Russia - Home Of The Pyramids? Interview With Vadim Chernobrov - Alternative View

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Russia - Home Of The Pyramids? Interview With Vadim Chernobrov - Alternative View
Russia - Home Of The Pyramids? Interview With Vadim Chernobrov - Alternative View

Video: Russia - Home Of The Pyramids? Interview With Vadim Chernobrov - Alternative View

Video: Russia - Home Of The Pyramids? Interview With Vadim Chernobrov - Alternative View
Video: Russia's ruling group needs competition to innovate -- Harvard professor 2024, June

For many years, the Kosmopoisk association has been actively involved in researching unusual phenomena. The coordinator of this organization Vadim Chernobrov tells our correspondent about the most interesting of his expeditions.

There were many expeditions in the life of Vadim Chernobrov, good and different.

For a long time, Vadim Alexandrovich, we did not have a chance to communicate with you. Therefore, the first thing I would like to ask you is, what expeditions have the Cosmopoisk researchers been on recently?

- We closed the last season of expeditions with a trip to Maloyaroslavets, Kaluga Region - a city near whose walls, as I believe, the fate of the Patriotic War of 1812 was decided. There are now UFOs, as well as chronomirages - people see pictures and events of those years as if they are happening today.

I have heard that similar phenomena can be observed in the Volgograd region …

- Yes. In particular, in its north, on the Medveditskaya ridge. A number of conditions are required for the occurrence of chronomyrage. We know some of them, but the rest do not. It is known, for example, that these phenomena are observed in those places where some important historical events took place. Chronomirages can be observed in the morning and early morning hours. usually in early morning fog.

Let's go back to your expeditions …

- Last season we had more than a hundred of them. But only two became iconic. One expedition from May to June took place in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region. There we were doing research on ancient dungeons. At first, we were checked there by the locals - almost like in spy movies.

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And how did they do it?

- At night, for example, long-unshaven men come to the Kosmopoisk camp and say: you, they say, are good people, let's go, we'll show you where the gold is buried. We answer that it does not interest us and that our interests are purely scientific. We continue to communicate. Approximately half an hour later, a proposal from their side follows again: "We will only reveal to you the place where the treasure with gold is hidden." And only when they realized that we didn’t come to look for jewelry, they showed us something that they don’t show even to local residents.

Secrets of the underground city

And what exactly?

- Ancient cities, which are not in any guidebook, not in any reference book, not in any archaeological manuscript. We were engaged in researching an underground city, a giant grave, a huge pyramidal structure. The kind we usually read about with reference to Egypt, China, Peru … And here we saw all this in Russia! For example, a giant underground structure made of stone blocks weighing tens of tons. They are made using the same technology that was used to erect the great Egyptian pyramids. Technologies in their creation were used that exceeded our modern ones.

That is, Russia, along with Egypt, can be considered the birthplace of the ancient pyramids?

- Apparently, yes. After all, during their construction, the same technologies were used, their creation pursued the same goals. With the help of local aksakals, we found several entrances to these pyramids. Inside them are the same passages as in the great pyramids of Egypt.

Finding the moth man

Vadim Alexandrovich, what was the second expedition of "Cosmopoisk" dedicated to?

- It was not even an expedition, but a series of successive expeditions. In total, over two hundred people from Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan and China took part in them.

First, we all gathered in Moscow. We reached Vladivostok by train. Our first field gathering was on Russky Island, where we were researching old fortresses. There was once an old pirate center, where famous pirates of the Caribbean are no more than little children.

From the Russian island we went to China. Since research on the pyramids is prohibited there, we were dealing with a historical problem associated with the first Chinese emperors. In our opinion, their description resembles paleocontacts - meetings of ancient people with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. So, for example, in Chinese legends it is said that Emperor Huangdi flew from the sky on a huge fire-breathing dragon.

Among other divine attributes attributed to this emperor, we managed to find in China a copy of Huangdi's tripod, sitting in which he could move in space and time. I brought her to Russia, now she is at my house. Outwardly, it looks like a boiler, equipped with two levers.

At the next stage of the expedition, we stopped in Primorye at several anomalous places there, including the famous Pidan mountain, about which many legends have been written. There we were looking for a moth-man - a flying man with wings. Meetings with him are extremely rare. But many local legends tell about him.

"Lunar crater" in Transbaikalia

Then we had an amazing stage, which I can put on a par with the studies of the Caucasian pyramids in terms of the level of the discovery made. It was in the east of Transbaikalia, in the Mogochinsky district. From Mogocha we followed into the wilderness, into the taiga for another eighty kilometers. There are no people there, only bears live.

