative View

The "Miracle Feeding" Phenomenon - Alternative View
The "Miracle Feeding" Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: The "Miracle Feeding" Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: The
Video: The True Word of God 2024, September

"Miraculous feeding" or "Feeding a multitude of people" refers to the miracle performed by Jesus Christ when he, in an unknown way, turned a small amount of food into a large one in order to feed many hungry people.

Two such miracles are known: The first miracle - "Feeding 5000 people" is the only miracle (apart from the resurrection) that is present in all four canonical Gospels. This miracle is also known as the Miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fish.

A large crowd of disciples followed Jesus - people from different cities and when they were hungry, they had only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus said to bring this food, and told the people to sit on the grass. It is especially noted that people sat in rows of 100 and 50 people. Taking bread and fish, looking up to heaven, Jesus gave thanks. Then he broke bread and gave food to the disciples, who gave it to the people. "And they all ate and were filled, and afterwards the disciples gathered twelve baskets of pieces."

The second miracle - "Feeding 4,000 people" is recorded in the Gospels of Mark, but is absent in the Gospels of Luke and John. This miracle is also known as: The Miracle of the Seven Loaves and Fish. According to the description, it is similar to the first, only the number of people and the number of baskets with collected food differ. Sometimes these two miracles are combined into one.

Ufologists interpret these miracles as yet another proof that Jesus was an alien and that he multiplied food with the help of unknown high technologies. From the same area there was also a "miraculous machine" for the production of manna, which fell from heaven and fed people in the same Bible.

The most curious thing is that this miracle of the multiplication of food in different centuries was able to be repeated by some of the Christian saints.

Saint Anjiolo Paoli took great pleasure in miraculously multiplying the amount of food to distribute to the poor in Rome. His "Life" tells about meals in monasteries, where Paoli has repeatedly demonstrated this ability.

Similar miracles were performed by the founder of the Daughters of the Cross community, André Fourne, who, incidentally, was later canonized. In 1824, there was almost no food left in the community - corn. Fournet preached to the sisters a sermon on the miracle of feeding people by Christ, after which he ordered to collect the remains of corn in two piles.

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He began to walk in circles near them, reading prayers, and after a while invited everyone to the table. As a result, several dozen sisters ate corn for more than two months, and the amount of food in the piles did not decrease.

Cases of "miraculous feeding" are also mentioned in the "Life of Blessed John Bosco", in particular those that occurred in the harsh winter of 1845 in Bourges and in 1860 in Turin.

So what is it? Where does all this come from? It is possible that the human imagination works not with empty, but with subtle matter, and therefore the imaginary world is as real as the physical one. But it consists of matter of a different property and can exist only with a constant supply of psychic energy.

In other words, for example, an imaginary house really exists, but if you just forget about it, it will immediately collapse and disappear without a trace. Rather, not without a trace, but until the imagination revives him again.

One can imagine how different the laws of the imaginary world are from the laws of the physical world. In his imagination, man is truly omnipotent like God. A moment is enough for him to turn the mountain into a plain, and the plain into the endless surface of the sea.

It is clear how difficult the physical implementation of such changes is. And in the imaginary world, a person can create even something that never existed.
