Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View

Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View
Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View

Video: Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View

Video: Where Will The Heart Rest - Alternative View
Video: HEART AREA 2024, September

Social parasites, still ruling the ball on our planet, are everywhere trying to introduce some wild norms and style of behavior. They are constantly trying to quarrel everyone with everyone, to make people behave like dogs …

The principle of "divide and conquer" at the moment not only dominates the world, it simply triumphs. If you look closely, we are divided not only into parties, social strata, but even our very personalities are torn to pieces. Having lived for many years, I only recently found myself. I would like to give others this rare feeling.

I used to be sure that I can think. But only now, meaningful, meaningful conclusions began to take shape, which you cannot repeat after someone, you have not read somewhere. The world begins to play with new colors, and the whole being responds with a whole range of feelings. Of course, this would hardly have happened if Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov had not revealed to us in his books the universal keys to understanding reality. Many thanks to him for that.

I'll start, as Lieutenant Rzhevsky, from afar. Psychologists periodically conduct trainings on the topic of "controlled conflict". The essence of the event is simple. For the organization to work effectively, so that everything turns and turns, managers are taught to create a lot of manageable conflicts in the team, and subordinates are taught to join this game.

The correct process goes something like this: the head of the department morally "pumps up" and motivates the team leader, and he, in turn, ordinary employees. Such control is now contemptuously called "manual". It requires a lot of effort and ability from the leader. This is how Korolev created cosmonautics in Russia. It was Korolev, not Stalin, and not Khrushchev. People believed him and trusted him with their talents and work. Look, after the doctors healed Sergei Pavlovich to death, astronautics dramatically dropped the pace of development. We are still not far from what Korolev created 50 years ago.

But if a social parasite is forced to control the process in such a mode, then he cannot relax and enjoy. He, as a rule, is not smart, and is deprived of talents, and in general he is lazy. Everyone around him begins to notice this, and he is uncomfortable. Make it so that the system itself works without his efforts. At the same time, shift the responsibility to subordinates, and of course keep an important look.

How can you do to do nothing? After all, the task of a responsible boss is to ignite and unite the team by an effort of will, reason and personal example. To ride someone else's hump, without using your talent and energy, you need to know the “terrible Masonic secret” - human emotions create energy for movement.

You just need to excite them in subordinates and confront opposites, getting a boiling brew. Then all the power of human potentials will not be directed against the would-be leader. She will not create a single powerful upward flow passing through the boss and aimed at achieving a result. Such a flow is a very good phenomenon, but the social parasite is not able to withstand this stress due to its pettiness. This is called making porridge.

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This is how it looks in real life. For example, some Petrov and Ivanov work in the same organization. Their job descriptions explicitly state that one is obliged to control the other. Petrov, if he caught Ivanov, gets an addition to the prize, and if he doesn't catch it, then he loses it. The Ivanov's prize, in turn, the more, the less successfully Petrov worked.

That's all! According to the intention of the cannibals, this is enough. Petrov and Ivanov must puff up with all their might, spin and swear. So much for your energy.

Only in practice it is not so easy to desecrate human relations. Petrov and Ivanov organically do not want to dog each other (contrary to the Western misconception, we are a very friendly and peaceful people). They enter into an official conspiracy: "Don't hurt me, spy on me, but I won't substitute you." Sometimes, they hunt each other, and then they sit together, drink tea and laugh at the boss.

What are you going to do! Wild people - they do not want to work according to the "rules"! Therefore, subordinates are also driven to trainings. There they are trying to explain to them that soon they will not have any salaries at all, that there is no progress, the system should work, so you have to play by the rules and pull each other more often.

About the fact that, in truth, this very movement should not be created by subordinates, but by a large and important leader, is modestly silent. After all, often the head of a modern enterprise or organization built into a parasitic system, in terms of the qualities of a real person, is simply impotent. I personally know many of them. Among them are directors of industrial associations, large firms …

And so that the subordinates do not feel awkward, participating in such controlled conflicts (throwing their talents and feelings into the furnace), they are told that all this is for fun. This, they say, is the game. Personally, they should not suffer from this. They just play roles.

Let's calm down and assess our position. At work, we live most of our lives, rejoice, upset, make efforts, worry. And all this is for fun? Is that possible? Indeed, where we experience strong emotions, cooperate with other people, do good or not very deeds - this is where we really live. This is our life and destiny! Nobody has the right to dispose of it.

This means that psychologists in this case are deceiving us, convincing us to twist our hearts. Why should Petrov and Ivanov cripple their health, life, and fate in strife and confrontation? All this for the sake of the dead! The one who is not able to lead them, but wants to enjoy the benefits of a high chair.

No, so we can't see the fret. You can't work like that. But what about? How not to lose face and never make a deal with your conscience? After all, not many can boast that they are constantly busy with what they love.

I suggest the following: we calm down, weigh everything and try to combine the goal towards which our work activity is directed with our main life position. With rare exceptions, this can be solved without leaving the achieved position.

And so, when you decide for yourself not to live a double life, double morality, double principles, direct all your activities towards achieving the main goal, then a little magic happens. You become a whole person. The moment of truth … For me it was like meeting someone dear after a long separation.

Let me explain with my example how such a return to oneself might look like. We have had our own small business in the field of mechanical engineering for about one and a half years. Of the workers, only ourselves. Income is small, but enough to live on. Meanwhile, a number of directions for the production of promising products of our own design have long matured and are awaiting implementation. After pondering the above fuss with psychologists and their conflicts, I suddenly realized why I am so sluggishly engaged in such promising areas.

The fact is that each such accomplishment is, in a way, a small feat and requires extra efforts. And I'm not ready for a feat just for the sake of wealth! I am not encouraged by this goal. This is not enough.

Thoughtful, is it possible to find higher and more correct motives in this direction? I decided so. The product is not easy. Except me, maybe no one will do it (in terms of development features). This is already a definite responsibility. There is a need for such a product. Opportunities require implementation.

On the other hand, my main current task is to resist the parasitic system that is destroying us, and to help others in this.

Why not develop this direction, ignoring the contacts and financially tempting offers of parasitic structures? Not integrating into them and not allowing yourself to particularly cash in? After all, it is possible, contrary to Western logic, to sell a product not to the one who pays more, but to the one to whom you want to sell, whom you want to support!

You can choose partners and suppliers not just according to the principle where it is cheaper, but also creating at the same time a circle of industrial relations with those people and enterprises who are worthy of support and share our principles! You can take these connections to a new level of real people and real relationships.

But there are other reasons too. Sometimes people, seeing monetary difficulties, wonder: why Levashov does not organize the production of products using new super technologies? That would be the money. And in general, I would have gathered industrialists, enthusiasts, etc.

Excuse me, why should Levashov do everything for us?

So I decided for myself to use the possibilities of developing a new direction for the sake of an elusive, big and bright goal - the revival of elements of a real economy. For us, not for profit. For this, it is not a sin to try.

Okay, my case may not be so obvious. But after all, many of us simply according to our official duties should do good and right things. The doctor really has to heal. The policeman, judge, prosecutor are called upon to protect the weak and restrain the strong. The leader of any link can build human relationships in the structures entrusted to him, it is completely in his power. Historians and archaeologists still need to tell people the truth.

Let's transform.

All this depends only on us, and can bring real happiness. It’s probably time to start making the country the way it was before the parasites took over. That it was not disgusting to live here. You can already stop posing as consumers and sellers, hoping that this is a game. It may not be easy at first, but this is how we will find ourselves …

Alexey Artemiev