The Most Mysterious Disappearances Of People In The United States - Alternative View

The Most Mysterious Disappearances Of People In The United States - Alternative View
The Most Mysterious Disappearances Of People In The United States - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Disappearances Of People In The United States - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Disappearances Of People In The United States - Alternative View
Video: Most MYSTERIOUS Disappearances NOBODY Can Explain! 2024, June

On December 12, 1910, socialite Dorothy Arnold went missing in New York. This case is called the most mysterious in the history of the states.

Dorothy Arnold was an American socialite and heiress to a perfume company. On the day of her disappearance, the girl went to the store for a dress for the upcoming party. On the way, she went to a bookstore and met a friend on the street with whom she talked for several minutes.

After that, no one ever saw Dorothy. The family became worried on the second day of their daughter's absence. But my father did not want to contact the police - he was afraid of a bad reputation. Therefore, the couple hired a lawyer. But neither his investigation, nor the appeal to detectives led nowhere. Only six weeks after the disappearance of her daughter, her parents went to the police. But none of the girl's acquaintances knew anything, her lover was perplexed, too, who even began to be suspected of missing Dorothy.

There were several versions of events: murder followed by disposal of the body, suicide, and the fact that the girl could have been kidnapped by her friend. But none of them has ever been confirmed. Searches were carried out until the end of the 1910s. Having spent a total of about $ 100,000 on them by the time of his death, Francis Arnold finally lost faith that his daughter was alive. In his will, he indicated that he considered Dorothy dead and for this reason did not leave her any share of his inheritance. By the way, the police more than once reported that they saw Dorothy in different parts of the United States, but all reports turned out to be false.

The next mysterious incident happened in 2001. American Jason Yolkowski went missing on June 13. On the morning of that day, the man was urgently called to work. He called his friend and asked to pick him up. But he did not appear at the appointed meeting place. The last one to see him was a neighbor - about half an hour before Jason was supposed to meet with a friend, he brought trash cans into the garage. In 2003, Jason's parents - Jim and Kelly Yolkowski - founded a nonprofit fund to help families of missing persons in memory of him.


Maura Murray. The girl disappeared without a trace on February 9, 2004. She took time off from work that day due to the death of a close relative. The 21-year-old student at the University of Massachusetts was forced to leave the city. On the way, she got into an accident - she crashed her car into a tree near the town of Woodsville, in the state of New Hampshire, USA. The driver of a passing car offered to help the girl, but she refused. The man called the police to the scene and left.

The police who arrived at the scene of the accident found literally ten minutes later that the girl had disappeared without a trace. No signs of a struggle were found on the spot, so, according to the official version, Maura left the scene voluntarily. After her disappearance, her parents received a voice message. It contained Maura's sobs. However, what happened to her, they still cannot understand.

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Brian Shaffer. A 27-year-old medical student from Ohio University went missing on April 1, 2006. In the evening he went to a bar, from where he never returned. Inside the young man was seen with two girls. He was drunk. But, judging by the footage from the security cameras, Brian did not leave the bar. This fact confuses investigators. The mystery of the student's disappearance has not been solved to this day.


In 2007, a mysterious incident happened to 55-year-old Barbara Bolick from Corvallis, Montana. On July 18, she, along with her friend Jim Ramaker, who came to visit her from California, went hiking in the mountains. According to a friend of Barbara, he stopped for a minute to enjoy the scenery, and when he turned, the woman was no longer there. At the same time, the man assured that before that Barbara had followed him. The police were perplexed. First, they checked on Barbara's friend, not believing his testimony. But they found nothing. In addition, if the man was involved, he would have invented a much more convincing version than he voiced.


Brandon Swenson, 19, went missing on May 14, 2008. In the evening he returned to his place in Marshall, Minnesota. On the way, the car flew into a ditch. The young man called his parents. When the couple arrived for him, Brandon was not there. By phone, he said that he was trying to get to the nearest city. Suddenly the young man cursed, and the connection was abruptly cut off. No one else saw or heard him.


On December 10, 1999, an 18-year-old UCLA freshman, Michael Negrete, went missing. It is known that he played video games with friends all night long. At four o'clock in the morning, the young man turned off the computer, and in the morning his roommate noticed that Michael was not in bed. The student left, leaving behind his keys and wallet - no one has ever seen him since. In addition, he did not even take his shoes with him - he left barefoot. Policemen with dogs combed all the nearby neighborhoods, but found no trace of the barefoot freshman.


On August 23, 2008, Michael Chiron disappeared. On that day, he went to his farm in Happy Valley, Tennessee. There the man was going to start mowing the lawn. He went to the farm on his ATV. In the morning, 51-year-old Michael was last seen. The ATV was found one and a half kilometers from the farm, but the men were gone. Until now, nothing is known about him.