Pleskov (Pskov) - The City Of Antediluvian Giants - Alternative View

Pleskov (Pskov) - The City Of Antediluvian Giants - Alternative View
Pleskov (Pskov) - The City Of Antediluvian Giants - Alternative View

Video: Pleskov (Pskov) - The City Of Antediluvian Giants - Alternative View

Video: Pleskov (Pskov) - The City Of Antediluvian Giants - Alternative View
Video: ХК Псков - ХК Плесков 2024, June

“Finding anything is possible

only when you know how

looks what you are looking for"

(Seeker's first rule)

More recently, the majority could not even admit that history is not a science, but pure fiction. Now, when there are more than enough arguments, the most desperate adherents continue to believe in the official version, who have written scientific works, received degrees and titles, who receive a salary for continuing to further engage in meaningless occupation.

And now, already thousands of thinking people are beginning to survey the space around them, taking into account the revealed facts. They now know what to look for and what to look for. Remember how loudly the version sounded at first that St. Petersburg, in fact, is an antediluvian city? And soon an information breakthrough began. People began to notice the same signs, practically all over the continent, from the Far East to the English Channel.

Therefore, it is not surprising that now there is increased attention to legal sources. It turns out that even in the works of the classics of Russian literature, there is a huge amount of evidence that Eurasia (most likely, not only Eurasia) experienced a global catastrophe quite recently.

The results of archaeological research are now perceived differently. Yes, archaeologists, as one of the most conservative representatives of the historical branch of science, continue to use the knowledge gained in institutes and universities, and consider obscurantism, any doubts about the authenticity of official science. However, the results of the excavations directly testify against themselves. Even though these results are usually hushed up.

Promotional video:

Remember the last time you saw information in the media, where the report on the finds from the excavations has at least a few high-quality photographs of the found artifacts? At best, such reports have a description of the items found. And often, they have nothing but a loud headline. This is what a typical modern article about an archaeological discovery looks like, not much different from a press article:

Typical news from archeology
Typical news from archeology

Typical news from archeology.

Therefore, it is not surprising that those objects that we see every day suddenly begin to speak …

Here is a vivid example: - I walked along the embankment of the Velikaya River in Pskov, and turned into an old narrow street, which led me straight to the building of the School-Gymnasium No. Leon Pozemsky.

School-gymnasium №1 named after L. Pozemsky. Pskov
School-gymnasium №1 named after L. Pozemsky. Pskov

School-gymnasium №1 named after L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

Well, school and school at first glance … But a trained eye will instantly reveal the absurdity that lies in the dissonance between the quality of the building itself and its foundation. Here's a look. No need to go to Greece or Machu Picchu!

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov
Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

Obviously, there are two different schools of masonry here.

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov
Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

The razor blade cannot be inserted between the blocks … As in Egypt.

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov
Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov
Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

In principle, there is nothing complicated here. This is done with an ordinary two-handed saw, even mechanization is not required, but the skill of the stone cutters who made the foundation in a small county town is amazing.

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov
Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov

Foundation of the Gymnasium. L. Pozemsky. Pskov.

And here is the "ancient Greek classics".

From the above, we can confidently conclude that two types of granite blocks were used in the construction of the foundation. They were made using different technologies and at different times. It is necessary to take into account the fact that such a construction method in Pskov has never been used anywhere else. It has been customary here for centuries to build from limestone, which is more than enough, although there is a lot of granite. And the reason, most likely, is precisely the laboriousness of processing granite, in comparison with malleable limestone. Where are the stones from? After all, there have never been any granite quarries or stone-cutting workshops in Pleskavia, and there are none to this day!

We study the history of the renowned school, and find out that it was built by the order of Empress Catherine II in 1786. During its history, it was rebuilt many times, but the foundation has been preserved, in fact, original, to this day. If the builder of St. Petersburg had a hand in this business, then we can assume that the granite blocks for the foundation of the Pskov gymnasium were brought from there, and some of them were made in the eighteenth century, and some were taken from the ruins of what has not come down to us. What was in St. Petersburg, but now it is not! And it is unlikely that we will ever know what was dismantled for building materials, some of which were taken to Pskov.

Graduates of the Pskov gymnasium number 1
Graduates of the Pskov gymnasium number 1

Graduates of the Pskov gymnasium number 1

Here are just a few plaques on the facade of the school. This institution was finished at different times by hundreds of celebrities, including such as Bradis and Spegalsky. The abundance of famous Jews is simply striking.

