Petrakova Lyadina - A Mysterious Place In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Petrakova Lyadina - A Mysterious Place In The Pskov Region - Alternative View
Petrakova Lyadina - A Mysterious Place In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Video: Petrakova Lyadina - A Mysterious Place In The Pskov Region - Alternative View

Video: Petrakova Lyadina - A Mysterious Place In The Pskov Region - Alternative View
Video: 10 самых загадочных мест в мире 2024, September

This anomalous place is located near the village of Malakhovo (Kuninsky district) in the Pskov region.

A local resident, pensioner Vera Vladimirovna Kuzko (born in 1936), reported in 1996 that in the 1980s she was in the village with her mother (born 1907) and saw in the Dubier forest a lot of, as she put it, incomprehensible things.

In the swamp there are broken trees, a deflection of the earth in the form of a circle with a diameter of l m, a height of 12-15 cm, 2 m from a strange lying stone. At the edge of the swamp there is another "unearthly stone" (possibly a meteorite) 0.6 m high and 0.45 m in diameter, lying slightly in the water.

Further, before reaching the forest of Petrakov Lyadin, there is a stone 0.8 m high, 0.4-0.7 m in diameter, standing near a spruce and split into 4 parts. The surface is a “singed” film of iodine-black color, in the middle it is deep pink with brown-beetroot crystals. Inside, the stone seemed to glow with frosty sparkles.

Nearby, according to V. Kuzko, big silver (!) Amanita caps were shining! Above the lyadina, which amazed the eyewitnesses, at a height of 4-5 m there was “a black-and-black hole” in the sky, but not round, but torn along the edges! The impression was created that 1 or 2 creatures emerged from the hole at the time of observation.

The word "lyadina" in the northwestern dialects of the Russian language has several meanings. This is the name for a small forest in a swamp, and overgrown glades, and arable land or a field formed on the site of a cut or burnt forest site. Sometimes the villages themselves, built on a similar site, are called lyadins.

According to local residents, the surrounding places are of no less interest to researchers of the unknown. Next to Petrakova Lyadina there is Tsigelna - a prodigal forest where the girl is constantly crying, where you can always get lost.

A little further, in Lake Zhilinskoye, an oil slick and rust constantly appear on the water (perhaps something is at a depth). Every three years a small fish appears in Pynkovskoye Lake, where and how - no one knows, perhaps caviar falls on the legs of ducks, but no one knows the name of the fish).

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Near the lake there is a strange bog, Chainitsa, the name is translated as "Tea face down" (?). In the Yulino bog, there is an intensive evolution of gases. The Gavrilino bog in Borovinka has the rarest clay in the area. At the Chesnokovs' estate, V. Kuzko once fell into a narrow strip up to 25 cm wide of very warm, almost hot air.

A well dug in this place has water with a hydrogen sulfide flavor. Another (now collapsed) well had water with the color of "soaked coal". On the old road to Voteselovo, at the edge of a burnt forest, there is a strange huge boulder, about which many local legends have been written.

Travel to Petrakova Lyadina: by train or car to Pskov; by regular bus, by car to the Kunyinsky district, to the village of Malakhovo; then walk to the Dubier forest. Only with a guide!