Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 18 - Alternative View

Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 18 - Alternative View
Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 18 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 18 - Alternative View

Video: Expedition To Jordan, As The Center Of A Thermonuclear War That Took Place In Antiquity. Part 18 - Alternative View
Video: Rewriting History... The Skulls That Changed Everything! 2024, October

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - 17 part -

So we ended the last issue with the fact that, like in any other “Antique City”, nothing has survived in this form until now. It was all buried in the ground, and they dug these columns out of the ground over the past century - with the development of tourism, so that there was something to present to tourists. But strictly speaking - it's all FAKE! NEW BUILD from old parts! So how they build and arrange everything here is just, strictly speaking, the imaginations of modern archeologists on ANCIENT themes! Look at this place 100 years ago. There was nothing here! These columns - they only then erected, as a type of "most interesting".


How did this happen? After WW1, they began to look around there and saw stone fields and suspected that something was wrong, and began to dig; first dug up the transverse "stepsons"; and guessed that it was a cross-piece of something. We decided to make such a circular colonnade as in the Vatican for effect. Therefore, they cast round blanks out of cement for the columns. Because the antique columns were all in pieces. Therefore, they made this first circular colonnade by casting from cement. Take a look - these columns are modern cement 100 years ago. They did this 100 years ago, having found crossbars, casting blanks of cement under the columns. As you can see, this modern cement is already chipping away and the blanks are shifting; well, because in the antique columns there are locking depressions / notches, but here are just blanks:


That is, everything is shown by a modern primitive in front of ancient technology, which was perfect. You immediately understand, when you deal with ANTIQUITY, that it was an SUPER-civilization!

Here's another photo from a century ago:


Promotional video:

And now it's built here! - One and a half kilometers along the street like this!


They call all this, supposedly, "restoration", but in fact it is a NEW BUILDING! Fake! Not even a copy! Feel the difference! Now, if we want to make a copy of the picture, then we must copy it exactly! - And here at the arch - They have no drawings, floor plans, drawings, nothing! At best, just broken stones! Well, what can you build here? Only free fantasy on antique themes! Fortunately, the viewer is grateful, he knows even less, so he can be forced into any bullshit. They don't take a lot of money for the entrance, well, 20-40 dollars, depending on the attendance of the place. This is the central gate of the street, and from here this street with columns on the sides goes no less than a kilometer and a half!


Interrupting only that circular colonnade (Above).

Isn't the theme similar to the square in the Vatican? They blew the idea off of her.


Photo taken from the museum; there is a small museum of archeology, - shows how the ANTIQUE and modern streets of Jerash run in parallel:


In this museum on the floor we see a symbol … what is it called?


This is a purely Alien symbol EXTRATERRESTRIALZ, that is, in Russian - aliens! It is called


With symbols in this world - very strict! What is marked not with a Magendavid, but with a compass rose, belongs to a higher level! Here are some types of Compass Roses, and the places they control. Please note that in the CIA in Langley in the central lobby! NATO? Wall Street? The central square of Kostroma? Floor in Moscow in Tsaritsino park? - Their people are everywhere !:


And in this picture, we removed the same gate from the wall to show that the cement mortar between the seams of the wall is well, quite fresh, like it was ten years old. Everything here is hand-made, and hand-made quite recently.


In such places, the main archaeological find is melts and those - still antique building parts. But any archaeological site in the Mediterranean is a CHAOS, in which there may be details related to 10 thousand, and 3 thousand years BC; - and then there is the Jewish era; - and the Greek, and Roman era, and Byzantine, and Turkish, and modern restoration bullshit. It is to calculate and calculate, but the turl doesn't care! All this modern ARCHEology is only about creating such thematic ARCHEological parks, where visitors unfasten their 40 dollars, spend time, remain satisfied with what they see and hear, - NO QUESTIONS ARISE - and satisfied and in a good mood go to the tour buses. Nobody here, no archaeological professorship, is looking for the truth. On the contrary!The challenge of all these famous archaeological sites. - HIDE THE TRUTH! The TRUTH - these are flashovers underfoot, and this is what is cleaned in the first place! We will see this here too. And where floats cannot be cleaned, theme parks are NOT made there!

Due to the fact that there is a whole street of columns one and a half kilometers, we will try to compare the columns. Because in fact, no one knows which column is from which era. Last time we showed that the construction of this “Antique Street” began here 100 years ago with the construction of new concrete columns. Let's start, in essence, with this recumbent column! - - Lies, all melted, all frozen at the boiling stage. How can it be played in public like this? - Not a presentation? But this species is natural, melted, frozen at the bubbling stage:


And this is also the entire floated chapter (head) of the column.


But this is not necessary for archeolukha! They need everything to be as in the picture and to please the visitors, whose intelligence is at the level of the plinth; and the archeology professors must really hide the truth, because they belong to the Clone! Therefore, they are engaged in polishing the surviving old columns and cleaning them from melts, that is, what? - They hide the most important signs of overtemperature and fusion! Here's a look at the signs of modern grinding on an old column:


And this is a polished column on which defects are smoothed out with cement:


But look closely at the stone of this column! - CEMENT! But what a quality! This cement is about 2000 years old, and it is stronger than it will be cast right now!


Here's another polished old column and amazing antique cement!


Modern cement can crumble in a few decades! And here's another example of antique cement! Super!


The secret of cement is all in the binder! We have already put forward the version that GRANITE is the same cement but of amazing quality available only for the VCC technology! And now, mining granite, we just rip off the melts of the molten SUPER-Civilizations that were here before us! Well, that is, if we know where the large deposits of granite or marble, for example, besides the Dead Sea, are in Russian Karelia, then this is an accurate indication that, in addition to Soddom and Gomorrah, there was SUPER-civilization in Scandinavia! And an exact indication that there were no SUPER-civilizations on the East European Plain, there is no granite or anything like that! The Caucasus is another matter, as there is also the center of Khazaria - it is no coincidence!

Both the Urals and Altai were SUPER-TOP civilizations! Nahariya is a SNAKE man!

The helical column has been pinched! (Remember the worm of Solomon - SHAMIR!)


Here is a sample of a stone that we meet for the first time, absolutely amazing, layered, it was made here under the base of the columns.


Here is also an amazing stone caught. - Pink granite or marble?


Read the continuation here.