Further, more … When I first came to the Pskov region, the local residents seemed to me then, some kind of "aliens", as if they did not study in Soviet schools. It was as easy as shelling pears to find an individual who had not heard anything about who Dr. Haider was, but it turned out to be impossible to meet at least someone who did not know the entire biography of St. Olga in Pskov.

Memorial sign in the village of Vybuty. Pskov
Memorial sign in the village of Vybuty. Pskov

Memorial sign in the village of Vybuty. Pskov.

This is the quintessence of obscurantism. A plaque made of artificial granite was hung on a natural boulder. I will not parse the text, God is the judge of the one who laid out it, because now this is not about that.

And it is precisely the fact that the people's memory is so strong among the people of Pskov that makes me treat with great distrust the version that Olga was allegedly born in Bulgaria. Is there at least one village in Bulgaria where residents still tell the story of how the Grand Duke met a young girl at the crossing of the Velikaya River, and then came back for her to make her his wife and the Grand Duchess?

But the whole Pskov knows this story from their parents, and those from their parents, and the story has been passed from mouth to mouth for more than one century. Is this not a confirmation, albeit distorted, but nevertheless, a genuine event that took place in history?

Homeland of Saint Olga
Homeland of Saint Olga

Homeland of Saint Olga.

I don’t know what you feel when looking at this not entirely Orthodox cross, but I, as a person who carefully studied mythology, in terms of its connection with the Slavic Goddess Mara, see his name. This is a symbol of Mara-Marena, the Goddess of winter and death.

Mary's Cross
Mary's Cross

Mary's Cross.

He is a symbol not only of Masonic lodges, but also of many European Slavic families. To this day, it is depicted on the coats of arms of various states.

Lorraine cross
Lorraine cross

Lorraine cross.

It is also the Lorraine cross, which got its name from Lorraine (France), whose prince took Jerusalem in 1099. Used in the coat of arms of Belarus. In France it is associated with Jeanne'Arc, in 1940-1944 - the state symbol of France. In Catholicism - an element of the cardinal's coat of arms. Since 1902 it has been a symbol of the fight against tuberculosis.

Now let's remember how Princess Olga was portrayed …

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga of Pskovskaya
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga of Pskovskaya

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga of Pskovskaya.

Doesn't there arise a strange feeling of something that something is clearly wrong here, some kind of contradiction, a discrepancy between what we see and images that have taken root in our heads since childhood? We are accustomed to the image of a Russian princess of approximately the following pattern:

The imposed image of Olga
The imposed image of Olga

The imposed image of Olga.

Horse versus rooster, you would say it is a medieval Spanish or French. It is so?

This is what Olga's place of birth looked like a hundred years ago & hellip
This is what Olga's place of birth looked like a hundred years ago & hellip

This is what Olga's place of birth looked like a hundred years ago & hellip;

The picture was taken at the beginning of the 20th century, and obviously right after the end of the "European-style repair". Fresh plaster, snow-white lime, everything is as it should be. The stylistics is sustained in the classic version, replicated by the kind storyteller Alexander Row. It was he who tried to put into your brain the basic ideas about everything "truly Russian"?

Isn't it funny ourselves that all your ideas about your native culture are based on Row's fairy-tale films, and on the lists of another guardian of the native culture, "Cossack" Nadia?

But now, in the wonderful journal of my friend humus, I found an earlier photograph of the chapel, not yet restored …

And this is how Olga's place of birth looked like a little earlier & hellip
And this is how Olga's place of birth looked like a little earlier & hellip

And this is how Olga's place of birth looked like a little earlier & hellip;

There was a feeling that somewhere I saw it … Exactly! Giovanni Batista Piranesi!

Arch of Troyan. J. B. Piranesi
Arch of Troyan. J. B. Piranesi

Arch of Troyan. J. B. Piranesi.

I agree, the scale is not the same. But it’s impossible not to notice some similarity. And the fact that the chapel is completely destroyed and no one is trying to restore it to its original form is already suspicious.

Look closely at the chapel itself, you see, it is made of perfectly cut granite blocks, which is completely atypical for the architecture of Pskov. No information has survived that granite was mined in Pskov at least once, and even more so that there were stone-cutting factories and workshops. There are no traces of granite mining in Pskov at all! Where did the material for the construction of the chapel come from then?

