Medveditskaya Ridge Anomaly - Alternative View

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Medveditskaya Ridge Anomaly - Alternative View
Medveditskaya Ridge Anomaly - Alternative View

Video: Medveditskaya Ridge Anomaly - Alternative View

Video: Medveditskaya Ridge Anomaly - Alternative View
Video: Медведицкая горная гряда одно из аномальных мест в Волгоградской обл Шаровая молния 2024, September

Medveditskaya ridge is an anomalous zone, a real place of "pilgrimage" for ufologists and other researchers of the paranormal. It is located on the border of the Volgograd and Saratov regions, not far from the Medveditsa River. The hills of the Medveditskaya ridge are a chain of old hilly mountains, 358 m high.


This kind of concentration of strange phenomena is not found anywhere else in Russia. In this anomalous zone, one can observe with enviable regularity the flights and landings of UFOs, obviously of man-made origin. Ball lightning “live” in this area - you cannot say otherwise, because these, in fact rare, natural phenomena can be observed here almost every day.

And yet, underground in the area of the Medveditskaya ridge runs a network of tunnels of unknown origin. These are just a few of the main attractions of this anomalous zone. In addition to them, many unexplained phenomena occur there. Let's talk about everything in a little more detail.


Since 1982, these places have become the object of close attention of ufologists. For 30 years, more than 40 official expeditions have visited it, not to mention single explorers. During this period of time, 23 alleged UFO landing sites were discovered, surveyed and described, with a lot of photographs and video materials attached to the studies, in which these unidentified objects were quite clearly recorded in flight or while hovering over the terrain. In addition, several geopathogenic zones were found, in which all sorts of strange incidents occur, and three zones of activity of ball lightning were recorded.

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UFO landing sites

The landing sites of the aircraft were found on the characteristic tracks, the origin of which cannot be explained otherwise than by the landing of UFOs. In this area, in agricultural fields and simply in the glades, more than a dozen clear traces of a triangular or round shape of various sizes were found. This corresponds to the shape of UFOs observed there, which are mostly luminous triangles or balls. An octagonal footprint was once discovered - a clear dent in a field of lush grass. Quite curious is the fact that such tracks in the fields not only do not overgrow themselves - they cannot be plowed up. When trying to approach them, the engines of the tractors stall for some unknown reason.

The UFOs themselves, according to evidence from official expeditions alone, were observed in the Medveditskaya ridge 15 times. At the same time, they were seen three times at relatively small distances, so that it was possible to see some details in more detail. Well, there is much more unofficial, unrecorded evidence in photos and videos.


In the places where UFOs land on the Medveditskaya ridge, various strange phenomena occur: the clocks go astray, sometimes lag behind, sometimes in a hurry, all measuring instruments are off scale, electronics fail. In addition, all microorganisms are destroyed in the soil at a depth of half a meter.

An alien cemetery?

Near the ridge, in the village of Dobrynka, builders accidentally dug up an ancient burial. The skeletons of people in the burial ground turned out to be about 2.5 m tall! On the other side of the Medveditsa River, in the village of Kopatka, another burial was discovered. And now there is debate about whether it was the remains of people or whether aliens were buried in Kopatka, because these remains barely reached a height of 50-60 cm.

Underground tunnels

Another attraction of the Medveditskaya ridge is the underground tunnels, which are no less surprising. Assumptions that these caves are of natural origin, for example washed out by groundwater, are immediately dismissed by researchers. The fact is that the tunnels have the correct shape, smooth and even walls. They are usually located parallel to each other and stretch along their entire length or in a straight line, or turn strictly at right angles. The length of one of the longest tunnels is about 4.5 km. Some tunnels have multiple lateral branches.

There are references to these tunnels since ancient times. Local residents say that once upon a time they were used by the Volga region robbers and gypsy horse thieves to hide with their prey. But nowadays, the entrances to the tunnels are littered, the old-timers say that they were blown up during the war, in 1942. Therefore, for a long time, it was possible to investigate them only with the help of special geological exploration equipment. According to research, the ends of some tunnels roughly coincide with the landing sites of UFOs.


But the search for the entrance to the tunnels, in the end, was crowned with success, one of them, located quite close to the surface, was excavated. The interior view of the caves further puzzled the researchers. The walls of the tunnels are stone, without seams, to put it another way, they are not made of stone, but as if cut through it. Or, more precisely, burnt, as the analyzes of soil samples show.

During the use of seismological equipment, another inexplicable fact was discovered. It is impossible to probe the soil under the tunnels, seismic waves do not pass in these places to a depth of more than several tens of meters. For this kind of anomaly, geologists have the term "red streak". This is the name of the zones where it is impossible to explore the bowels of the earth. In the vastness of the former Soviet Union, there are only two such zones - on the Medveditskaya ridge and in the vicinity of Tbilisi.

Geologists explain the impenetrability of seismic waves by the existence of giant voids underground, which are filled with air. However, no void can exist without support, otherwise a failure would simply have formed. But no supports were found with the same instruments. Hence, a hypothesis arises that the vault of the void can be supported by a force field of unknown origin, and the void itself is a kind of protective screen that does not allow seismic instruments to "see" what may be located at great depths.


Ball lightning

Another attraction, ball lightning, it would seem, should not in itself raise any questions - because this is a natural phenomenon. However, their abundance and activity are striking. For what reason are they concentrated in these places, what force can attract them to the Medveditskaya ridge? After all, here they were observed even by several pieces at a time. They burn trees as they pass through them. The local population named the place of the greatest activity of ball lightning - the Slope of mad lightning. This slope is covered with burnt crippled trees, there are about 500 of them.

Researchers are also unable to explain the appearance of strange burnt patterns and completely round charred areas of soil up to 40 m in diameter in the dense grass. Despite the many flowers, insects are rare guests in these places, and birds prefer to build nests in other places.

Upon closer observation of the lightning, it turned out that they do not fly in arbitrary paths - usually, their path passes strictly above the underground tunnels. Lightning moves straight, not bypassing obstacles, but burning them. Researchers believe that the tunnels themselves, which, as stated above, were burned into the stone, were created by the same ball lightning, only of even greater power. But this may mean that someone had to control them, because the natural trajectory of ball lightning cannot have such a strict geometric shape as in tunnels.


Thus, all these inexplicable phenomena of the Medveditskaya ridge are linked into a certain single picture. According to ufologists, it is possible to interpret it absolutely unambiguously - Medveditskaya ridge is an ancient alien base. Underground tunnels are abandoned paths that lead to a huge underground bunker, carefully hidden from people.

How to explain the anomalies of the Medveditskaya ridge?

All the phenomena of the Medveditskaya ridge can be explained by the presence of periodically activated faults in those places. It is energy surges in fault zones that can lead to inexplicable emergence of ball lightning from underground, flying in straight lines, along the so-called tunnels. Temporary increases in the intensity of physical fields lead to a deterioration in human well-being. And the UFOs that appear in the area of the Medveditskaya ridge are most likely large clots of plasma …