Hugo Chavez Accuses The United States Of Creating Weapons That Infect People With Cancer - Alternative View

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Hugo Chavez Accuses The United States Of Creating Weapons That Infect People With Cancer - Alternative View
Hugo Chavez Accuses The United States Of Creating Weapons That Infect People With Cancer - Alternative View

On December 29, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez told reporters his assumptions that the US intelligence services may have developed a secret weapon with which they cause cancerous tumors in the leaders of South American countries

Chávez made his announcement shortly after reports of papillary thyroid cancer were received from Argentine President Cristina Kirchner. In this regard, Chavez recalled that earlier, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo were also diagnosed with cancer. Hugo Chavez himself also has cancer, he underwent several courses of treatment in Cuba and Venezuela.

According to the Venezuelan president, such a high incidence of cancer among Latin American leaders is more than just a coincidence.

“I do not blame the United States, I have no such evidence. But the fact that they could secretly develop technologies that cause cancer is not surprising,”said Hugo Chavez.

He also believes that the United States is behind the mass protests of Russians dissatisfied with the results of the elections to the State Duma, which is trying to destabilize the situation in Russia according to the scenario of Egypt, Libya, Syria and Latin America.

"This is where the madness of the empire has come!" - The Venezuela de Television TV channel quotes the words of Chavez.

The United States immediately reacted to Chavez's remarks. US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said: "As far as Chavez's statements are concerned, I will simply say they are appalling and blameworthy."


Based on media materials

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