If it was built by brackets, then they would have built it like this:

Arch of the churchyard at the Truvor settlement. Izborsk
Arch of the churchyard at the Truvor settlement. Izborsk

Arch of the churchyard at the Truvor settlement. Izborsk.

A natural question arises: - Was there a chapel in Vybuty? Or, as usual, they put a cross on what was previously available and adapted to their needs.

What is a normal house? Square or rectangular. And what do we see here? In fact, it is an arch. This is not a home. This is the ENTRANCE to the house !!!

What is captured in the early photo of the chapel is not a chapel, but most likely it is just an entrance to the structure, from which nothing remains at all, and for a very long time.

Let's leave, now, speculative conclusions, and turn to the documents that were discovered when studying the history of the Church of St. Nicholas on Zavelichye, in Pskov.

Pskov. st. Rosa Luxemburg. d. 17. Ancient Orthodox Pomor Church of St. Nicholas of Kamennogradsky
Pskov. st. Rosa Luxemburg. d. 17. Ancient Orthodox Pomor Church of St. Nicholas of Kamennogradsky

Pskov. st. Rosa Luxemburg. d. 17. Ancient Orthodox Pomor Church of St. Nicholas of Kamennogradsky.

Immediately I draw your attention to the orientation of the church in relation to the cardinal points. They don't build like that. According to legend, the parish of a church, be it Orthodox or Catholic, is always oriented to the west. In reality, this is not observed. All temples are oriented not to the west, but to the northwest:

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Pechory, Pskov region
Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Pechory, Pskov region

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Pechory, Pskov region.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral. St. Petersburg
Saint Isaac's Cathedral. St. Petersburg

Saint Isaac's Cathedral. St. Petersburg.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Moscow
Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Moscow

Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Moscow.

To an inexperienced reader, this fact will not tell you anything. But those in the know will understand that we are talking about the previous North Pole in Greenland. All ancient churches, temples and cathedrals are oriented towards it. The HXC is new, of course, but it was built in accordance with the orientation of the previous one.

It means that we are on the right track, and it is worth delving into the investigation … Let's return to Pskov.

Nikolsky Kamennogradsky monastery was first mentioned in a letter of the XIV-XV centuries. located "… On Izborskaya Street". In the annals it is recorded under 1453. In the documents of the sixteenth century. Monastery The Church of St. Nicholas from the stone fence is on the Riga road and is called "stone fence".

Church of St. Nicholas from the Stone Wall. Pskov
Church of St. Nicholas from the Stone Wall. Pskov

Church of St. Nicholas from the Stone Wall. Pskov.

"Fence" is a fence. Although to me personally, this interpretation seems far-fetched. It's not about the fence, most likely, but about the stone castle. About the City, which does not exist now.

Do you know what the "Old Orthodox Pomor Church" is? But it turns out that the "Old Believers" and "schismatics" still successfully exist, and have their own churches, temples and cathedrals in most Russian cities.

The Old Orthodox Pomor Church (abbreviated as DOC) is the modern official name of the largest religious association of Old Believers of the Pomor Consent. Like many non-pop-minded rumors, the DOC does not have a three-pronged hierarchy; the sacraments (Baptism, Confession) accepted from the Pomors are performed by laity (spiritual mentors).

According to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, as of May 1, 2012, 50 religious organizations of the DOC were registered in Russia. In addition, more than 200 communities and groups operate without registration. There are also about 250 communities outside Russia.

And one of the churches of the Pomors - the same one, Nikola Kamennogradsky, on Rosa Luxemburg Street, 17 in Pskov.

It's time to bring together several disparate facts, and a single picture will emerge, which is intuitively felt by many who have visited Pskov, but which is completely not obvious for those who are familiar only with the official version of history.

Everything is much more complicated and interesting, in fact. Let's start by finding out who the Pomors are.

Pomors. End of the 19th century, Nizhny Novgorod
Pomors. End of the 19th century, Nizhny Novgorod

Pomors. End of the 19th century, Nizhny Novgorod.

In the history of Russia it is also known under other names - the Church Society of Christians-Pomorians, the Old Believer Pomor Church, etc.

The consent of the Old Believers-bespopovtsy, who, after the death of the last pre-schismatic priests, abandoned the practice of receiving fugitive priests (runaway pops), that is, priests transferring from the Russian Orthodox Church. In the absence of the priesthood, services began to be conducted by a select, literate laity.