In the fifties, a local forester discovered an impressive crater there, reminiscent of the place where a meteorite fell. The forester himself has already died, but his son returned to this story. He works as a gamekeeper, his name is Sergei. He turned to us with a request to organize an expedition.

With many adventures, but we still got there. They decided that the crater does not look like the place where a meteorite fell. But gradually our disappointment began to give way to growing interest. It turned out that there we encountered the second in the world example of a cone-shaped formation of unknown nature, very similar to a lunar crater. Previously, only one object of this kind was known - the Patomsky crater in the Irkutsk region. There are a lot of versions of its origin. There is a version that a giant UFO fell there.

And then three more of the same objects were discovered. We mapped them and established the exact date of their formation. For this, the nearest trees were cut down and identified by the annual rings. Found out: the crater was formed not earlier than 1906 and not later than 1908.

But just in 1908 the Tunguska meteorite fell …

- That's it. We carried out, using the same dendrochronological method, the restoration of the level of radioactivity. It turned out that in 1908 there really was a burst of radiation - there was some kind of explosion, accompanied by its powerful release.

Here, of course, you need to think: what exploded there in 1908?

- I would not like to say unequivocally that this is connected with the Tunguska meteorite. Yet crater formation coincides with both time and the flight path of this object. Although these places are separated from each other by about a thousand kilometers.

The vampire reached Siberia

The next stage of the expedition was the Baikal one, it ran along the southern end of this mysterious lake. We were engaged in the UFO problem there, as well as research on local poltergeists.

From Baikal, we followed to Altai. The main topic of the trip was a sensation there - the chupacabra reached the Ob!

Chupacabra - what is it or who? …

- This name comes from two Spanish words: chupar - "to suck" and cabra - "goat". Literally it turns out - "sucking goats", or "goat vampire". This is a creature unknown to science that kills animals (mainly rabbits and goats). And he has some kind of pathological hatred for rabbits. It simply kills them with satanic hatred and never eats them. Sometimes he even adds various intricate figures from them.

The Chupacabra, as it turned out, does not drink the blood of the killed animals. Their bodies are found, as they say in the protocols, without signs of violent death.

Gradually, year after year, the habitat of this mysterious creature is expanding. If two or three years ago we received reports about it from the Volga region and the Urals, now it has reached the Novosibirsk region. Three cases of chupacabra attacks on animals have already been discovered there. These cases shocked local researchers.

Chupacabra began the victorious procession in 2008 in Ukraine. I remember this very well, because the field conference "Ukraine-Cosmopoisk" then, in 2008, was unplannedly devoted to the Chupacabra. At that time she organized such a terror in Ukraine …

At the Kosmopoisk congress, very serious reports about the Chupacabra were heard from people, traditionalist scientists, who were not at all inclined to fantasies.

What is the danger of underground tunnels?

After that we went to the Omsk region, to the banks of the Ishim River. At the suggestion of our Kazakh comrades, we took up the subject of the Peter and Paul meteorite, which fell in the fall of 1919, at the height of the Civil War. When the Reds were about to attack Petropavlovsk, located on the Transsib, a terrible explosion was heard in the sky over this city. The White Guards were terrified. They left their positions, thinking that they were faced with some terrible Red weapon. But what actually exploded there at that moment is unknown to this day. Most likely, a large meteorite fell. Although no one has found even its fragments since then.

Then there was the Urals, where we were looking for traces of Bigfoot. And the last stage of the expedition took place in the Nizhny Novgorod region. In total, we drove almost twenty one thousand kilometers. And where not a dump along this path, everywhere there is an endless edge of research ….

Vadim Alexandrovich, but what about our Volgograd region? Aren't there mysterious places in it that are of interest to the researchers of "Cosmopoisk"?

- I have published an encyclopedia in electronic form, which contains information about about sixty such places in the Volgograd region. In first place in terms of the number of riddles in it, in my opinion, is the Medveditskaya ridge in the Zhirnovsky district.

According to some sources, there are many kilometers of underground tunnels …

- Yes, but such objects pose a certain danger to people intending to explore them. We are faced with artificial structures there, cut off from the environment for thousands of years! The microbes that live in them mutate. We may not have immunity to them, and this is deadly.

I myself, in a similar situation, once survived only by chance, and then only due to the fact that a doctor was nearby.

It seems to me very mysterious also the so-called Devil's play, which is on the border of the Kotovsky and Olkhovsky regions. I cannot but name the Lebyazhya glade, where poltergeists were observed.

There are several places in the Volgograd region where crop circles appeared. True, there are fewer of them here than, say, in the Krasnodar Territory. Although, perhaps, simply because less attention is paid to them here than to the Kuban.