On the basis of the monastic Solovetsky charter, the Pomor charter was created for conducting services to the laity, in which the words that were pronounced by the priests were omitted. Also in Pomorie on the Vyg River, the Vygovsky Monastery was organized, which became the spiritual center of all harmony from the end of the 17th to the middle of the 19th century. According to them, all the consent was given the name Pomorsky. The Vygovsky Monastery had its offices in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In St. Petersburg, the representative of the monastery was the Molennaya on Mokhovaya Street, which was closed by the authorities in 1852.

Those. understandably, we are talking, practically, about Bogomilism. Only about its northern version. And if we keep in mind the flood that came from the White Sea and the Baltic, then many more issues are being resolved. The memory of the Pomors probably keeps some events associated with the disappearance of the powerful, when they were simply forced to organize a way of life without leadership, including spiritual ones.

That is why they are called "bespopovtsy", they have established the administration of rituals of marriage and funeral service by laymen, not priests. And what events could lead to such a situation? One answer is disaster.

And this is natural, at a time when the blacksmith, doctor, and confessor were gone, someone had to take over their functions. And this is logical. So, the very mechanism of the emergence of the Pomeranian agreement is easily explained. And the disastrous version lies right on the surface. The facts, albeit indirect, scattered, confirm this version.

Saint Nicholas is known as a defender of the slandered, often delivering them from the fate of innocent convicts. He is also known for his prayers for sailors and other travelers. Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, who is often approached by sailors who are threatened by sinking or shipwreck.

Now let's take a look at the Pomor beads. Didn't they come to an agreement with the Masons?

Pomeranian Ladder
Pomeranian Ladder

Pomeranian Ladder.

It is worth paying close attention to the icons inside the church. They are unique and truly ancient.

Descent into Hell
Descent into Hell

Descent into Hell.

Attention is drawn to the disproportion between those who are already in hell and who are on earth. Well, okay, an artistic technique. But what is the ellipse surrounded by Jesus? Inflatable boat? Today we do not know such a subject.

Yegor the Victorious. Early image
Yegor the Victorious. Early image

Yegor the Victorious. Early image.

Enlarged fragment of the icon. A hand stretched out through the stellar sphere is a sign of the early Christian worldview
Enlarged fragment of the icon. A hand stretched out through the stellar sphere is a sign of the early Christian worldview

Enlarged fragment of the icon. A hand stretched out through the stellar sphere is a sign of the early Christian worldview.

The suspicions that the builders and designers of the church knew much more than we do cannot be avoided.

Now about archeology. Here is a prime example of how "diggers" interpret their own findings:

Allegedly a matron who lived in the XI century
Allegedly a matron who lived in the XI century

Allegedly a matron who lived in the XI century.

Guess on what basis the archaeologists made a conclusion about her "age". It's simple. By analogy. If a similar cup was found in Istanbul, which was dated to the 11th century, then a burial in Pskov with a similar cup is also from the 11th century. And who is the obscurantist, after that:

“A small pottery vessel with a handle was found at the head of the buried woman. Its shape very much resembles a neat cup with thin walls (the diameter of the vessel is 3-5 cm, the height is up to 6 cm). The cup is made of white-burning, very high-quality clay, covered with engobe. Analogs to such vessels are known in Byzantium and the Middle East and usually date back to the 11th century.

According to doctoral student of archeology Riina Rammo, traces of 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine and methylbetainicotinic acid were found in the composition of the substance covering the walls of the vessel from the burial. 2,6-dioxy-1,3,7-trimethylpurine or 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. The elements found are essential features of black coffee. Moreover, the percentage of such an alkaloid as trigonelline indicates that we are dealing with a coffee of the Arabica type”.

It's actually simple. The aliens did not arrive, and the "chrononauts" did not visit Pleskov. It's just that burial is not the XI century, but the XIX. And that's all … All questions are removed, "like two and two." It has been said more than once that all the graves in Pskov are "fresh". Nobody lived there in ancient times. And geology confirms this, and archeology. Quite recently the sea splashed there, from that and "Pleskov". Therefore "Pleskavia".

Fragment of the map of Giacomo Castildi 1548 with Pleskavia
Fragment of the map of Giacomo Castildi 1548 with Pleskavia

Fragment of the map of Giacomo Castildi 1548 with Pleskavia.

Let's delve further into archeology …

Now everyone who can dig in Pskov. And what is being dug up? And nothing but 19th century rubbish! Tell me what's wrong? Take a look at this "Middle Ages" with your own eyes:

Bronze lock and pendants. Izborsk
Bronze lock and pendants. Izborsk

Bronze lock and pendants. Izborsk.

Iron knives with bone handles and a folding comb. Izborsk
Iron knives with bone handles and a folding comb. Izborsk

Iron knives with bone handles and a folding comb. Izborsk.

The complete absence of finds of weapons is surprising. One gets the feeling that the Pskovites have never fought with anyone and never.

Decorations. Izborsk
Decorations. Izborsk

Decorations. Izborsk.

Leather footwear of the Pskovites
Leather footwear of the Pskovites

Leather footwear of the Pskovites.

And vice versa, the incredible abundance of worn-out shoes of excellent quality raises serious questions. Where did the fairy tales about sandals and windings come from? About boots and onuchi? There are so many dug out boots and shoes in good condition that you can put on all the modern two hundred thousandth Pskov.

Treasure of the late 19th century. Pskov
Treasure of the late 19th century. Pskov

Treasure of the late 19th century. Pskov.

Household items of "medieval" Pskovites
Household items of "medieval" Pskovites

Household items of "medieval" Pskovites.

What did you see here "medieval"? NOTHING! Archaeologists say that under the clay layer there is a layer of ash and burnt wood, and below, Attention (!!!), below - all the archaeological finds of "medieval" Pskov. What are they like? Lots of glass shards! GLASS! This means that they have the same relation to the Middle Ages as Nelson Mandela to Yaroslav the Wise.

Statistics of references to fires in Pskov
Statistics of references to fires in Pskov

Statistics of references to fires in Pskov.

As you can see, the first information about the global fire dates back to the invasion of the troops of Stefan Batory. And this corresponds to the official version. And then the picture is very interesting. The maximum peak is the Great Patriotic War, which is understandable. The previous peak, and not a short-term one, also finds an explanation, because, according to the official version, the big fire happened as a result of the attack of the troops of Gustav-Adolphus, in 1615. Between 1700 and 1750 there was "Khovanshchina", but what happened after 1770 to 1900? Bold question mark.

Now, to the excavation itself:

The excavated structures are under a layer of ash and coal about 40 cm thick and about one meter of clay
The excavated structures are under a layer of ash and coal about 40 cm thick and about one meter of clay

The excavated structures are under a layer of ash and coal about 40 cm thick and about one meter of clay.

Question: - Who put a meter of clay on the shoes to create the "cultural layer"?

The excavated structures are located at a depth of three meters
The excavated structures are located at a depth of three meters

The excavated structures are located at a depth of three meters.

Another question: - Who has poured three meters of the "cultural layer" since the end of the nineteenth century?

And if you think that such questions arise only today, then you are deeply mistaken. At the end of the nineteenth century, the Pskovites had similar questions, and there were no answers to them either! A truly invaluable storehouse of information can be found even in a thin brochure from the 1875 edition:

Index to natural monuments of antiquity …
Index to natural monuments of antiquity …

Index to natural monuments of antiquity …

Ligature inscriptions
Ligature inscriptions

Ligature inscriptions.

Question to historians: - Who in Pskov has ever seen inscriptions in script, Russian or Arabic, it does not matter … Where are the samples? At least drawings?

And here is about our church, which we discussed:

Church of St. Nicholas from the stone fence
Church of St. Nicholas from the stone fence

Church of St. Nicholas from the stone fence.

The Pskov giant?
The Pskov giant?

The Pskov giant?

Here and comments are superfluous. The Pomors kept the relics of the antediluvian giant, that's the only thing that comes to mind.

And here is further:

Buried cities
Buried cities

Buried cities.

Further, the author of the study asks the same question as we do: - Who fell asleep, and why?

Buried cities
Buried cities

Buried cities.

Of course Peter. Who else? In all our victories, Peter the Great was noted.

Traces of the disaster
Traces of the disaster

Traces of the disaster.

This information can be confidently considered especially valuable, because we will never be able to contemplate what the author saw. However, something is visible even now. For example, structures covered with sand and clay, and failures at mass graves, which, of course, are no older than the nineteenth century:

Excavation of the 'medieval' Pskov with nineteenth century baked brick arches
Excavation of the 'medieval' Pskov with nineteenth century baked brick arches

Excavation of the 'medieval' Pskov with nineteenth century baked brick arches.

All of the above should not be considered the final version. However, convincing arguments are required to refute it.

Author: kadykchanskiy